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1、教学内容unit 10Ive had this bike for three years课时period 2教学对象八年级学生一、教材内容分析本节课是本单元的第三课时,主要学习section A(2d-3c)前两节课通过各种练习及相关的操练任务让学生基本掌握了本单元的主要句型,学生基本能够理解并口头运用所学的话题语言,为本节课的读写活动打下了基础。本节课的目标是:能够使用目标语言礼貌的闲聊并会现在完成时,了解中西方文化差异,能熟练运用新学词汇和短语展开对话,大量使用目标语言,并最终落实。二、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观)1.knowledge goals:words :toy bea

2、r maker scarf soft check board junior clear bedroomtarget language: listening practice ;be able to write a small conversation accordingto the situation provided.2. ability goals:(1)to train students ability of listening and speaking.(2)to train students communicative competence.3.moral goals:to be i

3、nterested in taking part in all kinds of activities in an english class三、重点难点1.重点:1.teaching key points(1). key structure:I;ve had this bike for three years. (2). listening practice.2.难点:role play a small talk freely.四、教法选择与学法指导1.教法选择:(1)reading and writing method (2)oral practice (3)self check meth

4、od2学法指导:运用上述教学方法指导学生充分调动口、眼、耳、脑的作用,多说、多写,并有效利用教材、录音、多媒体、等各种教学手段来提高学习效率.五、资源准备多媒体课件、报纸杂志等及相关教学资源。六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图task1organization lead-in(2)1. organize the ss to have a revision. .show the grammer foucs of the tag question.2.t:wehaveknownthat we start a small conversations using the tag questi

5、on .now lets do some exercises about the tag question on the screen.1.understand the meaningof grammar and think about carefully .2.report their answers.复习现在完成时的目的在于要求学生熟练掌握闲聊中开场白的句式,为下面的十个句子做好迅速高效的判断,放音乐做抢答题,旨在提高学生的注意力和兴趣。task2.challenge yourself.(5)judge(判断) if the small talks are successful or un

6、successful(ppt)read the each sentence quickly and say successful or unsuccessful在经过了正确的判断后,学生的兴趣点已经被激发,再回到1a部分,对学生来说就很简单task 3 1a.(4)1.look at the four pictures in 1a and check the questions you think are good or bad for polite small talk2.focus attention on the four pictures. point to the pictures

7、one by one. ask a student to read the question under each picture to the class.3.then have students check the questions that they think are good small talk questions. ask students to discuss their answers.1.listen to the teacher carefully and try to understand what the teacher said.2listen to the te

8、acher and a student to read the question under each picture to the class3.check the answers.先讲解重点难点,然后让学生在理解的基础上进行判断合乎学生认知规绿。task 4. 1b pairwork(5)1.activity 1b provides guided oral practice using the target language.look at the sample conversation in this activity and ask two students to read it to

9、 the class.1.ss make their own conversations about the people in activity 1a.学生自由结对活动,根据情况,可再添加幻灯图片,展开更多练习。task 5 2a and 2b(10)1.this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.t: now youll hear three conversations. the people in each conversation ar

10、e in a different place. write your answers in these spaces. (point out the space and the sample answer.) for example, the people in conversation 1 are at a party.2. then play the recording for students.3. check the answers.4. 2b. this activity provides listening practice using the target language.te

11、ll students this time they are going to match each question with the correct answer.5. play the recording.6.stop the recording after each line or two to give students a chance to finish writing in their books.1.listen to the teacher carefully and try to understand what the teacher said.2 listen and

12、write.3.check the answers.4.students read the sample question and answer themselves.5.students write the letter in correct blank.6.check the answers with the whole class.听前的引导至关重要,引导学生会借助有效信息完成相应任务。让学生先口头会说,为更好完成听力任务做好储备。task 62c pairwork(5)1.this activity provides oral practice using the target lan

13、guage.t: look at the openers in the box. read them together.2.make your own small talk conversations in pairs using the openers. the sample conversation is given. please read it first.1.students read.2.ask several pairs to say their completed conversations for the class在反复的练习中,学生习得目标语言。task 7. self

14、check(7)1. fill in the blanks on their own.2. talk about the picture like this:where are they?what are they doing?what are they talking about3. make conversations in pairs1.ss do it as the teacher asked.2.ask and answer in pairs.3.share their conversations.通过问题化解难度,引导学生先说再练最后书写,符合学生的认知规律task 8writin

15、g(5)1. talk about the pictures:where are the people in each conversation?what are they talking about?2. write small talk conversations and practice them with your partner.1.talk and answer .2.writing.在学生谈论过程中进行讨论,让学生写作时能做到有的放矢,学生很容易有针对性的通过问题化解难度,引导学生先说再练最后有啥写,符合学生的认知规律。task 9summary(1)this class weve had some listening and speaking practice using the target language. i hope all of you take an active part in the activities in class. in this way you can improve your spoken englishlisten



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