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1、人教版高一英语知识点精选整合5篇 人教版高一英语知识点1一. 直接引语和间接引语(一)直接引述别人的原话,叫做直接引语;用自己话转述别人的话,叫做间接引语。间接引语一般构成宾语从句。直接引语必须放在引号内,间接引语则不用引号。直接引语改为间接引语时,除将引语部分变成宾语从句外,还必须对直接引语中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等进行改变。1. 时态的变化:直接引语变为间接引语时,通常受转述动词said, asked等的影响而使用过去化的时态,即把原来的时态向过去推,也就是一般现在时变为一般过去时,现在进行时变为过去进行时,等等。例如:Tom said to me,“My brothe

2、r is doing his homework.”Tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.2. 人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等等的变化: 根据意义进行相应的变化,例如:She asked Jack,“Where have you been?”She asked Jack where he had been.He said,“These books are mine.”He said that those books were his.(二)直接引语改为间接引语时,都使用陈述语序,但是因为原句的句式不同,所以变成间接

3、引语时所用的连词会有所不同。直接引语如果是一般疑问句,用连接词whether或if;如果是特殊疑问句,则用疑问词引导间接引语。转述的动词一般用asked,可以在其后加上一个间接宾语me, him, her, us等。如:She said,“Is your father at home?”She asked me if/whether my father was at home.“What do you do every Sunday?”My friend asked me.My friend asked me what I did every Sunday.直接引语如果是祈使句,改为间接引语时

4、,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据原句的语气(即请求或命令)加上ask, tell, order等动词,如果祈使句为否定式,则在不定式前加not。其句型为:ask / tell / order someone (not) to do something. 例如:She said to us,“Please sit down.”She asked us to sit down.He said to him,“Go away!”He ordered him to go away.He said, “Dont make so much noise, boys.”He to

5、ld the boys not to make so much noise.人教版高一英语知识点21.right away毫不迟疑,立刻2.It seemed as if the world was at an end.世界似乎到了末日。从句表示“(在某人)看来好像;似乎” It seems/looks/appears as if/though看起来好像 Sb./Sth.looks as if/though There seems/appears(to be)There appears to have been a mistake.2.in ruins.变为废墟3.Two-thirds4.Wo

6、rkers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.5.under the weight of在重压下,迫于6.in the open air在户外,在野外,露天7.take turns to do sth依次,轮流做某事in turn依次地,轮流地8.be shocked at对感到震惊9.be proud of以为自豪10.express ones thanks to sb/for sth对/因表示感谢11.without warning毫无预兆12.next to紧接着,相邻,次于13.get away fr

7、om避免,摆脱,离开14.disaster-hit areas灾区15.Listening to English is a very important skill because it is only when we understand what is said to us that we can have a conversation with somebody.听英语是一项很重要的技能,因为只有当我们懂得别人给我们说什么我们才能与他交谈。16.It is believed that人们认为17.hold up举起;托住;支撑列举,推举18.make up弥补,虚构,整理,和解,化妆,拼

8、凑19.be trapped in被困于20.It is said that据说.21.be fixed to被固定到22.be tied to被绑在人教版高一英语知识点3一、一般过去将来时1.概念:立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来,常用于宾语从句中。2.时间状语:The next day (morning, year),the following month(week),etc.3.基本结构:主语+was/were +going to + do+其它;主语+would/should + do+其它4.否定形式:主语+was/were+not + going to + do; 主语+would

9、/should + not + do.5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;would/should 提到句首。6.例句:He said he would go to Beijing the next day.他说他第二天要去北京。I asked who was going there.我问,谁要去那里。二、 现在进行时1.概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。2.时间状语:Now, at this time, days, etc. look. listen3.基本结构:主语+be +doing +其它4.否定形式:主语+be +not +doing+其它5.一般疑问句:把be动词

10、放于句首。6.例句:How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?He is doing well in his lessons.在课上他表现得很好。人教版高一英语知识点4Unit 2 English around the world1. because of 因为 (注意和because 的区别)2. even if (= even thoug)即使,用来引导让步状语从句3. come up 走上前来,走近,发生,出现 come up with 追上,赶上,提出4. communicate with sb 和某人交流5. be different from 与不同be

11、different in 在方面不同Most of my projects are different in performance.我多数作品的演奏风格都不同。6. be based on 以为基础7. at present 目前,眼下 for the present眼前;暂时8. make (good/better/full)use of9. the latter后者 the former 前者10. a large number of 大量的 the number of 的数量11. such as 例如12. hold on 坚持住,握住不放;(打电话时)等会13. you will

12、hear the difference in the way(that/ in which) people speak.你会听出人们在说话时的差异。14. play a role/ part (in) 在中担任角色;在中起作用;扮演一个角色15. the same as 与一样16. at the top of在顶上at the bottom of 在底部17. bring up 教养,养育;提出18. request sb (not) to do sth. 要求某人做/不要做某事19. be satisfied with对感到满意,满足于20. suggest v. (request,ins

13、ist)I suggested you do what he says. 我建议你按照他说的去做。I suggest you not go tomorrow. 我想你明天还是不要去了。His pale face suggested that he was in bad health. 他苍白的脸色暗示了他身体不好。注意:insist 意思为“坚持要求”时后面的that从句用虚拟语气;如果insist 意为“强调,坚持认为”的时候,从句可以用任何所需要的时态。例如:She insisted that she didnt tell a lie.她坚持认为她没撒谎。21. according to.

14、 按照 根据人教版高一英语重点知识点精选整合5篇人教版高一英语知识点5【现在进行时】1. 表示现在 (说话瞬间) 正在进行或发生的动作。例句 He is reading a newspaper now.2. 表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 (说话时动作不一定正在进行)。例句 What are you doing these days?3. 表示说话人现在对主语的行为表示赞叹或厌恶等, 常与always, constantly, continually等副词连用。例句 He is always thinking of others.4. 表示在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。常限于go, come, leave, start, arrive等表“移动”、“方向”的词。例句 He is coming to see me next week.【过去进行时】1. 表示过去某时正在进行的动作。例句 He was sleeping when Mary came to see him.2. 动词go, come, leave, arrive, start等的过去进行时常表过去将来时。例句 She said she was goin



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