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1、Unit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.课型:读写课【学习目标】1、熟悉本课所学的新词汇。2、语法:(1)、动词不定式作宾语。 (2)、双宾语的用法。3、了解作品“茶馆”【课前准备】1、老舍的文章你读过哪些: 你最喜欢: 2. 讲故事的要素: 2、在课文中画出下列新词汇:take place ; audience ; customer ; dynasty ; lose ; master ; twentieth ; waiter ; folk ; acrobatics .3、读课文,写出各段的中心大意Paragraph 1 . par

2、agraph 2. Paragraph 3 paragraph 4 4、回答问题(1). When does the play show the audience life in china? (2).Where did Lao She do in London ? (3).What do waiters do in Lao She Teahouse ? 5. 按要求写出内容 (1). 分别写出表示时间的短语in on at (2).写出这几个词的词组 during after before from to 【课堂活动】一 、交流检查课前准备部分,师生互问,探讨解决问题。二、分析课文1. Pa

3、ragraph 1. The play Teahouse Answer the questions :(1).When did Lao She write Teahouse ? (2).What does the play show ? (3). Where does it take place ? (4).What is the story ? 2. Paragraph 2. The story of Teahouse翻译下列词组在清朝期间 .在抗战结束时 .失去了茶馆 .3Paragraph 3.Lao She英汉互译在1898年出生于北京 送他去师范学校 Teach English Ch

4、inese in London Named a “People Artist” and a “Great Master” 二十世纪 4. Paragraph 4.Lao She Teahouse翻译句子(1).Waiters bring tea to the customers and sell them delicious Chinese food. (2).老舍茶屋热情欢迎来自中国及世界各地的人。 三、再读一遍课文,完成Activity 3.四、完成Activity 4且读这段文章。五、根据上面的提示叙述课文。【巩固练习】一、根据句意和提示完成单词1. At the entrance ,t

5、he a are entering the theater one by one .2. Qi Baishi was one of the most famous a in china .3. The waiter are friendly to the c ,so many people come here for dinner .4. Lao She was one of the greatest writers of the t century .5. Well go fishing and swimming d the summer holiday .6. The famous wri

6、ter will come .Lets give him a warm w 7. At the age of twenty-six , the girl m a man with a lot of money .8. People wrote many famous poems in the Qing D 9. We wont stop training .It will c till the sports meeting begins .10. The singer sang so b that we all lost ourselves in her song .二、用方框中的词或短语的正

7、确形式完成句子。lose die finally as name take place century between make learn 1. We practice playing basketball every day ,and we dont want to the game .2. The mother asked the teacher her child study hard .3. The old man is badly ill .Maybe he 4. We are lucky to live in the twenty-first 5. She likes singi

8、ng . Lets buy her a CD a birthday present .6. Lao She a “Peoples Artist” and “Great Master of Language” .7. No one knows what in the future .8. Can you find out the difference the two words ?9. Edison tried out thousands of ideas ; ,he succeeded .10. No one taught him how to make the beautiful decor

9、ations. He all by himself 三、完成句子1、最后,上尉爱上玛利亚并和她结婚。 ,the capital Maria and her . 2、他的工作是教美国人汉语。 His job is Chinese .3、车来了,该向你的朋友告别了。 The bus is coming .Its time your friends .4、在茶馆里你可以欣赏魔术。 You can in the teahouse .5. 他在山东大学学会了教书。 He in the Shandong Teachers University .6、在抗日战争期间,很多中国人失去了生命。 During ,

10、 many Chinese people 四、单项选择1. Great changes in our country these years . A. took place B. have take place C. happened C. have been happened2. People are usually busy getting ready for the Spring Festival the year A. in the end B. in the end of C. at the end of D. at the end3. We take good care of in China . A. old B. the old C. the older D. the ol



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