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1、高都中学校园文化用语(英汉对照版)1.Uphold the advanced and pursue the brilliance.崇尚先进,追求卓越。2.Glory dies not.荣誉永存。3.The life true value does not lie in us to obtain any,but lies in us to offer any.人生的真正价值不在于我们得到什么,而在于我们奉献什么。4.The life complete significance lies in infinitly exploring what we dont know yet,lies in co

2、nstantly increasing more knowledge.人生的全部意义在于无穷地探索尚未知道的东西,在于不断地增加更多的知识。5.Today Im proud of our school.Tomorrow our school will be proud of me.今天我以学校为荣,明天学校以我为荣。6.We are the masters of our school.We win honors for our school all the time.我们是学校主人,时时为校增光。7.The art of education is to make students enjoy

3、what you teach.教育的艺术是使学生喜欢你所教的东西。8.Learning is a life-time profession.He who doesnt advance recedes.学习是终身的职业,在学习的道路上,谁想停下来就要落伍。9.He who loves others gets love.He who respects others gains respection.爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。10.Respect teachers and cherish students.尊师爱生。11.Be polite to others.礼貌待人。12.Learn

4、to be an upright person,seek knowledge,keep healthy and make innovations.学会做人,学会求知,学会健体,学会创新。13.First learn to be an upright person.Then learn to deal with affairs.先学会做人,再学会处事。14.To be a man honestly.To read earnestly.To work diligently.老老实实做人,认认真真读书,勤勤恳恳工作。15.To be an honest man and work hard.堂堂正正做

5、人,踏踏实实做事。16.Work hard and to be an honest man.认认真真读书,实实在在做人。17.To think extraordinarily and do literally.想,要奇特非凡;干,要实实在在。18.To think what youre going to do in the morning sunshine,and ask what youve learned under the setting sun.沐着晨光想一想,今天该做些什么?踏着夕阳问一句,今天学到些什么?19.Suceess comes from good habits.成功来自良

6、好的习惯。20.Good habit makes good life.良好的习惯,会使你终身受益。21.Good habit makes good character.播种的是习惯,收获的是品格。22.Stress civilized virtues,and obey code of conduct.讲求文明礼貌,遵守行为规范。23.Self-possessed,self-restraint and self-strive.自尊自爱自律,自重自信自强。24.Comply with the rules.遵规守纪。25.To prepare,listen,review and do homewok

7、 earnestly.To read much,think over,practise and experiment unitedly.预习、听课、复习、作业。一丝不苟;多读、深思、练习、实验,有机结合。26.Please use manner words:Hello!Thank you!Sorry!Thats all right!Good morning,teacher!Hello,teacher!请使用礼貌用语:您好!谢谢!对不起!没关系!老师您早!老师您好!27.Unity and fraternity.团结友爱。28.Keep good manners.举止文明。29.Pay atte

8、ntion to hygience.讲究卫生。30.Everyone is duty-bound to pay attention to hygiene.讲究卫生,人人有责。31.Virtue never grows old.美德永远不老。32.Everything of a man should be perfect:features,clothing, intelligent and thought.人的一切都应该是美丽的:面貌、衣裳、心灵、思想33.The beauty of the instruments and meters satisfies eyes and minds.The

9、beauty of the soul shakes hearts and spirits.仪表美,赏心悦目;心灵美,撼人心魄。34.To rearrange your clothing and amend your behaviour.整衣冠,洁品行。35.Honesty and credibility.诚实守信。36.Honest in life,order in deed,think into a line while seeing grace,be happy while hearing of faults.做人诚实,做事有序;见贤思齐,闻过则喜。37.Sincerity and hon

10、esty are better than beautiful words.诚信、质朴比美妙的言辞更能打动人。38.He who donest work hard will neglect his studies.Suceess depends on forethought and failure comes after casualness.业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。39.If you want to be happy,make yourself useful.让自己做一个有用的人,这样才能获得幸福。40.It is well-mannered of you to mutter an

11、d walk sowly.慢步轻声,更显出你的温文尔雅。41.Your quality is improved when you are pleased to pick up a piece of waste paper.从你乐于捡起一张废纸开始,你的素质就已经提高了。42.Morality usually behaves in the unconcerned places.最容易忽视的地方,往往是最能体现道德的地方。43.For your love,flowers turn red,grass turns green and trees turn tall.因为有了你的爱,花儿红了,草儿绿了

12、,树儿长高了。44.To let the people feel happy because of my presence.让人们因为我的存在而感到幸福。45.If you want to reach great aims,you must start from little aims.要向大的目标走去,就得从小的目标开始。46.The important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determi nation to attain it.人生之要紧事乃在于有一个远大的目标,以及实现这一目标的决心。47.Without hope,t

13、he heart would break.希望乃支撑心灵之物。48.Everybody has his day.While where is life there is hope.人人皆有得意日。有生命就会有希望。 49.You trust yourself,thats the secret of success.相信你自己,是成功的秘诀。50.Confident is the first step to success.No confident is the main reason to failure.自信是走向成功之路的第一步,缺乏自信心是失败的原因。51.The sharp point

14、 of swords comes from grind.The sweet scent of plum blossoms from bitter cold.宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。52.No spring blossoms without autumn fruit.没有春天花怒放,哪来秋日果满枝。53.Knowledge must depend on studying hard and success must depend on training.求知,须立志于刻苦;成才,必经得住磨炼。54.Nothing can be done if you have no will.人要有毅力,

15、否则将一事无成。55.Fire tries gold and adversity proves will.正如火可试金一样,逆境可以考验人得意志。56.Keep your face always towards the sunshine,and the shadows will fall behind you.永远面对阳光,阴影自然会抛弃后面。57.Its easy to say,but hard to do.Step to the fore in face of difficulties,we can attain our goal.说来容易,做来难。迎难而进,才能达到目的。58.Be patient in adversity and cautious in prosperity.逆境中需要耐心,顺境中需要小心。59.People feel happy in the pleased surroundings.People work hard in the hard atmosphere.赏心悦目得环境可以使人心旷神怡,奋发图强的气氛可以使人奋进。60.For hanging around its to expend the light of life.For struggl


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