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1、小学二年级上册英语unit5教学反思小学二年级上册英语unit5教学反思。This is my family 这课的内容是集功能型与交际型于一体的交际训练课。在这节课中,我采用多样化的教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习,形成初步用英语进展简单日常交际的才能。本节课的重点就是让孩子们掌握grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin这几个家庭成员的名称。因为在第五课里面已经初步学习了father,mother,brother,sister这几个关于家庭成员的单词,所以在新授时,我通过提问“Who is he/she ?”先对已学

2、的单词进展复习,从而引出新的知识,并对其进展学习。单词的学习比拟枯燥,为了让孩子们积极有效的学好这些词汇,在教学的过程中,我采用了多种游戏的方式来进展学习稳固。如:High voice and low voice/ Quick response/Train,train,go学完之后,我又设计了各种游戏让孩子们对这些家庭成员的单词加深记忆,如:Look and say/Who is missing?/Guess game/Lets chant.在学习课文对话的时候,我采用分组分角色读及齐读等方式来进展学习,在最后,我还让孩子们利用自己的照片把家庭成员介绍给大家,让孩子们在学习的根底上还会灵敏运用

3、新知。但由于准备工作还不够充分,没让所有的孩子都准备好家庭成员的照片,以致这个重要环节流于形势,并没有落到实处。总的来说,这节课孩子们对新词汇的掌握程度较好,但是,在利用新知进展口语交际这方面还非常薄弱,在今后的课堂上还得注意多让孩子们开口说,在生活中活用英语。【以下为赠送相关文档】教案扩展阅读小学英语二年级上册Unit2教学设计教案内容:Unit 2 Whats your father教学目的:1、能听懂Whats your ?并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes2、能正确使用Whats your ?Hes/Shes a,语音语调正确。3、能听懂、会说、初步认读a doctor, a nurs

4、e, a worter和a cook发音正确。4、会说歌谣What is she ?教学重点:目的1、2教学准备:图片教学时间:三课时第一课时一、warm up1. greetingT: Good morning.Hello, * This is *.How are you?2. listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. put it down.二、presentationT: Now, boys and girls, look, what is this? This is Helens family photo. Look, what i

5、s Helens father ? 引导学生答复Hes a doctor.Ss read one by one一teach: nurse, worker, cook(1)老师出示图片自问自答:look, guess who is she?S: mother. (给予学生适当的奖励)T: Yes. This is my mother。T show the card nurse领读几遍,注意ur 的发音。Ss read :nurse一小组传卡片挨个读; 一组一组读,T: look, this is my brother. 出示句型卡片This is my 学生跟读遍。T: Who can foll

6、ow me ?introduce your brother. 然后引出句型Hes a worker. 学生手指着照片练说。(2)老师指着自己父亲的照片问:This is my father. Is he a worker?S: No.(假设学生能说出cook,那么给予奖励)T: He is a cook. 出示卡片cook ,领读。Ss read: doctor, doctor, hes a doctor./nurse, nurse, shes a nurse./worker, worker, hes a worker/cook, cook, hes a cook.三、consolidatio

7、nLet chant it.学生一面拍手一面说上面四句话。反复进展操练。第二课时一、warm up1: greetingT: Good morning.Hello, nice to meet you. How are you?2: listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. put it down.二、presentation1. T: now, please introduce your father. 老师手指黑板上的句型Whats your father? Hes a让学生明白用此句型说。生手指照片练说:Whats your fathe

8、r? Hes a doctor.2. T: Now, look at this picture, is this a doctor?S: No.T: Yes, this is a nurse. Now, please read after me: nurse, nurse, shes a nurse. Then read it one by one.3. T: now, lets play a game. OK? please do an action, and you guess this is a doctoror a nurse?请小朋友上来模拟医生或护士的一个动作,但不能说话,其他小朋

9、友猜猜他模拟的是doctor or nurse?4. 老师指着黑板说:T: look, this is me. (做手势,让学生理解me 的意思)Ss follow me: This is me. 卡片出示,让学生指照片说:This is me.T: I am a teacher. 手指板书。Teacher, teacher, Im ateacher. 多领读几遍now, please work in pairs, this is my father, hes a doctor, this is my mother, shes a nurse. This is me, Im a teacher

10、. 同桌小朋友互相介绍。5. 抽几组小朋友说6. 在学生介绍的根底上,进一步练说worker和cook7. 复习黑板上的句子。8. have a rest: sing a song : the finger family 带上手指套(8)T:一生带上手指套,快速给其他学生看,让小朋友们猜。(注意教育小朋友不要将手指套乱丢)三、consolidation1. T: Take it out, put them on your head. Work in groups .Ss introuduce, 抽几个小组表演。第三课时一、warm up1. greetingT: Good morning.He

11、llo,how are you,today?2. listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. put it down.二、presentation(1) T: Boys and girls, look, what is this? This is Helens family photo. Look, what is Helens father? 学生答复Hes a doctor.(2) T: Now, look, whos she? (ShesHelens mother) Whats her mother? ( Shes a teacher)

12、(3) please answer my questions: Whats your father?先指明声音响亮的好同学说,然后一个挨一个说,最后小组练说(4)Work in groups三、consolidationLook at CSay a rhymeWhat is she?peter, peter, who is she?Shes my sister nice, and neat.peter, peter, what is she?Shes a student, like you and me.牛津小学六年级上册英语unit5教学设计一、教学目的知识目的1.能听懂.会说.会读和会拼:

13、 blackboard bookcase music puter sometimes near songbook2.能听懂.会说.会读: our classroom watch TV lots of3.能听懂.会说.会读和会写句型: There is/are .in/on/near.才能目的1.能用There be句型介绍某一场所。2.进步学生的阅读才能。情感目的让学生理解贫困地区的教室等,珍惜我们所拥有的生活。二、教学重难点1.能听懂.会说.会读和会拼: blackboard bookcase music puter sometimes near songbook2.能听懂.会说.会读: o

14、ur classroom watch TV lots of3.能听懂.会说.会读和会写句型: There is/are .in/on/near.4.能用自己的话介绍某一场所。三、教学方法直观 情景四、教学工具ppT五、教学过程Step1 Warm-up1.Greetings2.Free talkT:Whats your job? T: Whats my job?T:Do you want to know more about me?引出brightStep 2 presentation1. T:Whats in my study?以书房图为中心,讲授生词near,lots of, someti

15、mes, songbook.2. 总结There be3. Have a rest 引出句型Whats in the classroomStep 3 practiceWhats in the classroom?There is/are.Step 4 presentation1.Watch a cartoon and answer questions2.跟录音读课文Step5 practice Read in rolesStep 6 Consolidation1.To be a guide2.show some picturesStep 7 Homework1. Read the passage fluently.2. Introduce your bedroom to your classmates.新起点小学二年级英语上册Unit2教学设计教学目的1.用本课所学的的六个形容词,描绘人物的外貌特征。2.才能目的用6个形容词描绘家人,朋友的外貌。3.情感目的增加学生学习英语的乐趣教学重点学



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