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1、省市柯岩5月九年级英语调研试卷一、 听力局部25分 1-5题为每题1分,6-15为每题2分第二节,听较长对话,答复下列问题10分 6. What are they going to do ?A. To play volleyball. To have a swim. C. To have a walk. 7. When are they going to meet? A. At 10:30 B. At 10:00 C. At 9:30听第二段对话,答复第8-10三小题。 8. How long has the man been ill?A. One day. B. Two days C. Th

2、ree days. 9. Whats the mans trouble?A. He cant fall asleep at night.B. He doesnt get enough exercise.C. He coughs much at night. 10. What did the doctor tell the man to do ?A. To visit the doctor often. B. To go to bed at the same time. C. To drink more tea at night.第三节,听对话,答复下列问题。10分 11. Where did

3、the accident happen ?A. On Highway 5. B. On Highway 17 C. On Highway 77. 12. What is the news about ?A. A traffic accident. B. The weather . C. A school bus. 13. What happened to the school bus?A. It was burnt. It was hit by a truck C. It didnt work. 14. How many people died?A. No people . B. Fiftee

4、n. C. Sixteen. 15. What caused(引起) the accident?A. Some students. B. A careless driver . C. Bad weather. 二、单项选择。此题有10小题,每题1分,共10分 16. It is _film I told you last night. Ive never seen _better one before. A. a / a B. the / a C. a / the D. the / the 17. You didnt watch the fashion show last night, did

5、 you? _.but I missed the beginning.A. Yes, I did. B. No, I didnt C. Yes, I didnt D. No, I did 18. The book belongs to _. It isnt a book of _.A. Millies, mine B. Millies, our C. Millie, mine D. Millie, our 19. Does John know any other language _ French?A. except B. but C. besides D. beside 20. If you

6、 go to see the man in hospital , so _he.A. did B. do C. will D. could 21. What did your father ask you? He asked me _.A. who I was chatting with B. where I am with my friendsC. when would I go home D. if I have finished my homework 22. of the population in our country _ farmers.A. Two-third, are B.

7、Two-thirds, is C. Two-thirds, are D. second-three, are 23. You look _. Yes. Ive just returned from the _ holiday Ive ever had. A. well; best B. healthy; wonderful C.well, good D. better, well 24. -Where did you go last week?-I went to Jims hometown and visited the house _he was born in.A. that B. wh

8、ere C. who D. whose 25. Could you help me carry the heavy box? _. A. with pleasure B. its my pleasure C. not at all D. Thats all right三、完形填空共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分Once upon a time, there was a group of forest deer. In this group was a clever and respected _26_ , He taught the ways and strategies of _27_ t

9、o the young deer.One day, his younger sister brought her son to him, to be taught _28_ is important for deer. She said, “Oh brother teacher, this is my son. Please _29_ him the ways and strategies of deer. The teacher said to the young deer, “ Very well , you can come at this time tomorrow for your_

10、30_lesson. , At first , the young deer came to the lessons as he was _31_ to. But sooner, he became more interested in playing with the other young deer . He didnt realizehow _32_ itwould be for a deer who learned _33_but playing. So he started not having classes. Soon he was playing hooky(逃课) all t

11、he time. _34_ , one day the young deer who played hooky _35_ in a snare(陷阱) and was caught . As he was missing, his mother _36_ all the time. She went to her brother -the teacher- and asked him, “My dear brother, how is my son? Have you taught _37_ the tricks and strategies of deer?The teacher repli

12、ed, “My dear sister, your son was disobedient (不顺从的)and unteachable. Out of respect for you, I tried my best to teach him. _38_he did not want to learn the tricks and strategies of deer. He played hooky! How could l _39_ teach him?Later they heard the _40_ news. The naughty young deer who played hoo

13、ky had been killed by a hunter . He cut him up and took the meat home to his family.( )26. A. leader( )27. A. living( )28. A. that( )29. A. learn( )30. A. first( )31. A. saved( )32. A. interesting( )33. A. nothing( )34. A. Generally( )35. A. sat( )36. A. ill( )37. A. her( )38. A. And( )39. A. possibly( )40. A. happyB. studentB. playing B. whatB. studyB. lastB. thoughtB. dangerousB. somethingB. LuckilyB.



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