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1、青云中学2012-2013学年第一学期期中测试九年级初三英语试卷第一卷(选择题共75)一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A)从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。听两遍。 1. What kind of person is Sandy? A. B. C. 2. Where does the dialogue probably take place? A. B. C. 3. What did Andy do at the weekend? A B. C.4. What are they going to do? A. B. C. 5. Which pen will the

2、boy buy? A. B. C. B) 听对话,根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案。听两遍。6. Who is the monitor of Amys class? A. Peter. B. David. C. Amy.7. What problems do most students have now? A. They cant sleep at night.B. They have too much homework. C. They worry too much.8. How does the girl feel about herself? A. Sad. B. Happy. C. Sh

3、y.9. Whats the most probable relationship between them? A. Teacher and student. B. Cook and waiter. C. Doctor and patient.10. What will Mr Smith do during the holidays?A. He will go home. B. He will go to some places. C. He will stay at home.C) 听下面几段对话,从所给选项中选出最佳答案回答问题。听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题:11. When

4、 is Alice going to Bill s house? A. On Thursday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.12. What does Alice think is a helpful way for Bill to learn English well? A. To talk with foreigners. B. To make flashcards. C. To listen to tapes.听第二段对话,回答13-15小题。13. Why was Nancy unhappy?A. There was too much homework

5、for her to do.B. She had no time to spend on her hobbies.C. She quarreled with her best friend.14. What will Nancy do to say sorry to Lucy?A. She will write a letter.B. She will call her up. C. She will give her some flowers.15. How old is Lucy now?A. Fourteen. B. Fifteen. C. Sixteen.D) 听短文,根据短文内容选择

6、适当答案。听两遍。 16. Does Millie have to get up early in the morning? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. On school days she does, but on weekends she doesnt.17. Is she allowed to stay out with friends on school nights? A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt. C. Sorry, I dont know from the passage.18. What is

7、Millie allowed to do on Sunday nights? A. She is allowed to go shopping with her friends. B. She is allowed to go to the cinema with her friends. C. She is not allowed to watch TV on Saturday nights.19. Is Millie allowed to have her own clothes? A. No, she isnt.B. No, she has to wear school uniforms

8、 all day. C. Yes, she is.20. Why isnt Millie allowed to get her ears pierced(穿耳眼)? A. Because the teachers dont allow students to get ears pierced. B. Because wearing earrings looks ugly. C. Because she might be sorry for that in the future. 二、选择填空(共25小题;每小题1分;满分25分)A)单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳

9、选项。 21.Id like _ dress. What about _ blue one? Try it on.A. a; theB. a; aC. the; theD. the; a22. He prefers _ at home reading to _ out shopping on Sundays.A. to stay, goingB. to stay, goC. staying, goingD. staying, to go23. We could not understand them because of us know their language. A. nobody B.

10、 none C. no one D. all24. We should be strict _ ourselves _ our work.A. in, with B. with, in C. with, on D. on, with25.I have decided _her for her mistake_ everyone makes mistakes in life. A. forgiving; but B. to forgive; when C. to forgive; since D. forgiving; until26. Would you like to _us in wate

11、ring flowers? A. take part in B. come C. attend D. join27. It is silly _ you to give up _ to America for further study.A. for, to goB. for, goingC. of, to go D. of, going28. .Mary was heard_ just now. What happened? John was telling a joke. A. cry B. to cry C. laugh D. to laugh29. _good advice! Its

12、so helpful to us. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 30.Ann was _ a good mood and kept _ jokes to us.A. in, sayingB. on, tellingC. in, to tellD. in, telling31. -The students sitting at the back cant see the blackboard_. -Why not_ them move a little forward?A. clear enough, let B. enough clear, lettin

13、gC. clearly enough, letD. enough clearly, letting32. I didnt know _. Can you tell me?A. who to speak to B. who speak to C. who to speak D. who spoke33. Dad, do I need to bring a raincoat with me ?Im afraid you .A. will have to B. neednt C. Sure, Id love D. No, thanks34 -Steven asked me to remind you _the meeting this afternoon. Dont forget it! -OK, I_. A. of, wont B. to, will C. of, will D



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