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1、深圳八年级下英语期末复习(三)第六单元词汇句型复习一.词汇1. respondv 回答,回应 respond to =reply to =answer2. complaintn.投诉,抱怨 vcomplain抱怨 complain about sth 3.cause v.造成,引起=make sth happen n.起因4.reason n.原因,理由 adj. reasonable 有理的5. cute adj. 可爱的= lovely6. responsibility n. 责任,义务=duty,obligation adj.responsible 有责任的,有义务的 be respon

2、sible for=be in charge of=take in charge of 对负责7.feed fed, fedv.喂养=give food to 8. faithfullyadv.忠实地,忠诚地 adj. faithful 忠实的,忠诚的 n. faith 信念,信仰9.noisen.噪音 adj.吵闹的noisy 区别:noise,sound,voice10.nearly adv.几乎,差不多 =almost adj.近的,亲密的11.strangeadj.奇怪的 n. stranger陌生人mon adj.常见的,通常的 =usual=normal in common共同点,

3、共同之处 adv. commonly常见地13.choice n.选择,抉择 V. choose, chose, chosen选择14. lie 躺,位于 lay-lain-lying lie撒谎 lied-lied-lying lay放置,下蛋 laid-laid-laying15.scare v.使害怕 adj. scared感到害怕的=frightened16.believe v.相信believe in 信任 n. belief信任,信仰二短语与句型1.until的用法1)用在肯定句中时,主句的动词是持续性的,表示一个动作持续发生直到另一个动作发生为止。I waited at the

4、bus stop until my friend arrived.2)用在否定句中时,主句的动词是短暂性的,表示一个动作一直都没有发生,直到另一个动作发生才开始。I didnt leave the bus stop until my friend arrived.2.care for 照顾,照料=look after/take care of3.have no choice but to do sth 除了别无选择4.keep of from (doing) sth 阻止做某事=stop/preventfrom doing sth 三语法 (方式副词,表示动词的行为方式,多以形容词+ly结尾.

5、)1.连系动词 (表语可以是形容词,但不可以是副词.)连系动词分为:1)be动词: is, am, are, was, were, be2)感官动词:sound, look, smell, taste, feel3)表示“变化”意义的动词: become, get, turn, grow, fall, go, come, run.4)表示“保持”意义的动词:keep,stay5)表示“好像”意义的动词:seem, appear2.方式副词的构成。(1)大多数方式副词都是由: adj + lyeg: quietquietly, polite-politely(2) 字尾是辅音字母加y,去掉y,

6、改为 ily eg: happy - happily,lucky - luckily (3) 字尾是 le - 去掉 e 加y eg: terrible - terribly,comfortable - comfortably(4) 字尾是 ll ,只加 y:eg: full - fully(5) 形容词和方式副词同形: eg: early, late, fast, hard,straight(6) 不规则变化: good-well3.副词等级的不规则变化: much/ many-more- mostlittle-less- leastwell-better- bestbadly-worse-

7、 worstfar-farther- farthestfurther-furthest第六单元复习题一单选题。1. People in different countries behave when they eat dinner.A. politely B. differently C. healthily D. quietly 2. Though he has studied at Russian for ten months, he can still speak the language. A. hard, hard B. hardly, hardly C. hard, hardly

8、D. hardly, hard3. It is nice of you to say so. A. truly B. true C. really D. real4. - Which of the twins sings ?- They are neck and neck, I think. A. well B. better C. best D. the best5. They all looked at the teacher when he told them the good news. A. sadly B. happily C. carefully D. angrily6. Whe

9、re would you like to go on vacation?- Id love to go . A. somewhere relaxing B. anywhere relaxed C. somewhere relaxed D. everywhere relaxing7. Which do you like , apples or oranges? A. best B. good C. well D. better8.You are standing too near to the TV. Can you move a bit ? -OK, Mum. Is it all right

10、here? A. faster B. slower C. farther D. nearer9. Will you please drive ? The train is leaving soon. A. quick B. faster C. slowly D. more slowly10. Can you understand me? -Sorry, I can understand what you have said. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. easily11. Mary runs of all the girls in her school a

11、nd she won the 100-metre race last month. A. fastest B. slowest C. nearest D. highest12. Dont worry. She can look after your pet . A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully13. We are glad to see our hometown is developing these years than ever before. A. less quickly B. more quickly C. most quickly 14. This maths problem is and I can do it . A. easy; easily B. easily; easily C. easy; easy D. easily; easy15. Wang Ping does in physics of all the subjects. A. badly B. most badly C. worse D. worst16. Of all the



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