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1、英语学科教师辅导讲义学员编号:年 级:课时数:学员姓名:辅导科目:学科教师:授课类型T U5CT授课日期及时段教学内容一.课文回顾encourage v. 鼓励,说服 例如:I have made great progress in English because my English teacher always encourages me.由于我的英语老师总是鼓励我,是我在英语学习中取得了很大进步。【常用句型】:1. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事例如:Joyce wanted to encourage students to read more class

2、ical books.Joyce想要鼓励学生多阅读一些名著。My parents often encourage me to study hard. 我的方面经常鼓励我努力学习。2. encourage sb. in sth.在方面鼓励(助长) 例如:Don t encourage him in laziness.别助长他的懒惰行为。We must encourage her in her studies.我们必须鼓励她用功学习。【注意】:encouraged和encouraging是过去分词和现在分词,可以做形容词用,encouraged意思是“受到鼓舞的,encouraging意思是“令人

3、鼓舞的”。例如:We were encouraged by his achievements. 他的成就使我们受至 U 了鼓舞。The early results are encouraging. 初步的结果是令人鼓舞的。include v.俺成为的一部分 例如:You should include some examples in your essay. 你应该在文章里举一些例子。include还有“包括;包含”的意思 例如:The tour included a visit tom the Science Museum.这次游览包括参观科学博物馆。Does the price includ

4、e tax? 这是含税价吗?【同根词】:including prep.包括在内 例如:Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman.暴乱中有六人死亡,包括一名警察。depressed adj.情绪低落,沮丧 例如:He was depressed by the loss of his job. 他由于失去了工作而情绪低落。He felt depressed because he failed in the English exam.由于他英语考砸了,他感至U沮丧。【同根词】:depress v.使不快乐,depressed

5、(过去分词一 adj.)情绪低落,沮丧,depressing(现在分词一 adj.)压抑的;郁闷的。例如:The newspapers are full of depressing news nowadays. 报纸如今充满令人忧愁的消息。The weather always depresses her. 天气总使她有B闷。【词义辨析】:depressed, sad者侑有“悲伤的”,“沮丧的”的意思。1. sad为常用词,含义很广,一般指“悲愁或伤心”。例如:The news made her sad. 这消息使她伤心。2. depressed指因疲劳、失望等而情绪低落的,同时可以指由于健康等

6、原因引起的长期的无精打采或萎靡不振。 例如:His illness left him feeling depressed.他的病使得他无精打采。joy n.快乐;高兴 例如:She was full of joy when her child was born.她的孩子出生时,她非常高兴。n.令人高兴的人或事例如:Her child is a joy to her.她的孩子就杲她的欢乐【常用短语】:to one_ s joy 令高兴的是例如:To her parents joy, she won the fist prize for her virgin story.使她父母高兴的是,她的处女

7、作得了一等奖。【同根词】:enjoy vt.享受的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱 enjoy oneself 过得快乐 例如:Did you enjoy yourself of the party?你在宴会上愉快吗?One can t enjoy oneself if one / he is too tired. 一个人如果太疲倦,就不能尽情享受。gain v.取得;获得 例如:He quickly gained experience.他很快就有经验了。Only after ten years in the country did she gain her citizenship.她在这个国家住了十年才取得

8、了公民身份。【词义辨析】:get, gain都含有“得到;获得”的意思。1. get指“以某种方法或手段得到某种东西”。例如:Did you get my telegram last Sunday ? 上星期天你收到我的电报了吗?2. gain往往指通过努力活有意识行动而获得有益或有利的东西。例如:I hope you will gain still greater success.我希望你们能获得更大的成就。chance n. 机会;机遇 例如:We won t get another chance of a holiday this year.我们今年不会再有机会度假了。Please gi

9、ve me a chance to explain. 请给我个解释的机会。【词义辨析】:chance和opportunity两个词都有“机会”的意思,但在用法上有区别:opportunity往往只有力的事件,chance则可能有利,也可能不利。这两个词后接不定式或of加动词-ing形式,这时可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。例如:He has a chance / an opportunity to see the Premier. 他有机会见至 U 总理。He has a chance / an opportunity of seeing the Premier. 他有机会见至U总、理。I

10、 have the chance / opportunity to visit Guilin.我有机会访问了 桂林。I had no chance / opportunity of seeing him. 我没有机会见至 U他。在下列句子中,chance是可能性”的意思,此事不能用opportunity替换。例如:There is a chance that I will see him.我有可能会见到他。Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.新机器可能明天运至 U。take this opportunity是趁此机会的意思

11、;take a chance是“冒险;投机”的意思,不可混淆。例如:I take this opportunity of thanking you. 我借此机会感谢你们。I take this opportunity to exchange views with you.我借止匕机会和你交换意见。Don t take chances!别冒险!常用词组:think of 考虑;思考 例如:Has he thought of what job he is going to do?他考虑过准备做什么工作了吗?【词义辨析】:think of, think about, think over1. thi

12、nk of 意思是“认为”时,一般用于疑问句中,与 what连用;意思是“考虑到;想到”时,后面常接代词、 名词或动词-ing形式。例如:It s time to think of your future.是考虑你的未来的时候了。2. think about意思是“考虑”,后接名词、动词-ing形式、疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句。例如:Please think about how to tell her the bad news.请考虑一下,如何把这个坏消息告诉她。3. think over意思是“仔细考虑”,后接名词或代词作宾语。当后接代词时,应该把代词放在 over之前。例如:Let me

13、 think it over.让我仔细考虑一下这件事。plan for 为做计划;为作打算 例如:He began to think of all the games which he had planned for the day.他开始回忆他曾为今天所计划好的所有的游戏。Mr Li has planned for London for quite a long time.李先生计划去伦敦已经好久了。come along 出现;到达 例如:He got the post because he came along at the right time.他得到这个职位是因为碰巧遇上好机会。Whe

14、n the right opportunity comes along, she适当的桃金来临时,她会抓住的。【知识拓展】:come along还可以表示1 .跟(某人)去(常与介词with连用,后跟人)例如:Can I come along with you to the shops? 我可以跟你们一起去商店吗?2 .进展(与come on)意思相近)例如:How is the report coming along?报告的进展如何?make fun of捉弄,愚弄例如:As a student, you shouldn t make fun of your classmates.作为一个学

15、生,你不应该捉弄同学。He_thought_his_friends_would_make_fun_of his_new_hair_style. 他认为他的朋友们会嘲笑他的新发型。just then就在那时例如:Just then, the teacher came in.就在那时,老师走了进来。【知识拓展】:just, just now1. just作“刚刚,刚才”解,用于现在完成时,一般位于助动词之后,行为动词之前。例如:I have just finished lunch.我刚吃过午饭。2. just now作“刚才”、“一会儿之前”解时,常与一般过去时连用,位于句首或句末;也可以指“(加重语气的)现在”或“片刻之后”,这时可用于现在时或将来时。例如:They gave it to me just now.他们刚才把它给了我。He is busy just now. 他现在很忙。I ll tell you a story just now, if you have time to listen to it.如果你有时间,我马上就把故事讲给你听。enjoy oneself过得快乐例如:Did you enjoy yourself at the party ? 你在宴会上玩


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