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1、英国文学(1)-古英语文艺复兴Chapter I An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature & The Renaissance PeriodI. 古英语(文学)Old EnglishAnglo-Saxon, language spoken by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes 449 (the Anglo-Saxon Invasion) -1066 (the Norman Conquest)Beowulf- the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons (最高成就)Ang

2、lo-Saxon ChronicleII. 中世纪英语(文学) Medieval (Middle) EnglishWith the three languages intermingling, Old English developed into Middle English 1066 - middle 14th century1. Romancethe most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England(封建英国最流行的文学形式,取材于贵族,为贵族而作)2. 民间流行文学 Piers the Plowman by William Lang

3、land (written version)the Ballads (oral form)(英国民间文学最重要的一个分支)3. 乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer -the father of English poetry (wisdom, humor, humanity) The Canterbury Tales-the first time to use “heroic couplet” 英雄双韵体诗4. 文学术语-Alliteration;Epic; Romance; BalladIII. 文艺复兴The Renaissance - A rebirth or revival of ar

4、t, literature and science between 14th and mid 17th centuries in Europe; An intellectual movement; started in Italy1. Series of historical events:1). rediscovery of ancient Roman & Greek culture2). the religious reformation & economic expansion3).the appearance of the Authorized Version of the Engli

5、sh Bible (the King James Bible) 2. Humanism人文主义- the essence (keynote, great spirit) of the Renaissance, the dignity of human being & the importance of the present lifeBest representatives: Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare3. The Elizabethan drama: the real mainstream of the Engl

6、ish RenaissanceMost famous dramatists: William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben JohnsonEdmund Spenser斯宾塞 - the poets poet诗人中的诗人, The Faerie Queene quality: 1) a perfect melody 2)a rare sense of beauty 3)a splendid imagination4)a lofty(高尚的) moral purity and seriousness 5)a dedicated idealism6) w

7、ritten in Spenserian Stanza ( 8 iambic pentameter lines followed by a ninth line of six iambic feet with the rhyme scheme ababbcbcc)Major Characters:Arthur - who possess 12 virtues Gloriana the Fairy QueenChristopher Marlowe “University Wits”, the pioneer of English dramaMarlowes achievement:1) blan

8、k verse无韵诗歌It is Marlowe who brought vitality(活力) and grandeur(伟大) into the blank verse with his “mighty lines,” which carry strong emotions.2) his creation of the Renaissance hero for English drama.(not strong in dramatic construction.) the pioneer of English drama3 tragedies: Dr. Faustus the human

9、 passion for knowledge, power and happiness Tamburlaine a play about an ambitious and pitiless overpowering king.The Jew of Malta non-drama The Passionate Shepherd to His Love pastoral life,one of the most beautiful lyricsREADING: 1. excerpt from Dr. FaustusA play based on the German legend Content:

10、 Faustus is a scholar who has a strong desire to acquire knowledge. By conjuration(念咒文召唤) he call up Mephistophilis, the Devils servant. He make a bond(契约) to sell his soul to the Devil in return for 24 years of life in which Mephistophilis to give him everything he desires. Devils name is Lucifer.D

11、ominant moral is human rather than religious2. The Passionate Shepherd to His Lovethis short poem is considered to be one of the most beautiful lyrics in English literature.The shepherd enjoys an ideal country life, cherishing a pastoral and pure affection for his love. Strong emotion is conveyed th

12、rough the beauty of nature.William Shakespeare playwright & poet (above all writers in the past and in the present time)1. historical plays: Henry , Richard Richard , Henry , Henry , King John 2. Comedies: Four great comedies-A Midsummer Nights Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night, As You Li

13、ke It(皆大欢喜)3. Tragedy:Four great tragedies- Hamlet, Othello, King Lear & Macbethromantic tragedy- Romeo and Juliet. To praise the faithfulness of love and the spirit of pursuing happiness. 4. tragicomedies:The TempestAchievement: A. exploring the characterss inner mind. soliloquy or monologue - full

14、y reveal the inner conflict of the characters contrasts bring vividness to the charactersB. adroit plot constructionC. Irony is a good means of dramatic presentation. Disguise is an important device to create dramatic irony.D. the language. A great master of the English language, a large vocabulary

15、in his work: commanded a vocabulary larger than any other English writers and used about 16000 words. Many of his coinages and expressions have become everyday usage in English life. Shakespeare and the Authorized Version of the English Bible (in 1611, James I) are the 2 great treasuries of the English language.READING: 1. Sonnet 18 Sonnet 18 eternal or immortal(不朽的) beauty, have a faith in the permanence of poetry.A nice summers day is usually transient(短暂的), but the beauty in poetry can last for ever.2.excerpt from The Merch



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