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1、北京语言大学22春英语语法综合作业二答案参考1. 根据上下文填入适当的内容完成译文 The law holds that the individual is responsible for his acts.The根据上下文填入适当的内容完成译文The law holds that the individual is responsible for his acts.The law also indicates what is good and right,and what may and should be done.It also indicates what is evil and wr

2、ong, and should not and may not be done.The law further holds that what is evil and wrong is a crime and may not be done,and if done,renders the doer liable to punishment.法律_人人应对自己的行为承担责任,_,规范了人们的行为准则;法律还认为,作孽枉法即是犯罪,法不可恕,_。规定$分清善良和正义$谁要以身试法,必将受到严惩2. I first met Tom 10 years ago. He _ in a radio fact

3、ory at that time.A.had workedB.has workedC.was workingD.has been working参考答案:C3. John was a suitable child to take into their home.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A4. 【C13】AbooksBshowsCauthorsDawards【C13】AbooksBshowsCauthorsDawards正确答案:B5. You have been drinking at least ten cups.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A6. The Thorpes hav

4、e been built more than half of the house now.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7. This piece of fish smelled badly.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A8. Such a sudden turn in the road is too difficult for the new driver, isn&39;t it? _. He&39;sSuch a sudden turn in the road is too difficult for the new driver, isnt it?_. Hes dealt wi

5、th all kinds of troublesome situations before.A) No, it isnt.B) Yes, it is.C) No, he isnt.D) Yes, he is.A此题含义为:这样一个突然的转弯对他这样的新手来说是不是很难?不,不是这样的。他以前应付过各种各样麻烦的情况呢。答语中要否定前一句的意思,只能用否定回答。所以A正确。9. The rates quoted by us are very moderateOf course, the premium varies with the range of insurance.The rates qu

6、oted by us are very moderateOf course, the premium varies with the range of insurance.我们所收取的费率是很有限的,当然,保险费用要根据投保范围的大小而有所不同。10. They have_their shoes.Aworn awayBworn offCworn outDworn downThey have_their shoes.Aworn awayBworn offCworn outDworn down正确答案:C11. operating system 英译中operating system 英译中参考答

7、案操作系统12. What is the difference between Liner and Tramp?What is the difference between Liner and Tramp?A liner is a vessel with regular sailing routs and stated timetable between specific ports.Contrarily,a tramp is a freight-carrying vessel which has no regular route or schedule of sailings but tra

8、ding in all parts of the world in search of cargo, primarily bulk shipments.13. I _ so busily recently that I _ no time to help you with your math. That&39;s OK. I can manage it by myself.A.have been working/haveB.have worked/hadC.am working/will haveD.had been working/had had参考答案:A14. Early yesterd

9、ay, an accident was occurred on Xuezhe Road.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A15. As the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen thAs the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen this week,much of the talk,as usual,i

10、s on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.But theres another issue that needs to be addressed-one that is crucial for reaching an overall agreement,but doesnt get nearly as much attention.That issue is adaptation.十几年来最重要的环境会议本周即将在哥本哈根召开,和以往一样,讨论大多集中在温室气体的减排上。然而,还有另一个问题急需解决这个问题对能否达成一个整体协议至关重要,但尚未引起人们足够的

11、关注。这就是适应机制问题。这则新闻采用了英语新闻语言的表达习惯,使用复合句。译者通过对原文的理解,将adaptation译为“适应机制问题”,使译文便于理解。16. In case you _ a 20 days&39; holiday, what would you do?A.hadB.haveC.have hadD.would have参考答案:A17. Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B18. I have bought the same dress which she i

12、s wearing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A19. 5月4日,高三年级一班和二班之间将进行一次有关环保问题的演讲比赛(a speech contest on environm5月4日,高三年级一班和二班之间将进行一次有关环保问题的演讲比赛(a speech contest on environment protection)。此前,二班邀请清华大学的DrLi作相关内容的报告。假如你是二班的班长,请你草拟一个有关报告会的口头通知。 写作要点:口头通知应包括表22中的全部要点,词数100个左右。正确答案:Boys and girlsrn May I have your attention

13、 please?rn As you know our class will have a speech contest on environment protection with Class One on May 4th. Before it takes place we will invite Dr. Li from Tsinghua University to give us a talk on the environment problem and he will also tell us the improvement in environment protection in rec

14、ent years in Beijing.rn The talk will begin at 2:00 p. m. on Wednesday April 30th in the auditorium on the third floor in the classroom building. Im sure we can get enough information from his talk to make good preparations for the coming speech contest. After the talk we will have a discussion. Eve

15、ryone should be there on time.rn Thats all. Thank you.Boysandgirls,MayIhaveyourattention,please?Asyouknow,ourclasswillhaveaspeechcontestonenvironmentprotectionwithClassOneonMay4th.Beforeittakesplace,wewillinviteDr.LifromTsinghuaUniversitytogiveusatalkontheenvironmentproblemandhewillalsotellustheimprovementinenvironmentprotectioninrecentyearsinBeijing.Thetalkwillbeginat2:00p.m.,onWednesday,



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