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1、2022年考博英语-湘潭大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Once Renaissance painters discovered how to( )volume and depth, they were able to replace the medieval convention of symbolic, two-dimensional space with the more illusion of actual space.问题1选项A.reverse.conventionalB.portray.abstractC.deny.concreteD.render.realis

2、tic【答案】D【解析】词义辨析题。第一个空的选项: reverse “颠倒,倒转”;portray “描绘,扮演”:deny “否认,拒绝给予”;render “提供,以回报,描绘,处理(绘画等的主题)”,第二个空的选项:conventional “传统的,习惯的”;abstract “抽象的”;concrete “具体的,有形的”;realistic “现实的,实际的,实事求是的”,根据关键词“volume and depth” “symbolic”和句意 当文艺复兴的画家们发现如何描绘体积和深度之后,他们就能够使用更现实的实在空间感来取代中世纪的象征意味的、二维空间的绘画习惯了 确定D选

3、项正确。2. 单选题In their letter to the students representative assembly, the freshmen insisted on( )in the Student Union.问题1选项A.representingB.being representedC.having representedD.having been represented【答案】B【解析】语法题。根据句意在给学生代表大会的信中,新生坚持在学生会中设置学生代表the freshmen应该是被动,用be represented而insist on后必须用动名词,所以用bein

4、g represented, B选项正确。3. 单选题Some people view life as a(n)( )conflict between the frames of good and evil.问题1选项A.externalB.eternalC.centralD.internal【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析。A选项 “外部的;表面上的;(药物)外用的”; B选项 “不朽的,永恒的,无休止的”; C选项 “中心的;主要的;中枢的”; D选项 “内部的, 内在的”;根据句意一些人将生活看作善恶势力之间永恒的冲突确定B选项正确。4. 单选题Our visual perception d

5、epends on the reception of energy reflecting or radiating from that which we wish to perceive. If our eyes could receive and measure infinitely delicate sense-data, we could perceive the world with infinite precision. The nature limits of our eyes have, of course, been extended by mechanical instrum

6、ents; telescopes and microscopes, for example, expand our capabilities greatly. There is, however, an ultimate limit beyond which no instrument can take us: this limit is imposed by our inability to receive sense-data smaller than those conveyed by an individual quantum of energy. Since these quanta

7、 are believed to be indivisible packages of energy and so cannot be further retied, we reach a point beyond which further resolution of the world is not possible. It is like a drawing a child might make by sticking indivisible discs of color onto a canvas.We might think that we could avoid this limi

8、tation by using quanta with extremely long wavelengths; such quanta would be sufficiently sensitive to convey extremely delicate sense-data. And these quanta would be useful, as long as we only wanted to measure energy, but a completely accurate perception of the world will depend also on the exact

9、measurement of the lengths and positions of what we wish to perceive. For this, quanta of extremely long wavelengths are useless. To measure a length accurately to within a millionth of an inch, we must have a measure graduated in millionths of an filch; a yardstick graduated in inches is useless. Q

10、uanta with a wavelength of one inch would be, in a sense, measures that are graduated in inches; Quanta of extremely long wavelength are useless in measuring anything except extremely large dimensions.Despite these difficulties, quanta have important theoretical implications for physics. It used to

11、be supposed that, in the observation of nature, the universe could be divided into two distinct parts, a perceiving subject and a perceived object In physics, subject and object were supposed to: be entirely distinct, so that a description of any part of the universe would be independent of the obse

12、rver. The quantum theory, however, suggests otherwise, for every observation involves the passage of a complete quantum from the object to the subject, and it now appears that this passage constitutes an important coupling between observers and observed.We can no longer make a sharp division between

13、 the two in an effort to observe nature objectively. Such an attempt at objectivity would distort the crucial interrelationship of observer and observed and observed as parts of a single whole.But, ever for scientists, it is only in the world of atoms that this new development makes any appreciable

14、difference in file explanation of observations.1.The primary purpose of the passage is to( ).2.The author uses the analogy of the childs drawing at the end of the first paragraph primarily in order to( ).3.According to the passage, quanta with an extremely long wavelength cannot be used to give comp

15、lete information about the physical world because they( ).4.According to the passage, the quantum theory can be distinguished from previous theories of physics by its( ).问题1选项A.discuss a problem that hinders precise perception of the worldB.point out the inadequacies of accepted unite of measurementC.criticize attempts to distinguish between perceiving subjects and perceived objectsD.compare and contrast rival scientific hypotheses about how the world should be measured and observed.问题2选项A.illustrate the ultimate limitation in the precision of sense-data conveyed by quan


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