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1、高三英语新材料作文指导-How to write a summary of narrationLearning aim: To further master the methods and skills of writing summaries of narrative passagesDifficult point:How to write an exact summary without leaving out key points.Learning process:Step one : Presentation (5ms)学生习作常见错误:(1) 概括内容要点不完整(2) 使用太多细节内

2、容而不是用概括的语言(3) 过多引用原文词句(4) 词数过多(5) 用第一人称而不是第三人称转述(6) 时态错误Step Two: Teaching Procedure(10ms)1. 写概括时应该满足5个条件:(1) 概括内容要点要:精,准,全(2) 不得直接引用原文中的句子(同义词组替换法;正话反说法;语态变换;简单句变复合句)(3) 字数:约30词 (小于20词或大于40词,扣2分)(4) 一般以第三人称来表述(5) 与原文时态一致(正文和结尾除外)2. 记叙文概括的方法- 串联要素法第一步:先通读全文,找出几个要素 who 谁 what 何事 when 何时 where 何地 why

3、原因 as a result/consequence/finally 结果第二步:用自己的话串联起来万能公式:The passage mainly tells us that sb. (who) did sth. (at some place at some time ) because of / as a result of /due to , which led to /resulted in sb. doing finally/eventually 开头套用句式:The story/passage is aboutThe writer/author tells us about.The

4、story mainly tells us thatThe passage describes .3. 重新解题Last Sunday I went fishing. After setting up my fishing rod with bait, I sat down on the bank of the lake. But two hours later, I didnt catch any fish. I got very angry and began to pack up my stuff, preparing to go back home.Just then, I saw a

5、n old man sitting near me. To my surprise, his basket was full of fish, so I went over to him, wanting to know why. “Excuse me, but how long have you sat here?” I asked. “About four hours,” he answered. “Four hours?” I couldnt believe my ears. “Yes. Its very important to be patient,” the old man sai

6、d. “Dont consider fishing a tiring sport. Just enjoy it.” Suddenly, I understood what he said. I must learn to be patient. Then I sat there and waited for fish patiently. I felt a fish touch the bait, but I didnt move and waited for the right moment to reel it in. At last, I caught it. This made me

7、very happy. In the following six hours, I caught over 10 fish.On my way home, I thought what had happened on the bank. I gradually realized that the secret of success was patience. 阅读下面的短文,然后以约30个词概括这篇短文的主要内容。第一步:请找出这篇短文的几个要素: who 谁 _ _ what 何事 _ when 何时 _ where 何地 why 原因 _ _ as a result 结果 _第二步:用自己

8、的话串联起来 (利用万能公式)_Step Three: Group work (10ms)Students finish their writing. Then teacher presents students writing and gives proper evaluation to their work.阅读下面的短文,然后以约30个词概括这篇短文的主要内容。Hi, I am Mike. I just went through my first year of college. The toughest part on me at first was the general adjus

9、tment. I went to a very small high school where my mom was a teacher and she did practically everything for me. But at the college I need to know some basic life skills, such as balancing a check-book, laundry, and the things you have to be able to handle that I never thought of in the high school!

10、It was really tough for me at first and I got badly homesick. Once that first semester was over and I got used to the college life, I love itgood facilities, helpful instructors, and a good library. The students Union organizes various parties every week. I also go to cinemas and concerts, and often

11、 spend Saturday nights in pubs and clubs.One thing I think is important is to get yourself active in things. I was on dance team in college and met a ton of people that wayit was so much easier to make friends when you had a common ground.第一步:请找出这篇短文的几个要素: who 谁 _ when 何时 _ what 何事_ _ _ where 何地 why

12、 原因 _ as a result 结果 _第二步:用自己的话串联起来(利用万能公式)_Step Three: Individual work (10ms)阅读下面的短文,然后以约30个词概括这篇短文的主要内容。 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is Li Hua from Senior Three. Im here today to share with you a good lesson from an overseas Chinese student living in Germany. It is a true story. After years of hard work, this Chinese student


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