On the Symbolism in The Great Gats

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1、了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义On the Symbolism in The Great GatsbyAbstract: The novel The Great Gatsby was written by Francis. Scott. Fitzgerald. In the novel, he portrayed characters and stressed the theme from a new point of view, by unique narrative techniques as well as appliance of images and symbols. So to som

2、e extent, he is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century in American literature. The novel reveals Gatsbys pursuit and disillusion of American Dream through the symbols of the color, main characters names and the name of places. The thesis will focus on the symbolism in The Great Gatsby; the

3、purpose is to let readers understand his novels and the age which he lived in. Key words: The Great Gatsby; symbolism; American Dream; 摘 要: 了不起的盖茨比是由弗兰西斯司各特菲茨杰拉德所写的一篇小说。在其作品了不起的盖茨比中,他不仅采用全新的视角,独特的叙述技巧, 而且运用大量的意向和象征主义书法来刻画人物、突出主题、统一结构。所以从某种程度上来说,可以认为他是20世纪美国文坛上最杰出的小说家之一。本文围绕颜色、主人公名字、地名等中心象征,分别从不同的方面表

4、现了盖茨比对“美国梦”的追求, 并揭示了“美国梦”的虚幻及其对人们灵魂的腐蚀。这篇论文将研究象征主义在了不起的盖茨比中的意义。目的是为了让更多的读者了解他的小说和他生活的时代。关键词:了不起的盖茨比;象征主义;美国梦;ContentsI. Introduction of the Author and the Novel The Great Gatsby1 A. Introduction of the author and his works.1B. Introduction of the novel The Great Gatsby.2II. Usage of Symbols in The G

5、reat Gatsby.4A. Some concepts about symbolism.4B. Different symbols in The Great Gatsby.5 1. Symbolic theme in the American Dream.52. Symbols about colors.83 Symbols about characters and their names.104. Other symbols in The Great Gatsby. .11III. Conclusion.12Works Cited14On the Symbolism in The Gre

6、at GatsbyI. Introduction of the Author and the Novel The Great GatsbyA. Introduction of the author and his works Francis Scott Fitzgerald is famous for novels and short stories in Jazz Age. He is mainly remembered as the spokesman and laureate of the Jazz Age and flaming youth. His life exhibits the

7、 failure of the American Dream. “The famous poet and critic Aerate said that The Great Gatsby took a great progress in American novels since Henry James.”(Donaldson 283) Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul Minnesota on September 24, 1896. The son of a failed wicker furniture salesman and an Irish immigr

8、ant with a large inheritance, Fitzgerald grew up in a solidly Catholic and up-middle class environment. During the 1920s, he is a prominent novelist in the American literature, owned the title of the spokesman of the Jazz Age and the laurel of poet. Fitzgerald wrote the first novel The Side of Parad

9、ise. It is not really very good because juvenile, but is historically interesting. It became immensely popular for the simple reason that it caught the tone of the age. Essentially autobiographical, the book describes Fitzgeralds sense of failure with his academic performance and the frustration of

10、his dreams at Princeton. It portrays at the same time a generation, his generation, feeling frustrated with life in which all gods are dead, all wars are fought, all faith in man in shaken (Chang 214-215).On the strength of his one successful book, Fitzgerald won the expensive prize of Zelda, and be

11、gan, in a sense, his onerous life of making money to support her. This affected his writing tremendously. The people who like Fitzgerald stormed into New York as the pattern of youth, wealth, and beauty and became the admiration of all who met them. In the early twenties, Fitzgerald wrote two collec

12、tion: Flappers and Philosophers which glittered with the image of the people who like Fitzgerald as the symbol of an American ideal (the word “flapper,” used to describe the new woman of the woman of the postwar period, became widespread henceforward), and Tales of the Jazz Age which, like Mark Twai

13、ns The Gilded Age, gave its name to an important historical period in the history of the country. The 1920s, or “the Jazz age,” was, in the words of Malcolm Cowley, “not so much a historical period as a legend of glitter, of recklessness, and of talent in such profusion that it was sown broadcast li

14、ke wild oats.” It was a legend of “Americans adolescence before pain set in.” Fitzgerald became “the angel of the twenties” and his writings those of a man inside that legendary period. In 1922 Fitzgerald finished his second novel, The Beautiful and the Damned. The silhouette of Fitzgerald as the tr

15、agic hero of the period, first seen in This Side of Paradise, became more definable here. And then his masterpiece The Great Gatsby is appeared in his mind. After this Fitzgerald wrote one more important book, Tender is Night, and some collections of short stories such All the Sad Young Men and Taps at Reveille. His last novel The Last Tycoon has not fi


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