小学英语试题Happy English

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《小学英语试题Happy English》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语试题Happy English(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小学英语试题Happy EnglishHappy English(马上就要等级考试了,一定要加油呀!) Class_ Grade_等级_ 一、补充句子,并抄写一遍,看谁写得好,之抄写英语句子)1.-When do you_? 你什么时候晨练? _. -I usually _. 我通常在7:30晨练。 _.2.-When do you _? 你什么时候有英语课? _. - I usually _ at 9:00 in the morning.我通常在早上9:00有英语课。_3.-What do you do _?周末你都干什么?_.-I often _.Sometimes I _.我经常探望外祖

2、父母,有时弹钢琴。_4.-_ do you like _? 你最喜欢哪个季节?_ -I like _ best. Its always _. 我最喜欢秋天。天气总是晴朗且凉爽的。_5.-Whats your _? 你最喜欢哪个季节? _ -My_ season is _. 我最喜欢春天。_.6. -What would you _ to do? 你喜欢干什么? _ -Id like to _我喜欢堆雪人和滑冰。_7.-_ do you like _?你为什么喜欢冬天?_ -Because I can _,_and _因为我可以在雪地里玩,滑冰和睡很长一段时间。_8.-What _ Zips _

3、 season? 松鼠最喜欢的季节是什么? _ -Summer/ Zips favourite season is _. 松鼠最喜欢的季节是夏天。 _9.-When is your _? 你的生日是什么时候? _ -My _ is in _.我的生日在十月。_10.-Is your _ in_,too? 你的生日也在二月么? _ -Yes,it is.No,it isnt. It is _. 是的,它是/不,它在五月。 _11.-When is Uncle Bills birthday? 贝尔叔叔的生日在什么时候? _ -Its in September./His birthday is in

4、 September.它在九月。 _12.-When is Aunt Alices birthday? 艾利斯阿姨的生日在什么时候? _-_ birthday is in June./Its in June. 她的生日在六月。 _13.-_ has a birthday in _?/Whose birthday is in November? -Me. 谁的生日在十一月。 _14.-Whats the _?什么日期?_ -Its March 12th.三月十二。_15.-Is her birthday_? 她的生日在七月么? _ -Yes,it is./No,it isnt.是的它是/不,它不

5、是。_16.-_she/he _?她/他有一台电脑?_ -No,she/he doesnt. 不,她/他没有。_17.-What are you _? 你正在干什么?_ -Im talking to you我正在和你说话。_18.-Do you want to _ the Childrens Center?你想去儿童活动中心么? -Sure._19.-What is your grandpa doing? 你的爷爷正在干什么? -Hes _.他正在写信。_ -What is Grandpa doing?(没有修饰词)爷爷正在干什么? _ 20.-Hows everybody doing? 每个

6、人都好么?_ -Just fine. 都好。_21.-What about the baby _ ?What is it/she/he doing?象宝宝呢?它/他/她正在干?_-Its running ./She/Hes. 它/他/她正在。_ 22.-What are they doing? 他们/它们/她们正在干什么?_ -Theyre _. 他们正在吸水。_23.-What are the tigers doing? 老虎正在干什么?_ -Theyre _. 他们正在游泳。_24.- -I often _ _ _.(发电子邮件)Zhang Peng often_ _ _.(发电子邮件)-Is your sister_ _ _?(发电子邮件) -I _am_ _ _ _.(发电子邮件) -Grandpa_is_ _ _ _.(发电子邮件)二、连词成句。1. has,who,birthday,October, a, in?_.2.a, you, there,for, call,is_



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