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1、.本科生毕业论文设计题目: *内河道疏浚工程二区岸坡稳定性分析和护岸挡墙初步设计姓 名: *x 学号:2006院 系:专业: 工程指导教师: 职称:评 阅 人: 职称:二0一0年 六 月. v.本科生毕业论文设计原创声明 本人以信誉声明:所呈交的毕业论文设计是在导师指导下进展的研究工作所取得的研究成果,论文中引用他人的文献、数据、图件、资料均已明确标注出处,论文中的结论和结果为本人独立完成,不包括他人成果及为获得中国地质大学或其他教育构造的学位证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所作的任何奉献均已在论文中做出可明确说明并表示了感谢。 毕业论文作者(签字): 签字日期: 年 月 日.



4、和排水设施的设计。本文的核心局部是通过对护岸局部工程地质条件的论述,提出了在河道疏浚时岸坡的稳定性问题,以及由此引发的一系列工程地质问题,随后对这些问题中的主要局部做了集中分析和解决。本文的稳定性分析和挡土墙设计均采用理论计算和理正软件计算相结合的方式。关键词:河道疏浚 护岸工程 岸坡稳定性 毕肖普条分法 迭代实现 理正软件 挡土墙设计ABSTRACTLianyungang port is delta main ports and Jiangsu largest seaport, it is the most economical and convenient in North and Mid

5、west to the sea, the new Eurasian Continental Bridge bridgehead, is a hinterland container transport between Asia and Europe-based and assume an important international container transit port land and water transport. With economic development, the shipping industry in Lianyungang, will have greater

6、 evelopment. In this process, channel dredging will be a problem that we have to face. River dredging must consider all aspects of the factors. This article focuses mainly on river clean-up of the bank slope engineering.This article begins with talk of the Lianyungang location, geography, meteorolog

7、y andhydrology,on the project in Lianyungang, the importance of river dredging done in the brief introduction.Then talked about some of the bank protection works topography, regional geological structure, stratigraphy, hydrogeology, engineering geological conditions, etc, in order to lay the foundat

8、ion for further work.In the fourth chapter, discusses on some of the geotechnical characteristics of bank protection on the part of the rock revetment was layered description, a preliminary discussion of some of the new revetment and sea delivery system structural characteristics of each stratum.On

9、shore part of the geotechnical characteristics of households to discuss and clarify the existence of the bank protection engineering geological problems, specifically the later chapters to solve the problem.From the fifth chapter,we entered design of bank protection works, talking about the design o

10、f bank protection works, including an engineering design based on revetment bank protection engineering design specifications and use of data.View of the revetment slope stability analysis in the importance of engineering design,Chapter VI of this paper are listed in a separate slope stability was d

11、evoted, by Bishop slice method slope stability analysis,and then analyzed the factors that affect slope stability.Chapter VII of the discussion focused on the design of retaining walls, first discussed the retaining wall according to survey data of the type, materials used, more, I use software to d

12、esign retaining walls.And then do a series with the theoretical formula checking, checking all the results meet the requirements. Finally,the design of the settlement joint and drainage facilities was given.Core part of this article is part of the project through the revetment discusses the geologic

13、al conditions,when the proposed dredging the river bank slope stability problems, and triggered a series of engineering geological problems, then these questions do focus on the main part of the analysis and solution.This stability analysis and design of retaining walls are used theoretical calculat

14、ions and the reasons are a bination of software.Keywords:Channel dredgingBank protection worksBank Stability Bishop slice methodRetaining WallIteration目录第一章绪论1第二章自然地理条件1第一节地理位置2第二节气象、水文2第三章护岸局部工程地质条件4第一节地形地貌4第二节区域地质构造及地震4第三节地层5第四节水文地质条件6第五节特殊性岩土6第六节不良地质作用7第四章护岸局部16号横剖面所在位置的岩土特性9第五章护岸工程方案的设计条件11第六章岸坡

15、稳定性分析13第二节护岸上的作用分析14第三节毕肖普条分法的原理及其实现14第四节影响岸坡稳定的因素分析21第五节护岸防治措施23第七章挡土墙设计24第一节挡土墙采用理正软件设计24第二节挡土墙设计人工验算30第三节排水设施33第四节沉降缝和仲缩缝34致谢35参考文献36附图1 本工程地质平面图兼布孔图附图2 河道地质横剖图附图3 河道地质横剖图加挡土墙示意图附图4 河道地质纵剖面图. v.第一章 绪论*港位于*省东北隅、海州湾南岸,北邻*,与韩国、日本等国家的主要港口相距在500海里的近海扇面内,是全国25个主枢纽港之一,是长三角主要港口和*最大海港,是苏北和中西部最经济便捷的出*、新亚欧大陆桥东桥头堡,是以腹地内集装箱运输为主并承当亚欧大陆间国际集装箱水陆联运的重要中转港口,集商贸、仓储、保税、信息等效劳于一体的综合性大型沿海商港。*港疏港航道北起烧香河老闸以西600m处中云


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