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1、第二部分专题一单项填空1.Could you please move over a little and make some_ for me?Sure, please.AplaceBseatCroomDground2.Dale takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of_.AknowledgeBenergyCchangeDcourage精析考查名词辨析.knowledge知识;energy能量,活力;change变化;courage勇气.由Daletakesalotofexerciseeveryday可知她充满活力,故

2、选B.3.Is that a _?Yes. There are all kinds of beautiful shoes in it.Lets go and have a look.Afruit shopBclothes storeCshoe storeDbook shop4.Wheres our headteacher?Hes left a _ saying that he has something important to do.AnewsBmessageCexcuseDsentence精析考查名词辨析.news新闻,不可数名词;message消息,便条,可数名词;excuse借口,不可

3、数名词;sentence句子,可数名数.由句中的a可排除A、C两项;再由语境可知此处表示留个便条,应用固定短语leaveamessage.故选B.5.I want to write with my pen, but I didnt take my_.I left it at home.AinkBcrayonCrulerDwater6.Would you like something to drink?Sure.Please give me some_.AorangeBbananasCbreadDhamburgers7.The tourists are_ and they are from _.

4、AGermans; GermanyBGermany; GermanCGermans; GermanDGermany; Germany精析考查名词词义理解.German德国人, 复数形式是Germans; Germany德国.句意为这些游客都是德国人,他们来自德国.故选A.8.In China, Teachers Day is on_ 10th.ASeptemberBOctoberCNovemberDDecember精析考查月份名词辨析.September九月;October十月;November十一月;December十二月.由常识可知九月十日是教师节,故选A.9.Copper and gol

5、d are both_.AmetalsBmixturesCmonitorsDfruits10.Dali has a lot of scenery. Words cannot describe the _ of the scenery.AbeautyBbeautifulCbeautifullyDbeautys精析考查同根词辨析.beauty美丽,名词;beautiful美丽的,形容词;beautifully美丽地,副词;beautys名词所有格形式.句意为大理有许多景色.语言不能形容它的美.分析句子成分可知此处应填入名词,故选A.单项填空1.Ive read_ sport news about

6、the F1 race today.AtwoBpiecesCtwo piecesDtwo pieces of精析考查不可数名词的数.news是不可数名词,two和pieces后不能直接接不可数名词,故首先排除A和B;不可数名词表示数量时,其结构为of不可数名词,故排除C.数词量词of不可数名词可以表示不可数名词的数量.故选D.2.Mum, I am hungry. May I have some_?Of course. But dont eat too much.AbreadBnoodleCdumplingDhamburger精析考查可数名词与不可数名词的数.bread面包,不可数名词;noo

7、dle面条,可数名词;dumpling水饺,可数名词;hamburger汉堡,可数名词.some用来修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词.故选A.3.I couldnt see clearly, so my father bought_ for me last week.Aa pair of glassesBa glassesCa glassDa pair of glass4.Please remember to give the horse some tree _.AleafsBleavesCleafDleave5.Lucy will show us some new_ of hers.Aphoto

8、BphotosCphotoesDa photo精析考查名词的复数形式.由空格前的some确定要用photo的复数形式.虽然photo也是以辅音字母o结尾的名词,但其复数只加s,故选B.6.How many_ are there in the international village?AChineseBRussianCAmericanDGerman精析考查某国人的复数的表达.Chinese中国人,其单复数同形;而Russian俄国人,American美国人,German德国人,其复数形式均是在其后加s.由Howmany和are可知选A.7.My father loves painting. I

9、ts one of his_.AhobbiesBhobbyCa hobbyDsome hobbies精析考查名词复数的用法.oneof名词复数形式,意为之一,为固定用法.故选A.8.British people eat_ a lot. They are cooked in different ways.ApotatoBpotatoesCbeefDchicken9.They caught some_ in the river yesterday.AsheepBfishCcowDdeers精析考查名词复数.sheep羊,单复数同形;fish鱼,单复数同形;cow牛,单数形式;deer鹿,单复数同形

10、.由intheriver可知应是鱼,应用复数.故选B.根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空10How I wish I had a pair of _wings_ so that I could fly freely in the sky.精析由apairof一对可知,其后的名词应用复数形式,故填wings.11Look at the sign. It says, No _photos_12Most of the important _cities_ in the world suffer from traffic jam. So the governments should take ac

11、tions to deal with it.精析mostof大多数的,后接名词复数,city为可数名词,故填cities.13There are so many _people_ in the room. What happened?14Hu Xuewen is a _writer_ who won the sixth Luxun Literature. .单项填空1._fathers cant go to the class meeting because they have gone on business.AJack and MikesBJacks and MikesCJack and

12、MikeDJacks and Mike精析考查名词所有格的用法.名词所有格如果表示两个人共同的父亲时只在最后一人名上用所有格形式;如果表示各自的父亲,那么每一个人名都要用所有格形式.由fathers用了复数,可知此处指杰克和迈克各自的父亲.故选B.2.I am so happy that I am going to have _ to the USAAten days holidayBten days holidayCten day holidayDten day holidays精析考查名词所有格的用法.十天假期的正确表达为tendays holiday.故选A.3.What a beaut

13、iful girl!Who is she?She is_.Aa friend of Bella sisterBa sister of ICa friend of Bellas sisterDmy sisters4.Where is Lucy? I havent seen her for a long time. She had a fever several days ago and she is_ now.Aat the doctorBat the doctorsCat the doctorsDat doctors精析考查名词所有格的用法.句意为露西去哪儿了?我好久没见她了.她几天前发烧了,现在在诊所里.在诊所里的正确表达为atthedoctors,故选B.5.Can you imagine what life will be like in_time?A50 yearsB50 yearsC50yearsD50years精析考查名词所有格的用法.句意为你可以想象50年后的生活是怎样的吗?数字年有


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