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1、第三部分词汇与语法1. Write to me whe n you get home. OK, IA. must到家后给我写信。好的,我会的。can2. Tom is so talkative. I我肯定你很快就会讨厌他。A. ofon3. I don k nowA. what4.B. shouldC. willD.m sure you l soon get tiredB. withC. athim.汤姆那么爱讲话,D.to deal with such matter.B. how我不知道如何处理这类问题。C. whichD.is your girl friend like?She is ve

2、ry kind and good-look ing.-A. HowB. What你女朋友是怎样的一个人? 她很善良,也很漂亮。C. WhichD.Who5. Hedrivi ng me home, even though I told him I lived n earby.他我住在附近,他仍执意开车送我回家。B. i nsisted at尽管我告诉A. in sisted onC. in sistedthatD.in sisted in6. Wecame fin ally the con clusi on that我们最终得出的结论是她一直以来都在撒谎。A. ofB. i ntoshe ha

3、s bee n tell ingliesallthe time.at7. I won make themistake n ext time.C. toD.A. likeB. same8. Helives in the house where he was born.下次我不会犯同样的错误了。C. n earD. similar.他仍然住在他出生的那间房子里。everA. alreadyB. yetC. stillD.9. I am not used to speak ingpublic.我不习惯于当众演讲。B. atC. on10. I did nk now what to do, but t

4、he n an idea sudde nly做什么,但突然间我有了一个主意。A. appearedB. happenedemerged11. Measles ( 麻疹)A. spendD. takesA. into me.C. occurred12. A pair of spectaclesA. isD. to我不知道该D.a long time to get over.B.spends麻疹要很长时间才能好。C. takewhat I n eed at the mome nt.B. are此刻我需要的是一副眼镜。D. have13. Do you want to wait?-Five days

5、too long for me to wait.A. wasB. wereC. has你想等一等吗?等五天对我来说太长了。C. isD.are14. You had betterA. see inga doctor as soon as possible.B. saw你最好尽快去看医生。C. seeD.see n15. The boy is not happy at the new school. He hasfriends there.这个男孩在新学校里不开心,因为他在那儿几乎没有朋友。B. a fewA. fewC. littleD. a little16. I fell and hurt

6、 myself while I 篮球的时候摔伤了。basketball yesterday.昨天我在打A. was play ingB. am play ingC. playD.played17. Tom 说。more tha n twenty pounds on the no vel.汤姆花了 20多镑买了这本小B. paidA. spenttook18. Don forgetthe window before leaving the room.A. to have closedB. to closeC. costD.出门前别忘了关窗户。C. havi ng closedD. closi n

7、g19. Twenty people were 了重伤。A. quicklywoun ded in the air crash.B. wron gly20C. bitterly人在这次飞机失事中受D.seriously20. The top of the Great Wall isfor five horses to go side by side.长城上面宽到足以能让五匹马并行。A. wideB. so wideC. wide eno ughD.eno ugh wide21. We e missed the last bus. Im afraid we have nobut to take

8、a taxi.我们已经错过了最后一班公共汽车,恐怕我们除了打车之外别无选择了。A. wayD. selectio nB. choiceC. possibility22. Nancy is con sidered to be希和班上其他同学一样聪明。A. less in tellige ntB. the most in tellige ntwell23. It the other stude nts in her class.大家认为南C.in tellige ntasD. as in tellige nt as that he was wron g.很明显,是他错了。A. clearlyB.

9、clarityD. cleari ng24. Therea book and some magaz ines on the desk.B. beC. clearA. is桌子上有一本书和几本杂志。C. haveD.has25. She is not only my classmate 我的好朋友。also my good friend.她不仅是我同学,还是A. orB.butC.andD. too26. He asked the waiterthe bill.他向服务员要账单。A. onB.ofC.forD.after27. you are leavi ng tomorrow, we can

10、have dinner together toni ght.既然你明天要走,那我们今晚一起吃饭。A. Si neeB. WhileC.ForD. Beforeforce me to study.只要你不强迫我28. I would like to do the jobyou don学习,我愿意做这项工作。A. in caseB. althoughC. thoughD. as long as我没出过的29. The reas on I did not go abroad wasa job in my home tow n.原因是我在家乡找到了一份工作。A. becauseB. due toD.

11、because of gett ing30. she survived the accide nt is miracle.A. WhatB. ThatWhich31. I ofte n seethe road on his way home.马路。A. he crossB. him crossC. that I got她在这起事故中幸存,真是个奇迹。C.AsD.我经常看见他在回家的路上穿过那条C. him crossedD. he cross ing.自从他父亲去世,他的母亲一直独C. has lived那些工人在忙着为展会32. His motheralone since his fathe

12、r died.自生活。A. livedB. livesD. is livi ng33. The workers are busymodels for the exhibiti on.做模型。A. to makeB. with mak ingC. being mak ingD.mak ing34. It was well known that Thomas Edis onthe electric lamp.众所周知,托马斯?爱迪生发明了电灯。A. discoveredB. inven tedC. foundD. developed35. She won derswill happe n to h

13、er private life in the future.她不知道未来在她私人生活中会发生什么事。D.温度越高,液体蒸发得A. thatB. itC. thiswhat36. The higher the temperature,the liquid evaporates.越快。A. the fasterB. the more fastC. the slowerD. the more slower37. Australia is one of the few countries people drive on the left of the road.澳大利亚是少数几个沿左侧开车的国家之一。C. wherego to work.星期天是人们通常不C. i n whichD.正如你所知,大卫最近身体很好。C. WhatD.你学习越努力,学到的东西越多。C. the moreD. much他们比别人早到一小时。C. more earlyA. whichB. thatD. on which38. Sun day is the daypeople usually don上班的日子。A. whe nB. whichthat



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