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1、Book III Unit 9 Health Lesson 34 Keeping Fit and Healthy (The Second Period: Reading) 说课稿 各位老师,大家好!我是来自,今天我说课的内容是,阅读课Keeping Fit and Healthy。我将从学情分析,教材分析,教法学法分析,教学过程设计,板书设计和教学效果预测等6个板块来谈谈我对这堂课的认识和设计。Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,Its a great honor for me to be here to share my teaching

2、 ideas with you. I am Bao Jinhua, from Xiaoshan NO.4 Vocational School. The lesson Id like to present is Lesson 34 Keeping Fit and healthy, a reading period of Unit 9 Health. Im going to talk about it in six parts. That is, Analysis on Learners, Analysis on Teaching Material, Teaching Aids and Metho

3、ds, Teaching Procedures, Writings on the Blackboard and Forecast of Teaching Effect.Part1 学情分析本教学设计实施的教学对象是外贸专业高二学生。(一)有利因素:1、学生基础相对较好;2、他们对社会和新知有着极大的好奇感;3、本课时以健康为主题,内容涉及健身、运动、减肥等,恰好迎合了男生喜爱运动和女生爱美的心理特点。(二)不利因素:1、英语基础良莠不齐,两极分化严重;2、阅读兴趣薄弱,技巧欠缺;3、自主学习能力缺乏。在教学中引起了高度重视,教师采取相应措施对其进行有效的调节与监控。Part 1 Analysi

4、s on LearnersThe students I am teaching major in Foreign Trade. They have something in common. Firstly, as their major is Foreign Trade, they are of relatively good English proficiency. Secondly, they are curious about fashionable things and society. For example, they like cartoon very much. Thirdly

5、, as teenagers, they love beauty and exercise. The topic “Health” which includes fitness, excises and losing weight meet their interest. These characteristics enable them to take an active part in class activities. On the other hand, their English levels appear serious polarization. They are not ver

6、y interested in reading but also lack of reading skills. Besides, they have little ability in self-learning. So Ill have to design the lesson with full consideration of my students current situation. Above all, Ill try my best to make the students enjoy the happiness of learning English.Part2 教材分析(一

7、)教学内容本教材是中等职业教育英语(浙江人民出版社2005年8月版)第三册第九单元,中心话题是“健康”。具体涉及疾病、食品健康、饮食、锻炼等。目的是引导学生关注自己的身体健康、饮食健康、生病就医,多做运动。(二)教材的地位和作用第34课是以阅读材料的形式,告诉学生要重视健康问题、平时要养成健康的生活方式、多进行定期的健身与运动。健康这一话题,贴近生活实际。阅读课在整个单元的教学中扮演相当重要的角色,因而设计分两个课时来教学。第一课时侧重的是阅读,重点是把握文章大意;第二课时侧重分析语言点、巩固课文内容并讲解习题。本课时是针对第一课时设计的。Part 2 Analysis on Teaching

8、 MaterialI The content of the materialThis book, issued by Zhejiang Peoples Publishing House, is a textbook for secondary vocational school. The lesson I am going to teach is Lesson 34, Unit 9, Book3.The main topic is Health. It talks about illness, food protection, diet, exercise and so on. II The

9、status of the material Lesson 34 is a reading passage about Keeping Fit and Healthy. It is close to our real life. Reading plays an important part in English learning, so I divide the lesson into two periods. In the first period, we will focus on reading and catching the main idea of the passage. Wh

10、ile in the second period, we will deal with the language points of the text, and consolidate it with the help of some exercises. This design aims at the first period. (三)教学目标根据中等职业学校英语教学大纲的要求,结合学情分析、教材分析,特制定以下三维教学目标:1、知识与能力目标:1)掌握重点词汇muscle, concerned, slim, hurry, fitness, maintain, join, pool和词组ke

11、ep fit, do exercises, put on weight, fitness center, hurry off;把握文意,掌握保持身体健康的各种方法。2)训练学生的快速阅读能力,即通过找关键词、句及研究文章的首尾句的方式来获得文章的主要内容的能力。3)运用知识设计健身计划,提高学生英语的实际应用能力。2、情感、态度与价值观目标:提高学生学习兴趣,培养合作精神和互助精神;能在多种英语学习情景中体验用英语交流的成功与喜悦;通过争做最美天使,使学生更加热爱生活、关爱他人。 3、过程与方法目标:1)通过动画演示,激发学习兴趣,导入新课;2)通过小组合作,设计健身建议书,实现学以致用;3)

12、通过开设作业超市,促使学生自主学习。III Teaching ObjectivesAccording to The Teaching Program of Vocational School syllabus and my understanding of the teaching material and my students, I set the following teaching objectives:1.Knowledge and Ability Objectives1)Master new words: muscle, concerned, slim, hurry, fitnes

13、s, maintain, join, pool and phrases: keep fit, do exercises, put on weight, fitness center, hurry off;Hold the meaning of the text and grasp various kinds of ways of keeping fit. 2)Train the students ability in fast reading. That is to say, to catch the main idea by looking for key words/sentences,

14、the first and the last sentences etc.3)Design a fitness plan with the knowledge for the sake of improving the students ability for practicaluseofEnglish. 2.The Process and the Method Objectives1)Enjoy videos in order to arouse the students interest of learning and lead to the new lesson;2)Design a f

15、itness plan in groups meets practical needs;3)Open homework supermarket to inspire the students autonomous learning. 3、Emotion,AttitudeandValue Objectives1) Inspire and arouse the students interest of learning; Experience the happiness and success of using English in a variety of English learning si

16、tuation;2) Cultivate the students spirit of cooperation and mutual spirit;3) Participate the activity of acting as an angel to make the students love life and love others.(四)教学重难点在仔细研究教材和学生的基础上,结合以上分析,我认为本课教学重点是:提高学生英语学习的兴趣及其快速阅读课文的技巧。(解决方法)为了突出此重点,教师用视频导入、明星健身、争创美丽天使等活动来激发学生兴趣。阅读技巧的训练上,教师先引导学生运用找关键词、研究文



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