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1、高考英语读后续写情节模板句式框架讲解练习(误会类)一、情节模板第一段:误解澄清1)误解的加剧:被误会方追上误会方,准备解释真相。2)解释与澄清:被误会方解释原因。如果续写第一句就是“sb explain”,那么直接进入这一句可以增加动作细节,如:他是急切地还是平静地解释,他的面部表情是怎样的,可以增强情节的真实感3)确认与感激(常见三种):误会方检查物品后确认一切安好,并对被误会方表示感谢。误会方不好意思,并对被误会方道歉误会方感到后悔(眼睛含着泪水),并对被误会方道歉 当误会方意识到自己误会了被误会方时,可以描述她的内疚、感激,甚至是她想要弥补的愿望。4)无声的离开:在误会方想给予金钱时,被


3、。二、误解加剧句式框架1.误会开始【句式】As/when person watched person/persons behaviors from a distance, he/she began to feel emotion, suspecting persons intentions.(1)emotion用形容词(2)from a distance根据具体语境决定要不要加(3)时态取决于上下文语境(4)词汇替换:suspecting可以替换为wondering(5)信息替换:intentions可以替换为“描述误会内容的句子”(看例句)(6)句式替换:可以替换为“watching per

4、son from a distance, he/she started to feel emotion, suspecting persons intentions”(7)升级句式:looking from place, person feel emotion as person do sth【例句】(1)当她从远处观察那位陌生人时,她开始感到不安,怀疑他的意图。As/when she watched the stranger from a distance, she began to feel uneasy, suspecting his intentions.(3)当他远远地看着她的行为时

5、,他开始感到好奇,怀疑她的目的。As/when he watched her behaviors from a distance, he began to feel curious, suspecting her intentions.(4)当她从窗户看到那个男孩在街上徘徊时,她开始感到紧张,疑问他为什么在那儿。As/when she watched the boy wandering on the street from a distance, she began to feel nervous, suspecting his reasons for being there.(5)当他从他的

6、办公室看到同事匆忙离开时,他开始感到好奇,怀疑有什么事情发生。As/when he watched his colleague rushing out from a distance, he began to feel curious, suspecting that something had happened.【翻译练习】1.当她在公司走廊上从远处看到他和另一个女同事说话时,她开始感到嫉妒,怀疑他们之间的关系。2.当他在图书馆里远远地看到她拒绝了一个男生的帮助时,他开始感到疑惑,怀疑她是不是高傲。3.当她在咖啡店外面看到他和一个陌生人交换东西时,她开始感到疑心,怀疑他在做什么秘密交易。4.

7、当他在商场观察她不满地试穿不同的衣服时,他开始感到失望,怀疑她是不是太挑剔。5.当她在车站看到他急忙离开时,她开始感到不安,怀疑他是否有事瞒着她。6.当他在聚会上看到她和另一个男人笑着说话时,他开始感到忌妒,怀疑他们的关系是否超出了普通朋友。7.当她在办公室看到他拒绝了一个项目时,她开始感到困惑,怀疑他是否适合这份工作。8.当他在健身房看到她拒绝了一个人的建议时,他开始感到好奇,怀疑她是否对健身有足够的认知。【答案】1.As/when she watched him talking with another female colleague from the corridor of the c

8、ompany, she began to feel jealous, suspecting their relationship.2.As/when he watched her rejecting help from a guy from a distance in the library, he began to feel confused, suspecting she might be arrogant.3.As/when she watched him exchanging something with a stranger from outside the coffee shop,

9、 she began to feel suspicious, suspecting he was making a secret deal.4.As/when he watched her trying on different clothes discontentedly from the mall, he began to feel disappointed, suspecting she might be too picky.5.As/when she watched him leaving in a hurry from the station, she began to feel u

10、neasy, suspecting he might be hiding something from her.6.As/when he watched her talking and laughing with another man from the party, he began to feel jealous, suspecting their relationship went beyond friendship.7.As/when she watched him turning down a project from the office, she began to feel co

11、nfused, suspecting his suitability for the job.9.As/when he watched her rejecting someones advice from the gym, he began to feel curious, suspecting her knowledge about fitness.2.解释与澄清【句式】Person calmly explained that he/she was actually action or intention, and that his/her actions were misinterpret

12、ed / he/she was misunderstood becasue of actions.(1)时态:action or intention要结合具体时态选择动词(2)词汇:misinterpret 错误解读(3)词汇替换:calmly可以替换为其它词,比如angrily, in agitation【例句】1.服务员平静地解释说,他其实是在检查他们是否还需要别的东西,并且他频繁地走向餐桌被误解了。- The waiter calmly explained that he was actually checking if they needed anything else, and th

13、at he was misunderstood because of his frequent visits to the table.2.萨拉平静地解释说,她其实是在等她的朋友,并且她独自站在办公室外被误解了。- Sarah calmly explained that she was actually waiting for her friend, and that her standing alone outside the office was misinterpreted.3.教练平静地解释说,他其实是在给出建设性的反馈,并且他严厉的语气被误解了。- The coach calmly

14、explained that he was actually giving constructive feedback, and that his stern tone was misinterpreted.4.马克平静地解释说,他其实是在寻找他丢失的手机,并且他在橱柜里翻找被误解了。-Mark calmly explained that he was actually trying to find his lost phone, and that he was misunderstood becasue of his rummaging through the cabinets.5.艺术家平

15、静地解释说,她其实是在沉思下一幅画的风景,并且她静静地凝视窗外被误解了。- The artist calmly explained that she was actually contemplating the landscape for her next painting, and that her silent gazing out the window was misinterpreted.【翻译练习】1.Tom平静地解释说,他其实是在检查窗户是否关闭,并且他在办公室里来回走动因此被误解了。2.Sarah平静地解释说,她其实是在找她的手机,并且她在图书馆里焦急的样子因此被误解了。3.Michael平静地解释说,他其


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