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1、六年级下学期英语质量调查试题(时间:60分钟)一. Read and choose(看图选择正确的单词)( )1. A. Turkey B .turkey ( ) 2. A. fan B .van ( )3. A. china B .China ( ) 4. A. pants B .ant ( )5. A .dolly B. polly 二、Read and write (根据图片写出短语的过去式)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.三、Read and write (按要求写出下列单词的正确形式)1. tooth (复数) _ 2.sing (名词) _ 3.big(

2、比较级) _ 4. short(反义词)_5. am (过去式) _ 6. study (过去式) _7. do (过去式) _ 8. buy (过去式) _ 9. heavy(比较级)_ 10. thin (比较级)_四、Read and complete the sentences(根据句意将句子补充完整) 1. Youre 140 cm tall . Im 150 cm . Im _ than you . 2 . Youre ten . Im thirteen . Im _ than you . 3 . The elephant is _ than the mouse .4. Theyr

3、e tall and fat, theyre _(strong) than me.5. Tom sits behind John , so John is _ than Tom .五、选择适当的词填空。(选词填空)1. Mike looks _. He is going on a big trip.2.Sarah looks _because she failed the math test.3.Mary is _. She has a new yellow dress.4.Father is very _ after a day of hard work.5.Peter is _. He l

4、ost his pen and he cant write now.六Make the sentences(连词成句)1. you did do what yesterday2. grandparents visited I my weekend last 3. cleaned I the last room Sunday 4. is what matter the 5. America I to went plane by 七、Fill the blanks(动词填空)1. I often _ (clean) the room on the weekend. But last weekend

5、 I _(watch) TV.2. Mike _(go) hiking last weekend.3. What _ Liu Yun _ (do) last night?4. She _(go) to the park every week.5. Look! The monkeys _(swing). 八、Choose the right answer(根据问句选答语)( )1. What did you do yesterday? A. He went to Beijing.( )2. Did you listen to music? B.I went hiking with my pare

6、nts.( )3. Where did your father go last weekend? C. Im studying English.( )4. What are you doing ? D.I help my mother and read books.( )5. What do you do on Sundays? E. No ,I didnt. I watched TV.九、Read and answer(阅读短文,回答问题)My name is Li Hua . Last Sunday , my parents and I went to the zoo in the mor

7、ning . We bought a new camera(照相机)in the supermarket . When we got to the zoo . I saw many animals . First , we saw some monkeys . They climbed the hills and played happily . How lovely they were ! I took photos of the monkeys . In the zoo , there were also tigers , giraffes ,bears , snakes and so o

8、n . At last ,we watched the goats show . In the afternoon , I helped my mother clean the rooms . Then I washed my clothes . In the evening , I watched TV and did my homework . We had a good time last Sunday .( ) 1 . When did they go to the zoo ? A . Last Sunday . B . Last year . C .Yesterday . ( ) 2

9、 . What show did they watch in the zoo ? A . Monkeys show B . Tigers show . C . Goats show ( ) 3 . How many people went to the zoo in their family ? A . Two. B . Three. C . Four.( ) 4 . What did Li Hua do in the evening ? A . Washed clothes B . Went to the zoo . C .Watched TV .( ) 5 . What did they

10、buy in the supermarket ? A . A book . B . A camera C . Clothes . 十、writing(作文)上周末你在家都做了哪些家务劳动?进行了哪些有趣的活动呢?请以“Last Weekend”为题,将你的周末活动写下来。(不少于五句话)。 Last Weekend六年级下学期英语质量调查试题参考答案一、Read and choose(看图选择正确的单词,10分, 每小题2分)答案:1-5 BAAAA二、Read and write (根据图片写出过去式的短语,10分,每小题1分)答案:1. read a book 2. Went to a p

11、ark 3. went fishing 4. went hiking 5. washed the clothes 6.went swimming 7. cleaned the room 8. played football 9. had a headache 10. planted the trees 三、Read and write (按要求写出下列单词的正确形式,10分,每小题1分)答案:1. teeth 2. singer 3. bigger 4.tall/ long 5. was 6. studied 7. did 8. bought 9. heavier 10. thinner四、R

12、ead and complete the sentences(根据提示将句子补充完整, 10分,每小题2分)答案:1. taller 2. older 3. bigger 4. stronger 5. shorter 五、选择适当的词填空。(选词填空,10分 ,每小题2分)答案:1.excited 2. sad 3. happy 4. tired 5. angry 六Make the sentences(连词成句,10分,每小题2分)答案:1. What did you do yesterday?2. I visited my grandparents last weekend.3. I cleaned the room last Sunday.4. Whats the matter?5. I went to America by plane.七、Fill the blanks(动词填空,10分 ,每小题2分,)答案:1. clean, watched 2. went 3. did , do 4. goes 5. are swinging八、Choose the right answer(根据问句选答语,10分,每小题2分)答案:1-5 B E A C D九、阅读短文,回答问题:每小题2分答案:1-5. ACBCB十、writing(作文,10分)答案:略 / 文档可自由编辑打印


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