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1、2022年考博英语-北京大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Sales of mushrooms have hit an all-time high as Britons increasingly turn to the cheap and( ) foodstuff for their cooking.问题1选项A.versatileB.multipleC.manifoldD.diverse【答案】A【解析】考查近义词辨析。versatile“多才多艺的,多用途的”;multiple“多重的,复合的”;manifold“多方面的,各式各样的”;diverse“不同的,各种各样的”

2、。句意:蘑菇的销量创下历史新高,因为英国人越来越多致力于寻找便宜的、多用途的食材做饭。因此A选项符合题意。 2. 单选题It was( )to watch her condition deteriorate day by day.问题1选项A.sympatheticB.patheticC.empathicD.pathic【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。sympathetic“同情的;赞同的”;pathetic“可怜的;感伤的”;empathic“移情作用的”;pathic“消极的;病态的”。句意:看着她的病情一天天恶化真的令人。因此B选项符合题意。3. 单选题Information tech

3、nology that helps doctors and patients make decisions has been around for a long time. Crude online tools like WebMD get millions of visitors a day. But Watson is a different beast. According to IBM, it can digest information and make recommendations much more quickly, and more intelligently, than p

4、erhaps any machine before it processing up to 60 million pages of text per second, even when that text is in the form of plain old prose, or what scientists call “natural language” Thats no small thing, because something like 80 percent of all information is “unstructured”. In medicine, it consists

5、of physician notes dictated into medical records, long-winded sentences published in academic journals, and raw numbers stored online by public-health departments. At least in theory, Watson can make sense of it all. It can sit in on patient examinations, silently listening. And over time, it can le

6、arn and get better at figuring out medical problems and ways of treating them the more it interacts with real cases. Watson even has the ability to convey doubt. When it makes diagnoses and recommends treatments, it usually issues a series of possibilities, each with its own level of confidence atta

7、ched.Medicine has never before had a tool quite like this. And at an unofficial coming-out party in Las Vegas last year, during the annual meeting of the Healthcare Information and Management System Society, more than 1,000 professionals packed a large hotel conference hall, and an overflow room nea

8、rby, to hear a presentation by Marty Kohn, an emergency-room physician and a clinical leader of the IBM team training Watson for health care. Standing before a video screen that dwarfed his large frame, Kohn described in his husky voice how Watson could be a game changer not just in highly specializ

9、ed fields like oncology but also in primary care, given that all doctors can make mistakes that lead to costly, sometimes dangerous, treatment errors.Drawing on his own clinical experience and on academic studies, Kohn explained that about one- third of these errors appear to be products of misdiagn

10、osis, one cause of which is “anchoring bias” : human beings,tendency to rely too heavily on a single piece of information. This happens all the time in doctors,offices, clinics,and emergency rooms. A physician hears about two or three symptoms,seizes on a diagnosis consistent with those, and subcons

11、ciously discounts evidence that points to something else. Or a physician hits upon the right diagnosis, but fails to realize that its incomplete, and ends up treating just one condition when the patient is, in fact, suffering from several. Tools like Watson are less prone to those failings. As such,

12、 Kohn believes, they may eventually become as ubiquitous in doctors,offices as the stethoscope.“Watson fills in for some human limitations,” Kohn told me in an interview. “Studies show that humans are good at taking a relatively limited list of possibilities and using that list, but are far less ade

13、pt at using huge volumes of information. Thats where Watson shines ; taking a huge list of information and winnowing it down. ”1.What is Watson?2.Which of the following is beyond Watsoif s ability?3.Marty Kohn( ).4.“Anchoring bias”( ).5.Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?问题1

14、选项A.It is a person who aids doctors in processing medical records.B.It is an online tool that connects doctors over different places.C.It is an intelligent computer that helps doctors make decisions.D.It is a beast that greets millions of visitors to a medical institution.问题2选项A.Talk with the patien

15、t.B.Calculate probability.C.Recommend treatment.D.Process sophisticated data.问题3选项A.gave a presentation at an academic conferenceB.works for the IBM Training DivisionC.is a short person with a husky voiceD.expressed optimism for Watson问题4选项A.is a device ubiquitous in doctors,officesB.is less likely to be committed by WatsonC.happens in one third of medical treatmentsD.is a wrong diagnosis with incomplete information问题5选项A.Watson As A Shining Star.B.The Risks Of Misdiagnosis.C.The Robot Will See You Now.D.IBMs IT Solution


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