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1、MBA英文面试常用词汇、短语本性bright ability plus flexibility ability to leann good healthmature dyn amic en ergetic hon est stable pers on alityhigh sense of resp on sibility resourceful excelle nt prese ntati on and com muni cati on skillsability to inno vate strong in itiative tech ni cally soundgood an alytic

2、al mind to solve complex issues pers onal con fide neeprove n problem sol ving / an alytical skills acute and dyn amic easy to get together with peoplestro ng tech ni cal commercial sense stro ng n egotiati on andcommuni catio n skills pleasa nt pers on alityin itiative对未来highly-motivated stro ng am

3、biti on and determ in ati on to succeed career ambiti on ambitious ability and desire to adva nee rapidly aggressive ness做事方式well orga ni zed, prepared ness to work hard bili ngual good people skills, stro ng in ter-pers onal skills, hard-work ing, enjoys worki ng with people, work independently , s

4、trong leadership skill , a great team spirit work under high pressure , a-nd time-limitation , result-oriented have the commitment to meet deadlines team player , good people management skillsLanguage Proficiencyv描述语言能力的用词常见形容词、名词和副词worki ng good proficie ncy above-average excelle nt effectively flu

5、e nt familiarity flue ncy 实例:1. Worki ng comma-nd of spoke n a-nd writte n En glish2. Good comma-nd of En glish with ability to u-n dersta-nd ha-nd -writte n En glish3. Proficie ncy in writte n a-nd spoke n En glish a-nd Chin ese4. Above-average En glish/ Chin ese com mu-ni cati on a-nd orga ni zati

6、o n ability5. An excelle nt u-n dersta-nd ing of En glish6. Ability to commu-ni cate in En glish orally a-nd in writte n form7. Effectively bili ngual in En glish a-nd Chin ese8. Be able to commu-nicate in a-nd translate from English to Chinese a-nd vice versa orally a-nd in written form9. Flue nt i

7、n En glish10. Familiarity with tech ni cal En glish11. Flue ncy in En glishComputer Literacy描述计算机水平的用词常用形容词sou-nd high ha-nd s-on high proficiency solid skillful literate good experieneed 实例:1. Kno wledge of microcomputer a-nd software program ming2. Sou-nd kno wledge a-nd experie nee in computer3.

8、Having experienee in computer operation proficiency in Microsoft Windows, Word a-nd Excel4. High proficie ncy in computer operati on5. With ha-nd s pn experie nee in system developme nt in clud ing systeman alysis a-nd desig n6. High proficie ncy in computer n etwork ing a-nd office productivity sof

9、tware7. Solid kno wledge in pers onal computer operati on8. Be skillful in computer applicati on9. Computer literate in both En glish a-nd Chin ese Ian guages10. Good worki ng kno wledge of Lotus 123 or other related finan cial software11. Experieneed in Oracle, Informix or Syba-se a-nd U-NIXOccupat

10、ional Experienee描述工作经历的用词1. experienee in international sales a-nd ability to produce results2. experie nee worki ng in mult in ati onal en vir onment3. market-orie nted with kno wledge of shipp ing docume ntatio ns a-nd some tech ni cal backgro u-nd4. experienee in auditing, cost accou-nting a-nd t

11、axation5. familiarity with or interest in international trade issues6. 2 years work ing experie nee in commerce a-nd eon sumer products7. 1-2 years marketi ng experie nee in advertis ing a-nd promoti on8. experienee in the computerization of financial fu-nctions9. media pla nning or servic ing inter

12、n ati onal clie nts10. experie nee in staff man ageme nt11. experie nee in n etwork ing bus in ess12. clerk experie nee13. 3 years work ing experie nee at supervisory level in product ion operati on14. excellent experienee in administrative accou-ntingJob titles 各种职务名称commerce a-nd accou-ntant 商务会计类

13、职务 CPA-Certified Public Accou-ntantChief acco u-ntantAcco u-nting an alystAcco u-n ti ng a-ssista ntAcco u-nting clerkAcco u-n ti ng man agerAccou-nting staffAcco u-nting supervisorBond an alystBond traderExport Sales Man gerExport staffFinan cial an alystFinan cial con trollerManagement管理类职务 admi n

14、istrative a-ssista nt admi nistrative man ager admi nistrative service man ager administrative staff administrative clerk admi nistratorTech no logy a-nd engin eeri ngv 技术工程类职务 Product ion in spectorProduct ion man agerProduct ion pla nnerProduct ion supervisorProject staffQC in spectorArchitectural

15、 engin eerProgrammi ng engin eer一些重要的管理名词解释teamwork: a cooperative effort by a group or team to pursue a com monobjective.Teamwork spirit is very importa nt for moder n cooperati on muni cati on: the excha nge of in formatio n betwee n in dividuals, forexample, bymea ns of speak ing, writ ing, or using a com mon system of sig ns or behavior. Goodor a sin glecom muni cati on is critical for the smooth operati on of any orga ni zati on.sales: the excha nging of goods or services for an agreed amount of money, tran sacti onmarketing: the business activity of presenting products


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