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1、ATraining Program for freshmenIn JXUFEFormulated by: Team four (Seven win)IntroductionTraining consists of an organizations planned efforts to help employees learn job-related competencies (i.e. knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors), with the goal of applying these on the job. Most of the tim

2、e, were talking about all kinds of training programs for businesses, rather than those for non-profit organizations such as schools and governments. Therefore, this paper focuses on making a training program for a university. JXUFE is a very famous university in Jiangxi Province, an organization tha

3、t usually puts great emphasis on training its freshmen. The problem rises that the university lacks a comprehensive and scientific training program, so our work in figuring out an effective training program for freshmen in JXUFE is necessary. In this paper, we attempted to formulate a training progr

4、am according to the overall process of a training program exhibited as follow:Assess needs for trainingPlan training programImplement training programEvaluate results of trainingFeedbackFigure 1 the overall process of a training program1. Assess needs for training An analysis to effectively identify

5、 training needs of students so that training & development is planned, carried out to enable individual students to develop to their full potential and contribute to the success of the organization.(1) Organization Analysis: Considering organizations strategy, resources, and management support.江西财经大

6、学秉承 “信、敏、廉、毅”的校训和“敬业乐群、臻于至善”的大学精神,形成了培养具有“信敏廉毅”素质的创业型人才的办学特色,因此学校就有需要对大学新生进行培训,提高其各方面的素质,让新生更快地成为合格的江财人。另外,学校多年来一直致力于对新生生活、学习等方面进行较为全面的培训,积累了丰富的培训经验;随着学校培训师资质量的提高、培训硬件设施的不断改善,为各类针对新生的培训提供了有利的保障。(2) Person Analysis: Determining who needs training and if students are ready for training.其次,要对学生个人进行分析,将

7、学生现有的水平与预期未来对学生技能的要求进行比照,看两者之间是否存在差距。当能力不能满足需要时,就要进行培训。大部分新生对大学生活乃至未来的理想目标都是模糊的,引导新生进行正确的大学学业和职业生涯规划,树立明确的学习目标和远大的人生理想就显得很有必要了。结合不同人的特定需要,可以对新生的心理健康、安全意识、目标和理想、专业技能等进行培训,可以使新生们能更快的适应大学的生活。同时,经历了高考之后的大多数新生对大学生活充满期待与向往,乐于接受新鲜事物,可塑性较强。(3)Task Analysis: What kind of knowledge and skills should students

8、acquire in order to make outstanding achievements?最后,要进行工作分析,分析学生取得理想的成绩所必须掌握的知识和技能。入学新生对自身专业了解甚少,这就有必要对新生们培训自身专业的相关知识以及所需掌握的其他技能,帮助新生们更早的制定相应的目标,进而更加容易的达到学校的培养目标。2. Plan training program(1)Training GoalsThe training program involves several departments, ranging from a tiny class to the whole univer

9、sity. Therefore, all the departments have to make an accurate goal. Below is a list of the goals different counterparts have made. JXUFE JXUFE is committed to prepare its students with the characteristics of fidelity, excellence, integrity, and dedication. And it also prepares its students with the

10、tools and knowledge that are required to participate in a rapidly challenging world economy.Security department 提升新生面对突发安全事件的自我保护能力(开展消防演习、人身财产安全自我保护教育)。Division of Students Affairs1.制定完善的学生诚信教育管理条例2.积极开展针对新生的心理健康教育培训,保证新生心理健康(心理健康教育与咨询中心)3.联合学院开展职业生涯规划培训,使新生认识自我,明确目标(就业指导中心)JXUFE Hospital为新生身体健康提供有

11、益指导(开展急救常识、健康养生方面的培训)Schools1.配合学校其他部门统筹安排新生各类培训2.针对新生开展校园文化、专业思想与学习方法等培训,使学生认同学校文化,践行“信敏廉毅”校训,掌握科学的学习方法;Classes积极响应院系安排,及时将各类培训通知传达下去,并妥善安排Headmasters & monitors积极有序组织本班同学参加相应培训Trainees积极参与,认真学习,尽早锤炼各方面素质能力。Figure 2 Goals made by different departments(2) Training content Military training 军事训练由南昌陆军

12、学院的教官对新生进行各项基本军事技能的训练:包括匕首操、走正步、射击战术等。 Campus culture 校园文化培训首先是了解校史校情,学习学校规章制度和学生守则;领会并践行学校校训精神、培养理念。 Education for mental health 心理健康教育培训举办心理健康讲座,针对新生进行心理测试,对新生提供定期心理咨询和反馈。 Safety and health 安全健康教育培训举办安全教育讲座,安全知识竞赛,急救知识培训和消防演习等。 Education for honesty 诚信教育培训 以讲座、征文等形式举办诚信考试周或诚信考试月的系列活动。 Professional

13、 thinking and learning methods 专业思想与学习方法培训 开展专业学习方法的系列培训讲座,高年级师兄师姐的经验传授和相关问题的解答。 Career planning 职业生涯规划培训 职业生涯规划讲座、职业能力测试。(3) Selection of Trainees: All freshmen enrolled by JXUFE in September, 2013.(4)Training Methods There are a lot of training methods widely used by different organizations. Examp

14、les are lectures, role playing and simulation, audiovisual methods, programmed learning, laboratory training, simulations, behavior modeling, team training, action learning. In terms of the training program for freshmen in JXUFE, we mainly considered the methods exhibited in Table 1.(5)TrainersSelec

15、tion of trainers is determined by training content and training needs. Different training content and training needs require different trainers. And the source of trainers comes from internal resources and external resources. In relation to JXUFE, internal resources dominate the training resources, as exhibited in Table 1. Table 1 Training Methods and trainers used in our training programTraining contentTraining MethodsTrainersMilitary trainingOn-the-job training: 现场培训,受训者通过观察并效仿教官行为动作来学习;Team training: 团队培训,把受训者分成多个



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