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1、第三部分词汇与语法1. Write to me when you get home. -到家后给我写信。OK, I _ -好的,我会的。A. mustB. shouldC. willD. can2. Tom is so talkative. Im sure youll soon get tired _ him. 汤姆那么爱讲话,我肯定你很快就会讨厌他。A. ofB. withC. atD. on3. I dont know _ to deal with such matter. 我不知道如何处理这类问题。A. whatB. howC. whichD. /4. _ is your girl fr

2、iend like? -你女朋友是怎样的一个人? She is very kind and good-looking. -她很善良,也很漂亮。A. HowB. WhatC. WhichD. Who5. He _ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.尽管我告诉他我住在附近,他仍执意开车送我回家。A. insisted onB. insisted atC. insisted that D. insisted in6. We came finally _ the conclusion that she has been tel

3、ling lies all the time.我们最终得出的结论是她一直以来都在撒谎。A. ofB. intoC. toD. at7. I wont make the _ mistake next time. 下次我不会犯同样的错误了。A. likeB. sameC. nearD. similar8. He _ lives in the house where he was born. 他仍然住在他出生的那间房子里。A. alreadyB. yetC. stillD. ever9. I am not used to speaking _ public. 我不习惯于当众演讲。A. inB. at

4、C. onD. to10. I didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _ to me.我不知道该做什么,但突然间我有了一个主意。A. appearedB. happenedC. occurredD. emerged11. Measles (麻疹) _ a long time to get over. 麻疹要很长时间才能好。A. spendB. spendsC. takeD. takes12. A pair of spectacles _ what I need at the moment. 此刻我需要的是一副眼镜。A. isB. ar

5、eC. hasD. have13. Do you want to wait? -你想等一等吗?Five days _ too long for me to wait. -等五天对我来说太长了。A. wasB. wereC. isD. are / 14. You had better _ a doctor as soon as possible. 你最好尽快去看医生。A. seeingB. sawC. seeD. seen15. The boy is not happy at the new school. He has _ friends there.这个男孩在新学校里不开心,因为他在那儿几乎

6、没有朋友。A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little16. I fell and hurt myself while I _ basketball yesterday.昨天我在打篮球的时候摔伤了。A. was playingB. am playingC. playD. played17. Tom _ more than twenty pounds on the novel. 汤姆花了20多镑买了这本小说。A. spentB. paidC. costD. took18. Dont forget _ the window before leaving the room.

7、出门前别忘了关窗户。A. to have closedB. to closeC. having closedD. closing19. Twenty people were _ wounded in the air crash. 20人在这次飞机失事中受了重伤。A. quicklyB. wronglyC. bitterlyD. seriously20. The top of the Great Wall is _ for five horses to go side by side.长城上面宽到足以能让五匹马并行。A. wideB. so wideC. wide enoughD. enough

8、 wide21. Weve missed the last bus. Im afraid we have no _ but to take a taxi.我们已经错过了最后一班公共汽车,恐怕我们除了打车之外别无选择了。A. wayB. choiceC. possibilityD. selection22. Nancy is considered to be _ the other students in her class.大家认为南希和班上其他同学一样聪明。A. less intelligent B. the most intelligentC. intelligent as wellD.

9、as intelligent as23. Its _ that he was wrong. 很明显,是他错了。A. clearlyB. clarityC. clearD. clearing24. There _ a book and some magazines on the desk. 桌子上有一本书和几本杂志。A. isB. beC. haveD. has25. She is not only my classmate _ also my good friend. 她不仅是我同学,还是我的好朋友。A. orB. butC. andD. too26. He asked the waiter

10、_ the bill. 他向服务员要账单。A. onB. ofC. forD. after27. _ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.既然你明天要走,那我们今晚一起吃饭。A. SinceB. WhileC.ForD. Before28. I would like to do the job _ you dont force me to study.只要你不强迫我学习,我愿意做这项工作。A. in caseB. althoughC. thoughD. as long as29. The reason I

11、did not go abroad was _ a job in my home town.我没出过的原因是我在家乡找到了一份工作。A. becauseB. due toC. that I gotD. because of getting30. _ she survived the accident is miracle. 她在这起事故中幸存,真是个奇迹。A. WhatB. ThatC.AsD. Which31. I often see _ the road on his way home. 我经常看见他在回家的路上穿过那条马路。A. he crossB. him crossC. him cr

12、ossedD. he crossing.32. His mother _ alone since his father died. 自从他父亲去世,他的母亲一直独自生活。A. livedB. livesC. has livedD. is living33. The workers are busy _ models for the exhibition. 那些工人在忙着为展会做模型。A. to makeB. with makingC. being makingD. making34. It was well known that Thomas Edison _ the electric lam

13、p. 众所周知,托马斯爱迪生发明了电灯。A. discoveredB. inventedC. foundD. developed35. She wonders _ will happen to her private life in the future.她不知道未来在她私人生活中会发生什么事。A. thatB. itC. thisD. what36. The higher the temperature, _ the liquid evaporates. 温度越高,液体蒸发得越快。A. the fasterB. the more fastC. the slowerD. the more slower37. Australia is one of the few countries _ people drive on the left of the road.澳大利亚是少数几个沿左侧开车的国家之一。A. whichB. thatC. whereD. on which38. Sunday is the d



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