PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit 4 《My Holiday B Let’s read》精品教案

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1、PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit 4 My Holiday B Lets read精品教案 教学思路:准备活动阅读前活动阅读中活动阅读后活动-总结评价,作业布置结束教学目标:1、读懂Lets read 部分的短文并完成短文后面的练习。2、听、说、认读句子: It was a long holiday. We left Beijing on February 1st and got to Harbin on the 2nd. For the last day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.

2、教学重、难点: 1、重点是听、说、认读句子:It was a long holiday. We left Beijing on F or the last day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school. 2、难点是认读以下单词和短语:relaxed, prepared to , got back to, for the last day of the holiday.教学准备:多媒体课件。教学过程:一、Preparation1、Greetings T: Good morning, boys an

3、d girls. Nice to meet you . 2、lets chant. “Where did you go on your Holiday” (设计意图:复习前面所学句型,降低了阅读的难度,活跃了课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣)T: I have a chant for you. Lets enjoy the chant together, ok? (呈现课件:视频)Ss: Ok!3、Revise the phrases. (设计意图:复习旧知识,为学习新知做好了铺垫)T: There are some pictures for you. Lets see them together

4、. Ok? (呈现课件)Ss: Ok!4, free talk. Today I am very happy. I am your English teacher. Lets be good friends.Ok?T: Hello, boy/girl. Whats your name? Nice to meet you! What did you do last weekend/on Qingming festival? Where did you go last weekend/on Qingming festival? How did you go there?二、Pre- reading

5、1、T: This is your holiday of Qingming festival. On Qingming festival I went to Zaozhuang(枣庄). Do you know Zaozhuang? On that day, I left Luozhuang by bus in the morning April 4th. I got to Zaozhuang in the noon of that day. 板书left和got,告诉学生left是leave的过去式,got是get的过去式。(齐读、组读、个人读 并作替换练习,引出本课重点句型We left

6、Beijing on February 1st and got to Harbin on the 2nd.) ,2,On April 5th, I went back to shool.(用路线图表示回到学校) (齐读、组读、个人读 并作替换练习)三、In- reading 1、T: I had a happy holiday. Amy had a happy holiday, too. She wrote her holiday down. Lets listen it quickly and answer the questions. (Here is the learning tip.)

7、(If you want to get information quickly. please dont read single word. Just read it quickly and circle the word you need. If you find the answers, please put up your hands.) (设计意图:培养学生快速阅读,寻找信息的能力) Choose the right answers(阅读提示:跳读、找关键词、关键句)1), How many days did Amy have on her holiday? ( ) A, five B

8、, four C, seven D, six2), what didnt he do on her holiday? ( )A, went skiing B, bought presents C, Played football D, did my home workGive Ss a few minutes to read the letter as quickly as they can and find the answers. Check the answers together. (教师巡视进行必要的指导)2、T: Lets read the letter again and fin

9、ish the sentences. (出示课件) Read carefully and find the answers. (阅读提示:仔细阅读,小组讨论勾划出问题的答案)(T: Very good. boys and girls you are clever. Now look at the questions on your book try to find out the answers. You can discuss with your partner.) (阅读提示: If you want to get detailed information. please read car

10、efully underline the words or sentences?)(设计意图:鼓励学生进行小组讨论,相互倾听交流,达到省时高效的目的) 1) I _ on the 3rd. 2) I _ on the 4th. 3) I_ on the 5th. 4) I _on the 6th.Let Ss read the letter again and finish the sentences Check the answers together. 教师巡视进行必要的指导。3、Ask the students to listen to the tape and repeat .(Now

11、 lets listen to the tape and read follow it .please pay attention to the pronunciation.)4、Read the letter in groups.(please read it loudly in groups.)自读短文,标出不懂不会的部分。提出,教师或学生解答。处理词汇:relax 教师提问:What did he do in Harbin? 引导学生回答。教师接着说:That was a busy holiday. They wanted to relax themselves. (做表示想休息的动作)

12、 四、Postreading1. Listen and choose.February 1stFebruary 2ndFebruary 3rdFebruary 4thFebruary 5thFebruary 6thFebruary 7ththe last day of the holidayi a. went skiing b. did homework c. went to a park d. got back to Beijing e. went ice-skating f. got to Harbin g. left Beijing h. bought presents i relaxe

13、d and prepared to go back to work or school( I will give you one minute to read it quickly.)2、 Retell the letter (设计意图:帮助学生整体感知短文内容,加深对短文的的理解,有助于学生的记忆。)1)T:Boys and girls, we know about Amys holiday . Lets retell the text together ,ok ? ( 课件: )Ss: Ok!2)Retell by themselves in groups.((教师巡视进行必要的方法指导)

14、3)Retell one by one. 五、Progress1,T: Do you want to know more about holiday ? Here is a passage for you. Read the passage carefully and do some exercises. (设计意图:扩大学生的阅读量,提高学生的综合语言运用能力)(出示课件) 根据短文内容选择。It was a long holiday. We left Shanghai on February 1st and got to Hainan by plane on the 2nd. On tha

15、t day, I went to a park with my parents. I took many beautiful pictures. On the 3rd, I went swimming. On the 4th, I did my homework. On the 5th, I saw elephants in the zoo. On the 6th, I bought presents for my friends. We went back to Shanghai by plane on the 7th. We had a good time1. Where did Zhang Peng go on his holiday? ( ) A, Shanghai B, Jinan C, Beijing D, Hainan2. How did he go there? ( ) A , by plane B, by bike C, by train D, by


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