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1、2022年考博英语-浙江工业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 翻译题Brown最新出版的书中提出:关于人类对生态的影响,最乐观的估计也表明它已经超过了地球再生能力的20%左右。拯救巨大压力下的地球和麻烦不断的人类文明迫在眉睫。Brown在书中使用了一连串令人沮丧的统计数据对物种灭绝、水资源短缺以及石油生产量下降所引发的经济动荡进行了描述,特别强调了气候变化带来的系列负面效应以及应对措施。他所描述的由气候变化引起的混乱状态令人震惊,但有说服力:世界上最贫穷的人们与似乎更加饥饿的生物燃料产业之间在开展食物争夺。在石油价格日益上涨,产量逐渐变少,最后有可能枯竭的情况下,生物燃料产业

2、的任务是确保发达国家的越野车能在道路上疾驰。穷人始终处于劣势地位。Brown 认为拯救地球的计划必须是消除贫困,稳定人口。但是,在执行本计划过程中,必须处理好经济利益和全球金融机构的“民主赤字”问题,因为穷人通常被排除在外。【答案】In Browns latest book, he argues that the most optimistic estimates of mans impact on ecology suggest that it has exceeded about 20% of the planets regenerative capacity. It is imperat

3、ive to save a planet under great pressure and a troubled human civilization. Brown uses a series of depressing statistics to describe the economic turmoil caused by species extinction, water shortages and declining oil production, with a particular emphasis on the negative effects of climate change

4、and what can be done about them. His description of the chaos caused by climate change is shocking but persuasive: a competition for food between the worlds poorest people and a biofuels industry that seems even hungrier. As oil prices rise and production runs out, the biofuel industrys job is to ke

5、ep the developed worlds off-road vehicles on the road. The poor are always at a disadvantage. Brown believes that the plan to save the planet must be to eradicate poverty and stabilize population. However, in implementing the plan, the “democratic deficit” of economic interests and global financial

6、institutions must be addressed, since the poor are often excluded.2. 单选题While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping( )to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.问题1选项A.occasionallyB.simultaneouslyC.eventuallyD.promptly【答案】A【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项occasionally“偶尔,间或”;B选项simultaneously“同时”;C选项eventually“最后,终于”;

7、D选项promptly“迅速地,立即地”。句意:海伦打字时,习惯_停下来梳理一下她那飘逸的长发。这里表示的是“偶尔停下来”,因此A选项符合题意。3. 单选题It is hard for the young people to imagine what severe conditions their parents once lived under.问题1选项A.sincereB.hardC.strictD.tight【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项sincere“真诚的”;B选项hard“艰难的”;C选项strict“严格的”;D选项tight“紧的,密封的”。句意:年轻人很难想象他们

8、的父母曾经生活在多么艰苦的条件下。B选项与划线词词义最接近,因此B选项符合题意。4. 单选题He spoke so( )that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.问题1选项A.franklyB.emphaticallyC.determinedlyD.convincingly【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项frankly“坦率地,老实说”;B选项emphatically“着重地,强调地”;C选项determinedly“决然地,断然地”;D选项convincingly“令人信服地;有说服力地”。句意:他讲得如此_,以至于连

9、他的对手都被他的论点说服了。根据后半句不难判断出,前半句的意思是“他讲得如此有说服力”,因此D选项符合题意。5. 单选题Cement was seldom used in building during the Middle Ages.问题1选项A.crudelyB.rarelyC.originallyD.symbolically【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项crudely“粗糙地,天然地”;B选项rarely“稀有地”;C选项originally“最初,本来”;D选项symbolically“象征性地”。句意:在中世纪,水泥很少用于建筑。B选项与划线词词义最接近,因此B选项符合题意。

10、6. 单选题In accordance with the new regulations, you are entitled to three days of paid sick leave every month.问题1选项A.According toB.Carrying onC.Looking throughD.Putting out【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项According to“根据”;B选项Carrying on“继承,开始实施”;C选项Looking through“浏览,温习”;D选项Putting out“扑灭,搏出”。句意:根据新规定,你每个月可以享受三天的带薪

11、病假。A选项与划线词的词义最接近,因此A选项符合题意。7. 单选题Traditionally, the woman has held a low position in marriage partnerships. While her husband went his way, she had to wash, stitch and sew. Today the move is to liberate the woman, which may in the end strengthen the marriage union.Perhaps the greatest obstacle to fr

12、iendship in marriage is the amount a couple usually see of each other. Friendship in its usual sense is not tested by the strain of daily, year-long cohabitation. Couples need to take up separate interests (and friendship) as well as mutually shared ones, if they are not to get used to the more attr

13、active elements of each others personalities.Married couples are likely to exert themselves for guestsbeing amusing, discussing with passion and point and then to fall into dull exhausted silence when the guests have gone.As in all friendship, a husband and wife must try to interest each other, and

14、to spend sufficient time sharing absorbing activities to give them continuing common interests. But at the same time they must spend enough time on separate interests with separate people to preserve and develop their separate personalities and keep their relationship fresh.For too many highly intel

15、ligent working women, home represents chore obligations, because the husband only tolerates her work and does not participate in household chores. For too many highly intelligent working men, home represents dullness and complaintsfrom an over-dependent wife who will not gather courage to make her own life.In such an atmosphere, the partners grow further and further apart, both love and liking disappearing. For too many couples with children, the children are allowed to command all time and attention, allowing the coup



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