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1、Module 7 Unit 2 Grammar-Linking VerbsStep 1.什么是系动词? 观察下列句子,判断划线部分是否是系动词。. The new medicine is effective . / Tom is in the office now.() Gradually he became sile nt.() The dish smells good.() She said she could smell gas when he entered the rom.() Taste it and see if you think here are eno ugh salt i

2、n it .() Although the meal was cold, it tasted delicious.()归纳:连系动词(即系动词)是实义动词的一种,本身有词义,但不能单独作谓语,后 面必须跟表语,构成系表结构,说明主语的,或。表语可以由,,等来充当。Step2连系动词分类1. 状态”类:常见的有:be (是),keep (保持),stay (保持),remain (依然),seem (似乎是), appear (似乎,显得),look(看起来),lie (位于),stand (处于某种状况),prove (证明 是),这类词表示具有或保持某种特征或状态。He is directo

3、r of our departme nt.他是我们部门的主任。The meat willfresh for several days .肉会保鲜好几天的。The storeclosed. Whats the matter?已经是上午十点了,商店仍然关着门,是怎么回事?The chairwoma nvery surprised about the questi on I asked.女主席似乎对我提出的问题感到吃惊。The skyblue on the earth .从地球上看天空似乎是蓝色的。As time went on, his theory(to be) true.随着时间的推移,他的理

4、论证明是正确的。keep, rema in, stay 用法区另 ll keep 保持状态”,后接adj.或介词短语。其后常见:alive, awake, cheerful, silent, fit,clea n, happy 等。In order to, all stude nts go in for sports.为了保持健康,所有学生都参加体育运动。Wed better.我们最好保持联系。 remain “仍然存在状态”,后接adj.、过去分词、名词或介词短语,强调某种状态前 后无变化。The door rema ined.门仍然关着。Peter became abut John rem

5、ained a fisherman彼得当了法官,而约翰依旧是渔民。EX: 1) The theory that he had stuck totrue.A. prove B. proved C. is prov ingD. to prove2). The pilot asked all the passe ngers on board to rema inas the pla ne was makinga landing. A. seat B. seat ing C. seatedD. to be seati ng2. “感官”类:主要指与五种感官有关的动词:look (看起来),sou nd

6、 (听起来),smell (闻起 来),taste (尝起来),feel (摸起来/感到)。The Sydney Opera House just like seashells。悉尼歌剧院看上去就像海贝。The storytrue.这个故事听起来像真实的。The meat you bought last weekterrible. It has gone bad.你上周买的肉难闻极了,它已经臭了。Those oranges on sale good.卖的那些橘子尝起来很好吃。Silksoft.丝绸摸上去很柔软。3. “变化”类:常见的有三组a. turn (变成),grow (变得),get

7、(变成),become (变成),make (变成)b. come (变得),go (变得),c. fall (进入某状态) become, come, go, get, grow, turn 的用法与区另ll1. become和get主要指一个人暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化。另外,become和 get还可用于指天气的变化和社会的趋势。如:become / get /, famous, ill, old, well, deaf, strong 生气,成名,得病,变老,痊愈,变聋,变强get dressed 穿衣月服get changed 换衣月服Its beco ming / gett

8、 ing cold (dark, cloudy, etc).天渐冷了(黑了,多云了等)。Divorce is becom ing / gett ing more comm on.离婚现象越来越常见了。2. go和come表示变化时,前者主要指一种由强到弱或由好到坏的变化,后者则主要指向 好的方面变化。go bald / deaf / crazy / blind /hungry /wrong 发秃 / 变聋 / 发疯 / 变瞎/ 挨饿 /出错The meats gone.肉变坏了。The radios gone wrong.收音机出毛病了。Her wish came.她的愿望实现了。Everyt

9、hing came right. 一切顺利。3. go和turn还可用于人或事物颜色的变化。She went / tur ned blue with cold .她冻得脸色发青了。The rotten meat went / turned.这块腐烂的肉变绿了。4. grow:“渐渐变得起来,长得”。主要表示逐渐变化,强调变化的过程:It began to grow.天色渐渐黑了。The sea is growing calm.大海变得平静起来。The pollution problem is growing.污染问题日见严峻。5. turn指改变特性、本质、状态等。还指到达或超过某一年龄或时间

10、。The milk tur ned sour .牛奶变酸了。So n ext year you will tur n 16.6. become与turn都可以接名词,become后的名词前有冠词,turn后的名词无冠词且常用 单数。He tur nedafter he graduated from a medical college他 从医学院毕业后当了作家。She became a.她成了一名律师。.7. fall进入(某种状态),成为”,后常接以下形容词:asleep, silent, ill, sickfall ill 生病 fall apart 散开 fall silent 沉默The

11、 old men, un able to express himself, fell sile nt.那位老人说不清自己的意思,就不做声了。My fatherand died.我的父亲生病死了。 固定搭配:(请填入适当的系动词)silent保持安静still站着不动mad 发疯hungry 挨饿asleep 入睡awake 醒着,睡不着 ill生病 true实现,变成现实Ex : Happy birthday, Alice! So you havetwenty-one already.A. become B. t urnedC. grownD. passed三使用连系动词注意事项1. 所有连系

12、动词几乎都不用于被动语态中,也很少用于进行时态中。一 Do you like the material?你喜欢这块布料吗?、Yes, it feels soft.是的,它摸上去很柔软。He is feeli ng eve n worse today .他今天感觉更糟了。1)delicious, the food was soon sold out.A. Tasted B. Being tastedC. Tast ingD. To taste2. 能否与时间段连用的问题判断:在下列正确的句子后画 V,错误的句子后画x。He has become a teacher for 2 years.()

13、He has been a teacher for 2 years. ( ) He has turned writer since 3 years ago.()He has been a write since 3 years ago. ( ) It is two years since he turned writer.()3. 连系动词也可跟不定式to do / to be。常见的有rema in, seem,appear,prove等。Having a trip abroad is certa inly good for the old couple, but it rema ins t

14、o be see n whether they will enjoy it.去国外旅游对这对老夫妇来说当然好,但是还是得看他们是否喜欢。On the long journey, Peter proved (to be ) a most interesting guide, we all had a won derful time.在这次长途旅行中,彼得证明是一个非常有趣的导游。我们都玩得很尽兴。Multiple choice:1. What you have said.A. is sounded interestingB. sounds interestingC. sound interest

15、edD. listens interested2. Happy birthday, Alice! So you havetwe nty-one already.A. becomeB. tur nedC. grow nD. passed3. He tur nedten years ago but later he became.A. a teacher; a doctor B. teacher; doctor C. teacher; a doctor D. a teacher; doctor4. The doglost yesterday.A. gotB. becameC. tur nedD. fall5. The old man must havemad.A. goneB. tur nedC. falle nD. drive n6. Howthe song she sings soun ds! I have n evera better voice.A. beautifully, soundedC. sweet,


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