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1、七年级下册期中考试英语试卷(考试时间:90分钟 注意:只交第卷)第卷(75分)一、听力部分(计20分,每小题1分)一)听对话,选择正确的图片。二)听句子,选择与其意思相同或相近的选项。6ADo you mind my using your telephone?BCould you help me buy a telephone?CDo you mind helping me buy a telephone?DGive me the telephone,please7Awe can watch TV nowBWe cant watch TV nowCWe dont like watching T

2、VDWe like watching TV, but we have no TV8AI dont like singing songsBI like singing songsCI am an expert in singingDI cant sing a song9AMy uncles name is JohnBMy uncle has a friend named JohnCMy uncle has a son whose name is JohnDMy uncle asks his son John to name it10AI drink a bottle of milkBI want

3、 a bottle of milkCI have a bottle of milkDI find a bottle of milk三)听对话,判断正误,正确的打“T”,错的打“F”11They are going to the cinema12She will take No40 bus13They will go to the picnic together14Her uncle is a teacher and her aunt is a doctor15They will go to Hong Kong for holiday四)听对话,完成表格。NameJobReason(s)SamP

4、olicemanIt will be less dangerous in the future and more 16_Sams brother17_He wants to make 18_ and 19_ lighterThey will be more convenientKateTeacherShe think teaching will be easier in the futureThe teachers can teach just through the 20_ by computerAnd then every student can have classes at home二

5、、单项选择题(共15小题,满分为15分)21There is _“u”and _ “n”in the word“run”Aa,aBan,anCan,a Da,an22There _ a class meeting next SaturdayAisnt haveBisnt going to beCisnt have Darent23This picture is _ than that oneAbeautifulBmuch beautifulCmuch more beautifulDbeautifully24Look! He _ photosAis takingBtakesCtookDwill

6、take25How about _ a picnic together?AhaveBto haveChavingDhas26Li Ming _ homework in the morningAdoes anyBdoesnt anyCdoesnt do any Ddoesnt do some27I would like _ some teaAdrinkBto drinkCdrinkingDdrinks28-_ will the meeting begin? -In half an hourAHow oftenBHow soonCHow longDHow many29We have _ homew

7、ork this weekendAmanyBtoo manyCtoo muchDlot of30-Wheres Taiwan? -Its _ the south of ChinaAinBonCto Dof31Tom is a _ student,he speaks Chinese _Agood,wellBgood,goodCwell,well Dwell,good32Its difficult _ old people _ learn English wellAfor,itBto,toCfor,to Dto,for33Running is _ than swimming,but skiing

8、is _ of the threeAmore popular, excitingBmore popular, the most excitingCpopular, the most exciting Dpopular, exciting34Im looking forward to _ to Disneyland somedayAgoBwentCgoing Dto go35Every year _ visitors come to China for a visitAmillionsBmillion ofCmillion Dmillions of三、完形填空(共10小题,满分为10分)阅读下面

9、短文,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 Football is a very popular game in ChinaThere are eleven 36 in a teamMany young people like it Li Lei is a middle school studentHes 37 at footballTomorrow is SundayThere is 38 to do,so he is going to 39 a football gameHe wants Sam to go 40 himSam is 41 AmericaHe is good

10、 at football,tooHe likes 42 football games very much 43 he says American football is 44 oursIts not roundThe football has 45 name in English,soccer36AplayersBgamesCballs Dplay37AfunBgoodCbad Dliking38AanythingBnothingCsomething Deverything39AgetBplayingChave Dwatch40AbeforeBbesideCwith Dafter41AinBl

11、eaveCfor Dfrom42AtakingBwatchingCplaying Dhaving43AButBAndCSo DThen44AlikeBdifferent from Cfar Dthe same45AotherBothersCanother Done another四、阅读理解(共20小题;每题1.5分,计30分)A On a small farm in Mexico,there are no schoolsA bus is the schoolThe driver of the bus is the teacherIts a school bus,but it doesnt t

12、ake the children to schoolIt just goes round from place to place,and sometimes it comes to this farmThe bus will stay here for three monthsThe farmers call it a school on wheelsEvery time when the bus comes,the farmers will come,running to it,shouting and laughingThey warmly welcome the school bus W

13、hen the bus is on the farm,in the morning,the teacher teaches the small childrenIn the afternoonthe bigger children come to have their lessons because they must work in the morningAt nightthe fathers and mothers come to schoolThey want to learntooHow the farmers hope that some day they can have a real school on their farm!46The driver of the bus is _Athe teacherBthe student Cthe farmer Dthe school47The bus school will _Atake the c


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