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1、大学英语第二教学部 2011级全新版大学英语(二)(期末考试)口语话题、题型、时间、形式和范围说明一、考试的题型与考试时间:1)考试题型有小组讨论和个人词组造句和翻译共两部分; 2)小组讨论部分是:对评委给定的话题进行小组讨论;个人词组造句和翻译部分为4个词组造句和2句中译英翻译;3)小组讨论部分的考试时间为:三人组2分15秒; 四人组3分钟;五人组3分45秒;6人组4分30秒。4)个人词组造句和翻译部分的考试时间: 4个词组造句和2句中译英翻译考试时间共为36秒;二、考试的形式:1)下沙校区主要以四人小组为主,特殊情况下可以设三人小组或五人小组;2)本部校区主要以四人、六人小组为主,特殊情况

2、下可以设三人小组或五人小组;3)首先小组讨论考试,然后进行个人部分也就是词组造句和句子中译英翻译考试;注:若学校和学院对考试形式做调整,会另行通知!三、考试范围:1. Single Work 1) Translation范围:Book 2, Unit1Unit6, Text A课后习题中的翻译练习。2) Phrases sentence making范围:Book 2, Unit1Unit6, Text A和Text B生词表中的短语。 2. Group Work 1) Do you think creativity is important to college students? How

3、can college students foster creativity? (U1)2) What do you know about different approaches to learning in China and the West? Are some approaches superior to others? (U1)3) If you should become a millionaire one day, would you still live a simple life? (U2)4) What do you think is the most important

4、thing in life? Health, wealth or whatever? (U2)5) Is there generation gap between you and your parents? Why and what can be done to bridge the generation gap? (U3)6) What do you think are the positive and the negative effects of a virtual life? (U4)7) Do you think the Internet will isolate you from the real world? (U4)8) Dreaming and hard work, which is more important to a persons success? Why? (U5)9) Talk about the social status of women in your part of the country. (U6)10) Do you think it is worthwhile to spend a lot of time and effort learning English? Why or why not? (U7))


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