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1、易错题名师指导:交际口语陷阱题精编陷阱题训练1. “Could you do me a favour and take the box up to the six floor?” “_.”A. With pleasure B. My pleasureC. No wonder D. No comment2. “Its $500, but that is my last offer.” “OK, it is a _.”A. cost B. priceC. reward D. deal3. “I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident.” “_

2、lets go and see him.”A. Whats more B. If soC. Where possible D. When necessary4. “Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?” “It _.”A. all depend B. all dependsC. is all depended D. is all depending5. “Do you want to go to the movie, Jane?” “_. I feel like doing something different.”A. Dont m

3、ention it B. I dont want itC. I dont think so D. Not really6. “Would you like me to show you the way?” “_.”A. Thats very kind of you. B. Yes, you could.C. Good idea! D. With great pleasure!7. “I prefer a computer made in your company, but I may need some more information about the product.” “_.”A. T

4、hank you B. Its a pleasureC. You are welcome D. At your service8. “Have a drink?” “No thanks, _.”A. I do mind B. I dont like itC. Never mind D. Id rather not9. “Weve missed the train!” “_, therell be another in ten minutes.”A. All right B. Not at allC. Never mind D. Dont mention it10. “Would you min

5、d telling her the news?” “_, but I dont know if I _ her these days.”A. Of course, shall see B. Of course not, seeC. Of course, see D. Of course not, shall see11. “May I borrow your paper?” “ _.”A. By all means B. Never mindC. You are welcome D. Dont mention it12. He pushed his way through the crowd,

6、 saying “_.”A. Never mind B. With pleasureC. Go ahead D. Excuse me13. “Heres what you asked for.” “_.”A. Many thanks B. Thank a lotC. Thanks you D. Thank you a lot14. “Can you spare me a few minutes now?” “_, but Ill be free this afternoon.”A. No, I wont B. Yes, with pleasureC. Im not sure D. Im afr

7、aid not15. “Would you like to turn that music down? Im writing a letter.” “_.”A. No, Id like to B. No, pleaseC. Yes, sorry. D. Yes, Id like it.16. “You must find such long hours very tiring.” “_. I enjoyed it.”A. After all B. Never mindC. Not in the least D. Thats all right17. “Would you take this a

8、long to the office for me?” “_.”A. Thats right B. With pleasureC. Never mind D. Not at all18. “Do you need any help with those heavy bags?” “No, thanks; _.”A. Never mind B. All rightC. I can manage D. You are welcome19. “Mr Smith is a kind person. I like to to work with him.” “In fact, everyone _.”A

9、. is B. doesC. has D. likes20. “At lunch time Id like to have a chat with you.” “Pardon, Have _ with me?”A. when B. whoC. which D. what21. “I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.” “_. It was her fault.”A. No way B. Not possibleC. No chance D. Not at all【答案与解析】1. 选 A。with pleasure 的意思是“

10、高兴地”、“乐意地”。注意不宜选B,my pleasure 主要用于回答感谢,意为“这是我乐意做的事”、“不用客气”,也可说成 Its my pleasure 或 Its a pleasure等。2. 选D。Its a deal 的意思是“就这么办”、“一言为定”。3. 选B。if so 为 if it is so 之略,意为“如果那样的话”。4. 选B。It all depends 的意思是“那要看情况”,也可说成 That depends。5. 选D。not really 表示否定,但语气较轻,意为“不很”。6. 选A。Thats very kind of you 意为“你太好了”、“你真

11、是太客气”,常用于感谢对方的友好提议。又如下面一题也选A:“Can I get you a cup of coffee?” “_.”A. Thats very nice of you B. With pleasureC. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea7. 选D。at your service 的意思是“随时为您服务”、“随时为您效劳”。8. 选D。Id rather not 通常用于委婉地拒绝对方的邀请或提议。9. 选C。never mind 表示安慰,意为“不要紧”、“没关系”。10. 选D。第一空填 of course not,表示“不介

12、意”;第二空要填 shall see,因为 if 引导的是宾语从句,而不是条件状语从句,所以不能用一般现在时表示将来。11. 选A。by all means 表示同意,意为“完全可以”。12. 选D。excuse me 用作从别人面前经过时的礼貌用语,又如:Excuse me, could I get past? 对不起,让我过去好吗?13. 选A。若选B,则应改为Thanks a lot;若选C,则应改为 Thank you 或 Thanks;若选D,则应改为 Thank you very much 之类的。换句话说,thank 用作动词时,它是及物的,其后应有宾语;用作名词时,它通常要用复

13、数形式。另外注意,英语中虽然可说 Thanks a lot,但习惯上不说 Thank you a lot。14. 选D。甲要乙现在抽出几分钟,而乙说要等下午才有空也就是说,乙现在抽不出时间,所以选D最适合。15. 选C。从上下文语境来看,一方因音乐声放得太大已对另一方(正在写信)造成影响,所以选C较恰当。16. 选C。Not in the least 意为“一点也不”。注意联系下文的 I enjoyed it。17. 选B,with pleasure 主要用于回答请求或邀请。18. 选C。由句意推知。19. 选B。does 相当于 likes to work with him。注意不能选D,因为 like 是及物动词。20. 选D。答话人由于没有听清问话人的 chat 一词,故针对问话人的 have a chat with you,反问 have what with me?21. 选 A。no way 的意思是“没门”。根据上下文的语境(尤其是It was her fault)可推知。



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