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1、金华十校2024年4月高三模拟考试预演英语参考答案听力1-5 CCBCA6-10 CBAAB11-15 CABAA16-20 CACBB 阅读理解 21-23 ACD 24-27 ABCB 28-31 CDBA 32-35 CAAD 36-40 CGFDE完形填空41-45 AADDA 46-50 BDBCC 51-55 ABCBA 语法填空 56. unconventional57. stays58. has increased 59. suffering 60. an61. which62. to have played63. in64. are 65. refreshed听力原文Text

2、 1 M: When Im in the library, I like sitting at the long tables in the reference section. Its quiet there.W: I prefer to read in the chairs in the history area. They make me relaxed. (1)M: But therere always too many people talking there.Text 2 M: Every Thursday, at 8:00 p.m., people go out into the

3、 street and clap. (2) They do it to say thank you to health workers.W: Yes, I read about that on Tuesday. Shall we join in tomorrow?Text 3W: Do you know how to use those power tools? I dont want you to get hurt. Please read the instructions.M: I have been watching videos on this website. (3) Dont fo

4、rget, I used to work with a professional. He showed me all these tools.Text 4 M: How much do you weigh? It cant be a lot. You look pretty light, but youre also very strong. Ive seen you lift a lot of weight.W: Its rude to ask a lady how much she weighs! (4) I think you need some lessons in manners.T

5、ext 5W: If you were on this TV show, what topic would you answer questions on? I think youd be great at James Bond.M: No, I havent seen the recent ones past the 1990s. Id be useless at music too. Probably sport. (5)Text 6W: What did you study when you lived in London?M: I have a degree in psychology

6、. (6) But when you study in the United Kingdom, you need to study three subjects to begin with.W: What were your other two?M: Philosophy and German. Its good for my future career if I can speak a language, but I wish Id learned Spanish instead. (7)W: Why is that? (7)M: I like German culture, and Ive

7、 been there a few times, but a lot more people in the world speak Spanish. (7)W: It would be useful if you ever worked in South America.Text 7 M: Can you answer the phone if someone calls? I need to write up this order. It is going to take me a few minutes. W: Sure, but let me go to wash my hands fi

8、rst. (8) I was just cutting up some hot peppers.M: OK. (8) Since you are going downstairs, can you bring me up some vegetable oil from the shelf? (9) I forgot to get it before when I brought up the eggs and flour from the cupboard.W: Sure. But since we moved everything around down there, I dont know

9、 where it is. Would it be on the shelf still?M: No. I moved most things from the shelf up into the kitchen. Now that we have the extra space, I thought itd be easier. The oil should be next to the boxes on the floor. They are right by the stairs. (10)Text 8 M: Hey Barbara, my bowling team is a playe

10、r short for a tournament. Do you want to join us?W: Im not really good at bowling. If it was badminton, Id be the right person. (11)M: Well, we need someone. Otherwise, we will lose our place.W: Ill tell you what, Ill do it if you cannot find anyone better than me.M: Well, the tournament is tomorrow

11、 night at 7:00 p.m. Not sure if we will find anyone else by then.W: Let me ask around. My cousin Dave used to play bowling, but I dont know when he last played.M: Well, if he is available, the spot is his.W: Oh no, Ive just remembered that were going to a new museum exhibition tomorrow.M: Not to wor

12、ry, well find someone else.W: What about Henry? Hes our boss, (12) (13) but hes quite sporty. He plays football.M: Great idea. Ill drop him an email. (13)W: Sorry I couldnt do it. But if it was me, youd probably lose.Text 9W: Ronald, it is lovely that you agreed to come and do this for me.M: Dont wo

13、rry about it one bit. Youll do great. This little interview is nothing, compared to setting up this beautiful museum. (14)W: Thank you. Who would you say is your biggest hero? (15)M: Well, you already know the answer to that, Kristal. (15) My adviser was Ansel Adams, the great nature photographer.W:

14、 And where did you meet Ansel? M: Well, its an odd story actually. I was with my friends in the summer and they wanted to go fishing that day. I told them I would rather walk through the woods, so I hiked a mountain to relax alone, (16) and ran into Ansel at the top. W: Let me guess. He was taking p

15、ictures of the rocks?M: Almost. He was taking pictures of a special cloud. Immediately, he began telling me everything a person could know about clouds. He was a wealth of information. The amount of knowledge that Ansel had was important to me. However, it was the pure joy and love for teaching and appreciating photography that got me. W: And now you own your own studio, you design clothing and will soon have a permanent section here at the modern museum of art and technology. (17)Text 10For this month only, the Learning Center is having a sale on our three uni



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