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1、新视野翻译训练第三册1.Mr. Williams deceived everyone, including Mr. Abdy and including even his own wife, telling them that he inherited the money from a rich uncle. He was caught because his bank deposits were so large that they were noticed by the banks management. The bank notified the police, who discover

2、ed, to their terrible embarrassment, that the criminal was one of their own.Key:威廉斯先生欺骗了所有的人,包括阿布迪先生,甚至他自己的妻子。他对他们说自己是从一个富有的叔叔那里继承了这笔钱。他被捕是因为他的银行存款太大,引起了银行管理部门的注意。银行通知了警方,警方最后极为尴尬地发现,罪犯原来是自己的家贼。2. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. Some iron is lost in sweat, and, for

3、unknown reasons, intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system. Athletes in high-impact sports such as running may also lose iron through a phenomenon where small blood vessels in the feet leak blood.Key:运动可能通过多种机制导致铁离子流失。 有些铁离子随汗液流失。另外,由于某些未知的原因,高强度的耐力运动有时

4、是与消化系统内出血联系在一起的。 运动员从事高度剧烈的运动,比如跑步时,也可能会因为足部细血管失血的现象而使铁质流失。3. Now, Joe Gauld is trying to spread his controversial Character First idea to public, inner-city schools willing to use the tax dollars spent on the traditional program for the new approach. The first Hyde public school program opened in S

5、eptember 1992. Within months the program was suspended. Teachers protested the programs demands and the strain associated with more intense work.Key:现在,乔高尔德(约瑟夫高尔德)正试图将他尚有争议的品德第一的理念向市中心贫民区的公立学校推广。这些学校愿将用于传统教学计划的税金用于实施这一新的教学方法。 第一个海德公立学校教学计划始于1992年9月。 但几个月后,该计划即告暂停。 教师们对教学计划的过高要求以及高强度工作所带来的压力表示抗议。4.

6、During a later war in 1812, Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for US Army forces, working with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the army. Barrels of meat supplied to the army were stamped EA-US, identifying the company (EA) and country of origin (US). Acc

7、ording to one story, when a government official visited the plant and asked about the letters, a creative employee told him US was short for Uncle Sam Wilson. Soon soldiers were saying all Army supplies were from Uncle Sam.Key:此后在1812年的战争中,威尔逊获得了一个职位,为美国军队检验肉食。他的合伙人和美国政府签定了一份合同,给军队提供肉食。 送到军队的肉桶上面都印有

8、EA-US的标志,EA代表公司名,US代表原产国。 传说有一回,有个政府官员来参观加工厂,问及这些字母的含义,一个想像丰富的雇员告诉他,US是山姆大叔威尔逊的缩写。 很快,士兵们都说所有的军需都是来自山姆大叔。5. The only light in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment, which is flashing its red light as if in warning. As I stand there, the smell hits my nose, and I close my eyes as I rem

9、ember the smell of decay from past experience. In my mouth I have a sour, vinegar taste coming from the pit of my stomach. I reach for the light switch, and as it silently lights the scene, I return to the bed to observe the patient with an unemotional, medical eye.Key:她屋里惟一的光线来自一件医疗设备,它闪着红光,似乎在发出警告

10、。 我站在那里,一股怪味刺激着我的鼻子,我想起了过去闻到过的腐烂的气味,我闭上了眼睛。 我嘴里有一股从胃底涌上来的酸酸的醋味。 我伸手去开灯。灯静静地照亮了整个病房,我走回病床边,用无动于衷的、医生的目光观察着病人。6. Human population growth is creating food shortages, problems of air quality, and changes in weather patterns. What is destroying rain forests and ruining the land and seas? What causes the

11、acid rain that forms from water passing through polluted air? Why is there the threat of global warming? All these harmful results come from the too much use of resources and the human struggle to control the environment.Key:人口的增长带来了粮食短缺、空气质量降低、天气状况变化等问题。 是什么在破坏雨林、土壤和海洋? 是什么造成了雨水穿过污染的大气而形成的酸雨? 为什么会有

12、全球变暖的威胁? 所有这些恶果都源于对资源的过度使用和人类对环境的强行控制。7. The companys formula for success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the rose chain. It grows its own roses in the sunshine of the Andes Mountains near the capital of Ecuador. Fresh roses are sprayed with water to keep them moist and flown to

13、company stores three times a week. The New York stores sell about 45,000 stems a week, along with other items like balloons and stuffed animals. Roses Only can arrange delivery via overnight mail to anywhere in the country.Key:该公司成功的秘诀是通过其销售链的每一个环节降低成本。 它在厄瓜多尔首都附近、位于安第斯山脉的阳光地带有自己的玫瑰种植园。 新鲜的玫瑰经过洒水保湿后

14、,每周三次空运到公司各个分店。 纽约的花店每周售出45,000支玫瑰,同时也兼售其他物品,如气球和毛绒动物等。 惟一玫瑰可以通过速递邮件连夜把花送到全国各地。8. Even in terms of biology, a clone would not be identical to the master copy. The clones cells, for example, would have energy-processing machinery that came from the egg, not from the person who was cloned. But most of

15、 the physical differences between originals and copies are so minor that detection of them would require a sophisticated laboratory. The one possible exception is bearing children. Wilmut and his coworkers are not sure that Dolly will be able to have lambs. They will try to find out once shes old en

16、ough to breed.Key:即使从生物学的角度看,克隆人也不会和母本一模一样。 比如,克隆人的细胞可能会有来自卵子而非被克隆人的能量加工机制。 然而,在母体和克隆体之间存在的身体差异大部分都很小,小得需要在设备精良的实验室里测定。 惟一可能的例外就是生育能力。 威尔莫特和他的同事不敢肯定多莉是否能生育。 他们会等到多莉到了生育年龄时再寻找答案。9. A dispute can also break out over prenuptial agreements if a couple decides to divorce while living abroad, or when they have different passports. A lawyer in a London law firm that often handles divorces for British-American couples noted that in Brita


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