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1、同等学力申请硕士学位论文论我国无效婚姻制度的立法完善导师:朱凡副教授作者:李云霞中国重庆二七年九月内容摘要无效婚姻问题是我国长期存在的一个社会问题。2001 年我国修订婚姻法,在结婚一章中,增加了第 10、11、12 条关于狭义无效婚姻和可撤销婚姻的规定,从而在我国正式建立起无效婚姻制度,这是我国婚姻立法的一大进步。但是,该制度在具体设计上并不完善,这主要是因为本次修订只是对婚姻法的过渡性修改,即针对我国婚姻家庭领域的现状,对急需解决的问题,做必要的补充和修改,立法的主要目的在于建立起制度,完善结婚立法的结构体系,给司法实践提供法律依据,至于其内容还有待在实践中进一步充实和完善。本文旨在通过对



4、的期限或排除条件、都采取宣告婚姻无效、对善意配偶和子女一般均给予一定程度的保护等共同之处。以德国 1998 年5 月通过的重新规范结婚法的法律(1998 年 7 月 1 日生效)为例,归纳总结仅设可撤销婚姻国家与仅设狭义无效婚姻国家所具有的三个共同点,即它们在设置上都属单轨制国家,都不对狭义无效婚姻与可撤销婚姻进行区分;在程序上都必须经过法院宣告;在法律后果处理上有很多相似的地方。以瑞士、日本、英国为例,概述其无效婚姻制度的共性,分述其在狭义无效婚姻与可撤销婚姻的法定理由、无效婚姻的认定程序和法律后果等方面各不相同的规定。第三部分阐明我国无效婚姻制度是借鉴了外国立法通例,采用的是狭义无效婚姻与



7、无效婚姻与可撤销婚姻的法律后果,规定可撤销婚姻不具有溯及既往的效力,而对狭义无效婚姻的法律后果采取有部分追溯力。应确立无效婚姻救济制度,一方面要建立无效婚姻经济帮助制度,给予无效婚姻中生活困难一方经济上的帮助;另一方面要建立无效婚姻损害赔偿制度,使无效婚姻中的无过错方有权请求有过错方就其损害进行赔偿。应注重对无效婚姻中所生子女的法律保护,给予他们婚生子女同样的法律地位。关键词: 无效婚姻制度 狭义无效婚姻 可撤销婚姻AbstractThe invalid marriage problem is existent social problem of the our countrylong-ter

8、m. The our country revised in 2001 the marriage method , in getmarried aly, increase 10,11 and 12 concerning invalid marriage of narrowsense and the marriage that can cancel of provision, thus at our country the formalestablishment rose the invalid marriage system, this is our country marriagelawmak

9、ing of one big progress.But, that system is not perfect on the concrete design, this mainly is becausethis time the emendation is just to modify to the transition of the marriage method.This text aim is passing the research to the origins of the invalid marriage systemand development, to the our cou

10、ntry invalid marriage system present conditionand the analysis of the reasons, to the empirical summary of concerning theinvalid marriage system lawmaking of abroad, the invalid marriage system tothe our country the foundation of study of the shortage up, put forward perfectfrom the lawmaking our co

11、untry invalid marriage system of some superficialconceive.This text the first part emphasized to describe the broad sense concept of theinvalid marriage and narrow sense invalid marriage, the characteristic that invalidmarriage have, invalid marriage of narrow sense and the differentiation thatcan c

12、ancel the marriage. Combine the lawmaking circumstance of the origins andthe development history and the our country invalid marriage system that thesynopsis explains the invalid marriage system, point out that the our countryincreases to establish the invalid marriage system to is an orientation si

13、tuation toneed right and wise of raise, fill up the our country marriage the blank of thelawmaking, is very necessary. At the same time, clarify the our country to increaseto establish the invalid marriage system, at perfect our country of matrimonysystem, the maintenance serious and authorities of

14、the marriage method,strengthen the law to get married behavior of the adjustment function importantmeaning of etc.The second part can cancel the marriage system nation according toestablishing the invalid marriage of narrow sense system nation only andestablishing only, and adapt from to start the i

15、nvalid marriage and can cancelnational this 3 kinds of classifications of marriage, to have the representative theinvalid marriage system of the nation to carry on more in the world currently thanthe research.The third part points out that invalid marriage system of our country establish,is to draw lessons from the foreign lawmaking genera


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