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1、牛津版教材 8B 知识点Chapter 1Words and phrases:1. memory n. 记忆;记忆力memorize v. 记住2. mind n.大脑;头脑keep sth. in mind = memorize sth. 把 记住3. dramatic adj. 戏剧性的;使人印象深刻的drama n. 戏剧4. note n. 纸币;便条;笔记5. go wrong 出现问题;发生故障6. break down 损坏; (健康等 )垮掉,崩溃 ; 抛锚7. pay attention to (doing) sth. 注意某事8. injured adj. 受伤的9. be

2、 angry with sb. 对某人生气Grammar:Conditional sentences with if and unless(if和 unless 条件状语从句 )If 条件状语从句分两种情况:If 条件句和主句都为一般现在时,这时主句的动作必然发生。例:If something dramatic happens, we usually remember it well.If you cool water, it turns into ice.If 条件句用一般现在时,主句用将来时;这时主句的动作可能发生。例:If you go to bed earlier, you won t

3、 feel tired in the morning.If you look it up in the dictionary, you will find out its meaning.注意: Unless=ifnotYou will be late for school if y ou don t leave now =you will be late for school unless you leave now.Chapter 2Words and phrases:1) tough adj. 困难的;坚强的;坚忍不拔的2) bad-tempered adj. 脾气坏的good-temp

4、ered adj. 好脾气3) popularity n. 流行;受欢迎popular adj. 流行的4) instead adv. 代替instead of 代替5) smell n.气味v. 闻起来 smell + adj.6) getinto trouble使陷入麻烦中be in trouble 处于麻烦中be in trouble with与之间有麻烦7) a number of 一些8) in total 一共9) come to life 变得更有趣;变得活跃10) play a trick (tricks) on (someone) 捉弄某人GrammarUsing adjec

5、tives形容词的用法:形容词用在名词前作定语,例:The cartoons also have a long history.The girl has round cheeks, thin eyebrows, pink mouth and curly hair.形容词在系动词后作表语,例: The price is high. The soup doesn t smell nice. But it tastes delicious. 形容词作宾语补足语, verb + object +complementIt would be funny to make the mouse clever.I

6、 found it quite interesting.句型:It is +adj. + to +do sth.It is difficult to fall asleep.It is impossible to find the answer to this question.Chapter 3Words and phrases:1)lifeless adj. 没有生命的2) greenhouse effect 温室效应3) act v. 充当 ;行动;表演4) create v. 产生;引起;创造creative adj. 具有创造性的5) result n. 结果; v. 导致resul

7、t from 因 发生6) preference n. 偏好;喜爱prefer v. 偏爱7) mountains of 许多;大量8) in the form of 以 的形式9) all the way 一路上;自始至终10) take action 采取行动11) be in danger 处于危险中12) cut down 砍伐13) take in 吸收Grammar:1. 特殊疑问句: why 的用法当我们询问原因的时候,会用why 提问,用 because作答。e.g. Why should we use baskets for shopping?Because plastic

8、bags cause pollution.2. 同级比较形式 : (not) as+ 形容词 /副词原级 + as 和 一样We use (not) as as to compare things that are similar (or not similar ) in some way. e.g. Without the atmosphere, Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon.like, the same as 和 different from 的用法:We can use like to say

9、 things are similar in one or more ways.We can use the same as to say things are exactly like one another.We can use different from to say things are not like one another.e.g. The atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse.Carbon dioxide is different from oxygen.This rubbish bin is the same as t

10、hat one.Chapter 4Words and phrases1. the White House 白宫2. organization n. 组织organize v. 组织3. educational adj. 关于教育的educational visitseducation n. 教育4. exchange n. 交换 exchange programme 交换项目 in exchange (for) 交换exchangewith 用 交换exchangeable adj. 可交换的5. confident adj. 有自信的be confident 有自信的confidence n

11、. 自信心6. departure n. 出发 arrival n. 抵达7. keep in touch (with ) 保持联系8. in case 万一;如果9. look forward to doing sth. 期待做10. be deeply moved by 被 深深感动Grammar1. adverbial clauses of purpose目(的状语从句 )We can use so that and in order that to talk about purpose在.目的状语从句中, can, may, will 和 shall 用于一般现在时;could, mi

12、ght, would 或者 should 用于一般过去时。e.g. I do morning exercises every day so that I can keep healthy.Mary lent me this book in order that I could read about a few diet.2. adverbial clauses of result 结(果状语从句 )+ adj.+ adv.So+many/ few + 可数名词+much/ little+不可数名词such + adj. + n. +that+ thate.g. It was so hot in

13、 the cinema that I felt very uncomfortable.It was such a funny film that I laughed until I cried!3. adverbial clauses of concession让(步状语从句 )although 和 though 都能引导让步状语从句,放在句首或句中,不能与 but 连用。 e.g. Sam did quite well in the exam although he was unprepared. Although/ Though she was nervous, she did well

14、in the speech.Chapter 5Words and phrases:1. actor n.演员act v. 表演2. the Olympic Games n. 奥运会3. while conj. 与 同时4. appointment n. 约会5. clothing n. 服装 cloth n. 布料clothes n. 衣服6. at a price 以很高的代价7. fall ill 生病8. in place of 代替9. call back 回电10. give someone a hand帮助某人11. give up 放弃12. save up 储蓄;攒钱13. be strict with 对 要求严格14. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做15. be grateful to 对感激Grammar:1.The past continuous tense(过去进行时 )表示发生在过去某一个时刻的动作:e.g. My mother was cooking dinner a


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