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1、翻译人员求职信各位老师:下午好!我叫xx, 20xx年7月于山东大学行政管理专业毕业, 获管理学学士学位, 20xx 年 7 月于中国人民大学公共管理学院行 政管理专业毕业,获管理学硕士学位。本科期间,我学习认真刻苦, 成绩优秀,多次获得奖学金和三好学生称号。研究生就读期间,我 注重专业知识的积累,广泛涉猎各类专业书籍,在导师的指导下, 参与编写两部教材和多个研究课题。同时我积极参加社会实践活动,获得中国人民大学暑期社会实 践一等奖,并且获得研究生会优秀个人称号。硕士毕业后,我在对 外经济贸易大学出版社管理及其他社科编辑部从事编辑工作,工作 期间,在出版社领导和同事的关心和帮助下,我很快进入角

2、色,适 应了出版社的工作环境,了解了编辑工作的整个流程,从领导和同 事身上学到了很多知识,掌握了一个合格编辑应该具备的技术和能 力。在工作期间,我先后承担了 22 种图书的校对工作和 8 种书稿 的编辑加工任务,所责编书稿涉及管理、经济、法律、文学等多个 方面,表现出较强的文字功底和驾驭不同书稿的潜力。同时,我积 极参加国际图书博览会、图书订货会、教学和学术研讨会,以及对 外经济贸易大学出版社的图书推展会,搜集大量信息,在此基础上, 提出多个选题策划,表现出较强的组稿意识和潜力。此外,还承担 了所在部门图书书目的统计、编撰及其他工作。在这段工作期间, 我深刻地体会到作为一名出版工作者的辛苦之处

3、和他的责任所在, 同时也对这个行业产生了浓厚的兴趣,并为自己的职业生涯找到了 一个很好的方向,我相信我一定会成为一个优秀的编辑。希望各位 老师能够给我这个机会来到贵出版社工作,谢谢!Good afternoon everybody,My name is xx, I graduated from Shandong University in July, 20xx and received my B.A of Administration management. 2 years later, in July, 20xx, I received my M.A. of Public managemen

4、t in Remin University of China. When I was an undergraduate student, I was studying industriously and awarded scholarships as well as the title of Merit student many times.When I entered graduate school, I gave great heed to knowledge accumulation and read extensively. Under the direction of my tuto

5、r, Ive taken part in the compilation of two textbooks and also engaged in several research projects. At the meantime, I actively took participate social practices and received the first prize of social practice activist as well as the title of merit graduate of our school. After graduation, I worked

6、 as an editor for University of International Business and Economics press.During that period of time, with the help of senior editors and colleagues, I quickly adapted and familiarized myself to this work and learnt a lot from them. Thanks to those working experiences, now Im totally equipped with

7、the skills required to be an eligible editor.As an editor, Ive undertook the work of collation and compilation of 22 different kinds of books, including various subjects such as management, economics, law, literature etc. I demonstrated great skills in the mastery of language and the handling of dif

8、ferent types of drafts. In addition, I spontaneously put myself into various kinds of international publication fairs, subscription sessions, seminars, as well as exhibition fairs of our press, and gleaned as much information as possible so as to propose different kinds of schemes, by doing so, Ive

9、demonstrated great competence in draft-compiling. Moreover, I also worked as a bibliography statistician and compiler. To draw something from my pre-working experience, I have to say that I gradually realized that my work is far from easy and full of responsibilities.However, meanwhile, I found myself great passion in my work and a brilliant prospective career in front of me. At last, I strongly believe I have everything required to be an eligible editor and eagerly hope I can get a chance working for your press.Thank you all!



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