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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date常熟-市给水排水管道工程设计给排水管道工程课程设计任务书给水排水管道工程课程设计计算说明书题 目:常熟市给水排水管道工程设计 学 院:市政与环境工程学院 专 业:给排水科学与工程 姓 名: 学 号 指导老师:谭水成 张奎 宋丰明 刘萍 完成时间:2013年12月26日 前 言给水排水工程是城市或工业企业从水源取水到最终处置的全部工业过程。一般由取水工程、净水工程、污水


3、有限水资源成为摆在给水排水工程技术人员面前一个重要而紧迫的课题。给水排水专业的毕业生,不仅需要掌握给水排水工程学科的基础理论和基础知识,更重要的是具有分析和解决给水排水工程问题的能力和积极探索、勇于创新的精神,以适应当前用水形势对给水排水工程技术人员的挑战与要求。给水排水专业的基本教学内容由理论教学和实践性教学两个主要组成部分。课程设计是本专业设计类课程重要的实践教学环节之一,是对学生综合运用相应课程基础理论与基础知识能力的全面训练,是培养学生综合运用工程语言表述工程思想的重要环节,是培养学生分析与解决工程实际问题和创新意识的重要手段。PrefaceWater and wastewater e

4、ngineering is the city or industrial enterprise from water intake to final disposal of all industrial process. The general water engineering, water purification engineering, sewage (waste) purification engineering, sludge treatment and disposal project, the waste water final disposal engineering mai

5、n terminal engineering and water drainage pipe network of engineering. Water and wastewater engineering is the city infrastructure construction and industrial enterprise is an important part of the construction of one of its construction and development directly related to the urban residents living

6、 standard and life quality improvement and industrial enterprise of the enlargement of scale and development, but also by the local natural resources, economic development level, cultural background and development history of the limit. Along with the accelerated the pace of urbanization and industr

7、ial economic development, urban life in the water and industrial enterprise water demand is increasing, the water quality requirements are increasingly strict. But, our country is a very lack water quantity per country, at present the severe pollution of water makes part of the original water loss f

8、unction, more increased tension of water resources. Water shortage has become a city and the industrial development is the most important one of the constraints, the effective use of the existing water resources co., LTD., as in water and wastewater engineering technical personnel before an importan

9、t and urgent task. Water drainage professional graduates, not only need to acquire water drainage engineering discipline of the basic theory and basic knowledge, more important is to have the analysis and solution of water and wastewater engineering ability and actively explore, innovative spirit, t

10、o adapt to the current situation of water for water and wastewater engineering and technical personnel of the challenges and requirements. Water drainage professional basic teaching content of the theoretical teaching and practical teaching two main part. Curriculum design is the professional design

11、 courses an important practical teaching link is one of the students comprehensive use of corresponding course basic theory and basic knowledge ability, comprehensive training is to cultivate students comprehensive language using engineering expression engineering thought important link, is to train

12、 students to analyze and solve practical engineering problems and an important means of innovation consciousness. 目 录第一章 课程设计任务书1第二章 给水管网设计与计算32.1 给水管网布置及水厂选址32.2 一区给水管网设计计算42.3 二区给水管网设计计算52.4 清水池调节容积72.5 管网水力计算72.6 管网平差122.7 消防校核42第三章 污水管网设计与计算503.1 污水设计流量计算503.2 污水管道水力计算50第四章 雨水管网设计与计算534.1 雨水设计流量

13、计算534.2 雨水管道水力计算53第五章 结束语55-第一章 课程设计任务书河南城建学院0244111、2班给水排水管道系统课程设计任务书一、 设计题目: 常熟 市给水排水管道工程设计。二、 原始资料1、城市总平面图1张,比例为1:10000。2、城市各区人口密度、平均楼层和居住区房屋卫生设备情况:分区人口密度(人/公顷)平均楼层给排水设备淋浴设备集中热水供应2205+2004+3、城市中有下列工业企业,其具体位置见平面图:1) A工厂,日用水量16000吨/天,最大班用水量:7000吨/班,工人总数3000人,分三班工作,最大班1200人,其中热车间占 30 %,使用淋浴者占 70 %;一

14、般车间使用淋浴者占 20 %。2) B工厂,日用水量 吨/天,最大班用水量: 吨/班,工人总数 人,分三班工作,最大班 人,热车间占 %,使用淋浴者占 %;一般车间使用淋浴者占 %。3) 火车站用水量为 6 L/s。4、城市土质种类为粘土,地下水位深度为 8 米。5、城市河流水位: 最高水位:55米,最低水位:40米,常水位: 45米。三、课程设计内容:1、城市给水管网初步设计1) 城市给水管网定线(包括方案定性比较);2) 用水量计算,管网水力计算;3) 清水池、水塔容积计算、水泵扬程计算4) 管网校核;(三种校核人选一种)5) 绘图(平面图、等水压线图)2、城市排水管网初步设计。1) 排水体制选择2) 城市排水管网定线的说明;3) 设计流量计算;4) 污水控制分支管及总干管的水力计算;5) 任选1条雨水管路的水力计算(若体制为分流制);6) 绘图(平面图、纵剖面图)四、设计参考资料1、给排水设计手册第一册或给排水快速设计手册第5册2、给排水管道系统教材五、设计成果1、设计说明书一份(包括中英文前言、目录、设计计算的过程、总结)2、城市给水排水管道总平面布置图1张,比例尺为1:10000(


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