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1、译林牛津英语8B Unit 6 单元知识检测一、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1. If you have a( 机会)to go, take it.2. Do you know the saying, “Practice makes( 完美的).”3. She went to Beijingwith the (目的)of learning from the teachers there.4. He is here in body, but not in(精神).5. Shall I( 记录)what he says?6. It s too ( 危险的)for the kids to play

2、 in the street.7. The poor man had two major _( 手术)in two weeks.8. It s mnts to study hard.9. I m e rom him soon.10. She s the c yball team.11. She lost a lot of b in the accide nt.12. After a brief ( 介绍)by the chairman, the meeting began.13. Mr. Black has a big family to( 供养).14. We should know peo

3、ple from different( 背景).at least twice a week.15. The boys do basketball t、翻译下列短语。1. 伸出援助之手2.一个老年人 3.尽可能快4.生来具有5. 根据 6.听说7.参加8. 导致9.和相似10.由组成11.献血12付酬劳13.例如1_4,用这种方式#15.不再三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We should try our best to help the(able) people.lively.2. As an(experienee) teacher, he always has ways to make

4、his class3. Mr. King s son has come to China for(far) study.4. The old men do exercises every day to improve their(fit).5. The gover nment should do someth ing to help those(home) people.6. Fun d-rais ing events are(mea ning) to orga ni ze.7. It s(help) to learn English well.8. It s (sadness)for poo

5、r children that they can t go to school.9. I don t think it is easy (finish) the work in one hour.10. (walk)on the moon is harder than on the earth.四、单项选择。( ) 1. is wrong to copy other students homework.A. This B. That C. It D. There( )2. It is bad for your eyes computer games too much.A. plays B. t

6、o play C. play D. to playing( )3. go to the theatre together with me? Good idea.A. How about B. Why do you C. Why not D. What about( )4. Simon lived in Beijing the years 2002-2004 A. during B. between C inD. at( )5. Although he was a child, he tried to find ways people lifemore.B. help ; enjoyA. to

7、help ; enjoyC. to help ; enjoyingD. help ; enjoying( )6. How many members are there on the team?m not quite sure.Eight this term. But there will be ten next term. IA. at all B. at last C. at least D. at once( )7. What do you think of tomorrow s football match? difficult for us the match.A. Were; to

8、winB. We re; winningC. I t s; to winD. It s; winning( )8. Harry Potter is an book for children, but my cousin doesn t seem atall in it.A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interestedC. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting( )9. Is your brother a League member? Yes, he the League t

9、hree years ago. He a League member for three yearsA. joined; has beenB. has joined; has beenC. was joined; isD. joined; was( )10. Ia newspaper the telephone rang last night.A. read; whileB. was reading; whenC. read; whenD. was reading; while( ) 11. I have two e-friends. One is from the USA, is from

10、the UK.A. the otherB. otherC. othersD. another( )12. We are happy to have our _ holiday, because seven days a long timeto have a picnic.A. seven-days, isB. seven-day, isC. seven-day, areD. seven-day s, are( )1 3.We ll stay at the school for five months.A. anotherB. at leastC. overD. A,B and C( )1 4.

11、It s _ here?_ for students to le arn English well.Which word can t be usedA. usefulB. importantC. necessaryD. impossible( )15.The moon shone brightly in the window.A. out B. out of C. through D. within( )16.We can put two words together to create new words. Which one of the following cannot be put t

12、ogether with“ life ”?A. time B. wild C. style D. happy( )17. where is Amy?I saw her computer games in the computer room just now.A. play B. played C. to play D. playing( )1 8.Don t speak a loud voice in class.A. at B. with C. in D. to use( )19.Can you somebody outside the window?A. hear B. listenC.

13、hear about D. heard( )20.Do you know?A. where the singers fromB. where do the singers come fromC. where the singers are fromD. where are the singers from( )21. All of us found _ hard to work out the maths problem.A. thatB. it sC. how D. it( )2 2. I m thinking about it. It s a good chance about worki

14、ngtogether.A. joining, to learnB. joining, learnC. to join, learn D. to join, to learn( )2 3. It s wise you a map and a mobile phone.A. for, to takeB. of, to takeC. for, taking D. of, taking( )24. It s meaningful for everyone to the Tree -planting club.A. joinB. join in C. taking part in D. take part( )2 5. It s hard to keep the house with three kids.A. clea nB. clea ning C. to clea n D. clea ned()26.Whe n I passed the n ext room, I heard some one. But before that Ihad n ever heard anyone.A. sing, sing B. singing, to singC. singing, sing D. sing, singing()27.do they don ate money to s


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