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1、-From shy girl to pop star教学设计表单一、教学容分析本单元unit 5 主要谈论人物过去的特点,本节课是unit 5 的第三课时主要是通过阅读了解一位性格腼腆的亚裔女孩转变为流行歌手的故事,在拓展描述过去的语言知识,开展技能及阅读策略的同时,向学生传递出关注自我开展和自我完善的重要性。二、教学目标一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:1) 学习掌握以下词汇: background, interview, Asian, deal with, dare, private, guard, require2 阅读短文,能按要求获取相关的信息。3 通过阅读训练来提高学生们的阅读能力。4

2、) 学习运用used to来表达“过去常常存在的状态或的发生的动作。2. 能力目标1. 教师引导学生通过阅读课文完成相关任务。 2. 通过形式多样的任务练习激发学生的积极性和学生热情,变被动为主动。让学生充分感受主观能动,有成就感和合作学习的快乐感。3. 最后通过和课间同步学案任务检查学生的成果。并让学生总结本节课只是并作出指导和反思。3. 情感态度价值观目标:让学生明白事物是在不断开展、变化的道理,培养学生积极向上的心态;向学生传递出关注自我开展和自我完善的重要性.三、学习者特征分析1、针对学生初中阶段心理和生理的不断开展、变化。2、每个学生对自己的变化和开展的看法。3、学生思维活泼,渴望得

3、到同学和教师的赞许和认同。4、学生对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,阅读能力有待提高。5、学生对自己自我开展和自我完善的关注.6、对新知识有判断的能力,对不同方面的知识产生偏好。四、教学策略选择与设计1、初中九年级学生学习方式已经成型,可塑性较强,逻辑思维逐渐开展。2、局部学生可以进展局部知识的自学,对新知识有判断的能力,对不同方面的知识产生偏好。但存在分化。阅读水平低于平均程度的学生,采用非印刷媒体教学更有效。如果学习者对主题缺乏兴趣,可以考虑采用高刺激的教学媒体,例如:幻灯片图片呈现、模拟游戏和其他采用技术的活动。 学习者首次进入新的概念领域时,需要更多直接的、具体的经历。3、教师在上新课程之前,已

4、经估计到有些学生可能需要补课。因此,教师必须要采用非正式或者正式的方法来验证对入门能力的估计。非正式的验证方法可以是课堂提问、课下交谈等。正式的验证方法有:标准化测试、临时的考试等。 在教学开场之前,也要通过讨论和前测等方法,对教学容进展前期评估。如果学习者已经掌握了你方案讲授的那些容,教学的过程就不需要了,否则就是浪费学生和教师。4、培养学生动脑动手,相互帮助的合作探究精神,比拟鉴别自己,善于反思的自我批评精神。五、教学重点及难点1. 教学重点:1) 掌握本局部出现的生词和词组,到达熟练运用的目标。2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。2. 教学难点:1) 阅读短文,

5、获得相关的信息的能力。2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。六、教学过程教师活动预设学生活动设计意图一. Warm-up and revision课堂热身和复习1Finish by yourself.2Discuss in pairs. 你能比照图片中过去与现在的变化说几句话吗? used to ,but now (1) Finish the sentences using (used to ) according to the pictures.(2) pare the two pictures and say some sentences.利用形象直观的图片,对已学的容进展稳固。二Lead

6、 in Look at the picture and the title and answer:What do you think the passage is aboutFrom the picture and the title, we can get the main idea of the article.阅读策略指导 :根据标题及图画猜想文章大意三 Presentation. Skimming Task1Read the article and answer the question:Task 2 Look through the passage and match the mai

7、n idea with each paragraphScanning Task1Read Para 1carefully and answer:Task 2.Read Para 2 and fill in the form.Task3 Read Para 3 and fill in the blanks.Read the article again and plete the sentences about Candy.Find some useful phrases from the passageWhen we do something, we require a lot of talen

8、t and hard work to succeed. Many times we think about giving up, but we should fight on.Then we can make it to the top.ageSkimming Task 1.What does Cindy Wang doTask 2Paragraph 1 How Candys life has changedParagraph2 Candys advice to young peopleParagraph3 Candys backgroundScanning Task 11.What did

9、Cindy Wang use to be like2.What did she do to deal with her shyness3. How is she nowTask 2.Task3 You _be prepared to_ your normal life. You can never imagine _the road to success is. Many times I thought about_, but I _. You really require a lot of _and _to succeed. Only a very _number of people mak

10、e it to the top.1. She used to be shy, but now shes not shy _.2. She didnt use to be _ in school, but now she gets lots of attention.3. She used to _ with friends, but it is almost impossible now.4 She didnt use to _ how she appears to others, but now she does.1.take up singing with her shyne

11、ss3.dare to sing 4.Shes not shy anymore. careful about what I say or do6.get tons of attention7.I dont have much private time prepared to give up you normal life快速阅读短文,争取在较短的时间,确定每个段落的大意。细读获取每个段落的具体信息。让学生明白事物是在不断开展、变化的道理,培养学生积极向上的心态;向学生传递出关注自我开展和自我完善的重要性.四 自我检测五 Homework.Talk about

12、 your past and now using the following sentences:A: What did you use to be like What did you use to like What did you use to eat / read / watch on TV / do at schoolB: I used to A: What about nowB: I am/like/eat/read/watch 将你们小组成员的变化写成一段话,向全班同学汇报。I used to eat lots of chocolate, but now I like to eat

13、 fruits. I think fruits are rich in vitamin and are good for my health. My partner _.七、教学评价设计评价容评价等级评价目的优5良4中3我能认真听教师讲课,听同学发言。能否认真专注遇到我会答复的问题都主动举手了。能否主动参与发言时声音响亮能否自由表达我能积极参与小组讨论活动,能与他人合作?能否善于合作善于思考,并能有条理地表达自己不同的看法。能否独立思考我会指出同学错误的解答是否敢于否认我能常得到教师的表扬、同学的赞赏。是否欣赏自我我能在不懂时向别人请教。是否敢于请教我已养成良好的完成作业的习惯能否独立思考我能展开丰富的想像理解教学容。是否富于想像我在学习的过程中感到快乐。是否兴趣浓厚最欣赏哪个同学的表现呢?为什么?我还有与这节课的容相关的问题问教师得分八、板书设计Unit 4 From shy girl to pop star1. Skimming2. Scanning3. Useful phrasesWhen we do something, we require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed. Many times we think about giving up, but we should fight on.Th


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