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1、牛津英语7A Unit 5 复习讲义一、重点词汇1. go +v-ing/do some +v-ing这两种结构都表示“去从事某种活动”go + V-ing多指户外运动do some/the V-ing一般指室内活动go swimming 去游泳do some reading 读书go skating 去滑冰do some writing 写东西go boating 去划船do some washing 洗衣服go camping 去野营do some cooking 做饭go skiing 去滑雪do some cleaning 扫除go climbing 去爬山【小试牛刀】1. 这个星期天

2、去爬山怎么样?What about_this Sunday.2. 在空余时间的时候,我喜欢读点书。I like_in my free time.2. already/yet基本含义用法辨析already “已经”用于肯定句中,用于疑问句中表示“意外”yet “已经,还”用于疑问句中“已经”,用于否定句中“还”【小试牛刀】1. He has a football_.2. Have you finished your homework_? Not _.3. Ive_ had my breakfast. What about you?3. also/too/eitheralso “也”用于肯定句中,

3、位于句中too “也”用于肯定句中,位于句末either “也”用于否定句中,位于句末【小试牛刀】1. He will_ go abroad.2. I want to eat an apple,_.3. I dont watch TV,_.4. invite 注意两个句型:invite sb. to some place 和invite sb. to do sth.【小试牛刀】1. -Did you go to Janes birthday party? - No, I _.A. am not invited B. wasnt invitedC. havent been invited D.

4、didnt invited2. Thank you for_me to your birthday party.3. He _me to see a film last Sunday.5. donate/raise基本含义基本句型donate “捐款”donate money to sb. 捐钱给某人raise “筹集;集资”raise money for sb. 为某人筹集资金【小试牛刀】1. There are many ways to _money for charity.2. I would _money to the medical research because I want t

5、o do something to help others.二、语法点拨现在进行时1. 基本用法 现在进行时的用法表示说话者说话时正在发生或者进行的动作, 它注重现在正在进行的动作,而不管动作从什么时间开始,到什么时间结束。 常和now连用,有时用look, listen来表示这一时间概念。如: -What are you doing now? 你在干什么?-I am looking for my key. 我在找我的钥匙。 现在进行时表示目前一段时间内正在进行的动作(但说话时这个动作不一定在进行),常和at present, this week, these days等时间状语连用。如:Th

6、e students are preparing for the examination.学生们正在为考试作准备。 某些动词的现在进行时可以表示即将发生的动作,也就是说用来代替将来时,一般与表示将来的时间状语连用,这些动词有arrive, come, go, leave, start等。 如:They are going to Hong Kong tomorrow. 他们明天要去香港。 表示反复出现的习惯性动作,常与always等词连用。这种用法常表示说话人的某种情感,如赞扬、遗憾、讨厌、不满等。如:He is always leaving his things about.他总是把东西乱扔。

7、【注意】有些动词一般不可以用于进行时态: 表示状态的动词,尤其是静态动词,如:be, have等; 表示认识、知觉和情感的动词,如:know, think, hear, find, see, like, want, wish, prefer等。2. 动词构成Be(am, is, are) + V-ing(现在分词) 【主意】现在分词的变化规则。3. 句式变化【小试牛刀】1. -Where is Tom? -He _ _ (climb) the wall over there.2. Look! Here _ (come) the bus.3. Listen,someone_ _(sing)int

8、heclassroom.4. 今天李老师穿着一件红色的连衣裙。MissLi_ _areddresstoday.5. 他们是在打篮球还是在打排球?_they _basketball_volleyball?三、交际用语1. 购物常用语售货员顾客Hello, can/may I help you?I want some stamps.What can I do for you?Im looking forIs there anything I can do for you?I would like some stamps.2. 如何谈论价格 How much do the cards cost?/H

9、ow much are the cards? Thats too expensive, Im afraid. Can you make it a little cheaper?牛津英语7A Unit 5 短语汇总序号ChineseEnglish1想要某人做某事want sb. to do sth. = would like sb. to do sth.2需要某人做某事need sb. to do sth.3来临了come up4为某人买某物buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.5稍等片刻just a minute6看一看take a look (at) = have a

10、 look (at)7打折Theres a discount on8许多种类发卡many kinds of hair clips9确信,有把握be sure + that 宾从确信做某事 / 对某事很确信be sure to do sth. / be sure of sth.10某物与某物很匹配sth. match sth. (well)某物很适合某人sth. fit sb. (well)11有足够的钱买have enough money to buy12没关系。Never mind. = It doesnt matter.13有高价have a high price14叫某人(不要)做某事a

11、sk/tell sb. (not) to do sth.15某物花费某人.钱sth. cost sb. money16与一样的.the same as.17不同种类的书different kinds of books18某样好东西something good (形容词放在不定代词后)19一双鞋子a pair of shoes20邀请某人参加某人的生日晚会invite sb. to ones birthday party21邀请某人做某事invite sb. to do sth.22现在at the moment = now = right now23等待轮到某人做某事wait for ones

12、 turn to do sth.24轮到某人做某事了。Its ones turn to do sth.25为某物付钱pay (money) for sth.26呆在外面太迟stay out too late27站在桌子旁stand at the table28许愿make a wish29领花钱pocket money30穷人the poor (the + adj.表示一类人)31用号码打电话给某人call sb. on .(telephone number)32捐赠某物给某人/为某人筹集/募捐某物donate sth. to sb. /raise sth. for sb.33需要帮助的小孩t

13、he children in need34在贫困地区的小孩the children in poor areas35一双足球靴a pair of football boots36试穿(动副短语,代词放中间)try on (动副短语,代词放中间)37更便宜的一双a cheaper pair38以我们学校的名义in the name of our school39更多一些some more 40再来一个one more = another one 41来自不同国家的不同食物different kinds of food from different countries42一个值得一去的有趣的地方a fun place to go (to)43一个接见朋友的好地方a good place to meet friends44打110求助call 110 for help45向某人求助ask sb. for help牛津英语7A Unit 5 基础训练一、重点词组1. 稍等一会儿_2.


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