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1、“学 程 导 航”课 时 教 学 计 划教学内容Unit3 Study skills共几课时7课型new第几课时6教学目标1. To introduce and identify stress in sentences.2. To recognize stress in sentences from listening and reading.3. To recognize stress in sentences from listening and reading.教学重难点1.Make plans to go out.2.To recognize stress in sentences f

2、rom listening and reading.教学资源预习设计1.Read out the dialogue in Speak up.2.Listen to the tape to preview stress in sentences. 施教日期 年 月 日 学程预设导学策略调整与反思Step1 Greetings and revision.Talk to Ss about the sound and intonation of English. Tell them that we stress important words. Sentence stress is the music

3、 of spoken English. Like word stress, sentence stress can help you to understand spoken English, especially when you speak fast.Step2 Read and learnSentence stress is what gives English its rhythm or beat. You remember that word stress is accent on one syllable within a word. Sentence stress is acce

4、nt on certain words within a sentence.Say a few simple sentences which Ss know well. Ask Ss how many beats they can hear. First, say a number of sentences with one, two and three stressed words, Then say the words in a random order and ask SS to call out what they hear. Take Ss through the examples

5、in Part A for reference. Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write what they hear for the sentences in Part B. Greetings and revisionDiscussionListen to the tape and read after it.对学生进行听力技巧的指导和点拨:在听力训练开始前,要快速掠读问题和选项,抓住主要信息,排除次要信息的干扰。学程预设导学策略调整与反思If the class seems unsure, play the recording a seco

6、nd time. Go through them quickly and identify problems with particular sentences. If there is a pattern, then explain again, giving comparative examples to illustrate the differences. Ask Ss to say the list of sentences in chorus.Step3 PracticeGive them more sentences to practise with claps. Ask more able Ss to do the extra questions.Discuss with the other students.Check the answers together.作业设计1. Copy the words and phrases.2. Do the exercises.3. Read the sentences in Study Skills.



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