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1、“文档中国”搜集整理 Unit 17 Project timing Prepositions of time 1. Listening Listen to the telephone conversation about the timing of a construction project. As you listen, complete the key for the project planner below. 请见附图17-1 Listening task A: Im phoning about the timing for the Vienna project. B: Right,

2、 weve got a starting date for that havent we? A: Yes, we begin a pilot study on 5 November. B: Right, how long is that expected to last? A: We should finish the study in three weeks. B: Good, then whats the next stage? A: Well, weve got a meeting with the contractor scheduled for 1 December. If ever

3、ything goes according to plan, well sign the contract then. And work can commence at the beginning of January. B: So whats the first stage? A: Well, excavation will begin in January and is due to finish by the middle of February. Now, after that we could have a problem. B: Whats that? A: You remembe

4、r weve sub-contracted the German firm to do the foundations. They promised to start in the middle of February. They are now saying they cant. B: Right, Ill get on to them. When are they due to finish the foundations? A: In the contract, it says by 28 February. B: I see, and then? A: Construction wor

5、k should begin on 5 March. Were on a pretty tight schedule. All the work has to be done in March and April. B: OK. I see the problem. Ill phone you back in the afternoon at about three. Bye. A: Goodbye. 2. Presentation Notice how the following prepositions are used to refer to time: 请见附图17-2 Notice

6、also these expressions which are used when talking about timing: is due to The project is expected to start on is scheduled to 3. Controlled practice Complete these sentences with an appropriate preposition of time. 1. The work is due to begin _ the end of April. 2. We are hoping to meet the enginee

7、r _ the weekend. 3. We expect to sign the contract sometime _ June. 4. We arrived _ time to see them leave. 5. They are scheduled to finish _ the middle of July. 6. I arranged to meet him _ 15.30 _ Tuesday. 7. The plane took off precisely _ time. 8. We are busiest _ spring. 9. The contract must be f

8、inalised _ the end of the month, at the latest. 10. He phoned me _ one oclock _ night. 课文注释及讲解: * time 安排时间 e.g. Im phoning about the timing for the Vienna project. 我打电话号码是为维也纳项目的时间安排问题。 The promotion campaign is not well timed, for the product is already off season. 促销活动开展得不是时候,因为产品已经过季了。 * schedul

9、e 安排时间 e.g. Weve got a meeting with the contractor scheduled for 1st December. 我们与承包商定于12月1日会面注意:schedule后面接表示时间的词时要用介词for We are scheduled to meet our MD on Wednesday. 我们安排在星期三见总裁。 schedule 日程安排,时间表 e.g. on a tight schedule 日程紧 have a full schedule 日程排得很满 lay out/plan/make a schedule 排出日程 * accordi

10、ng to 按照 e.g. If everything goes according to plan, well sign the contract then. 如果一切按计划进行,那么届时我们将签合同。 Buyers and sellers have to act according to the terms and conditions in their contract. 买方和卖方必须按合同条款履约。 * commence 开始,着手 commence 比begin更正式 e.g. He commenced his business yesterday. 昨天,他开张营业了。 Work

11、 can commence at the beginning of January. 可以 在1月初开始工作。 * excavation 挖土,挖掘 * do the foundations 打地基 也可以说 lay the foundations * finalise 完成 e.g. The contract must be finalised by the end of the month, at the latest. 这个合同最迟必须在本月末完成。 * 一个项目计划Project plan大致包括以下内容: 初期调研,预先调研Preliminary study 协商合同Contract

12、 negotiation 可行性研究Feasibility study 培训Training 安装Installation 施工日期Implementation dateUnit 17 听力译文: A:我打电话是为维也纳工程的时间安排问题。 B:噢,我们已经定了开始的日期,对吧? A:对,我们将在11月5日开始试验研究。 B:对,那将持续多长时间? A:我们将在三周内完成研究。 B:好。下一步是什么? A:我们定于12月1日与承包商会面。如果一切按计划进行,我们届时将签合同,并且可以于1月初动工。 B:那第一步是什么? A:嗯,将在1月份开始破土,定于2月中旬结束。然后,我们会遇到一个问题。

13、B:什么问题? A:您记得吗?我们曾将地基分包给一家德国公司。他们曾经答应在2月中旬开工。他们现在说办不到了。 B:知道了。我会和他们联系。他们应该什么时候打完地基? A:合同里规定2月28日。 B:明白了,然后呢? A:建筑工程将在3月5日开始。我们的时间安排得很紧。所有的工作必须在3月和4月两个月完成。 B:好。我知道问题所在了。我下午3点钟左右给您回电话。再见。 A:再见。 Exercises-A 在必要的地方加上适当的介词完成下列句子。注意:有的地方不用介词 1. Ill meet you (tomorrow/6 p.m.). 2. Well see you (weekend0 or

14、(Monday). 3. Shell talk to them (tonight). 4. The house was built (the 18th century). 5. The next world conference is (1998). 6. He rang me (last night/midnight). 7. Well visit the family (Christmas). 8. Lets meet (tomorrow/9 oclock). 9. Sorry, shes not available (the moment), but shell be back (2 oclock). Exercises-B 用by, at, until, in, on, for完成下列句子。 1. Do you know when youll be back? Will you be back _ Friday? 2. Yes, I should be back _ two oclock _ Friday afternoon. 3. Will you be away _ two days? 4. Yes, Ill be back _ two days time. 5. Are you away _ the weekend? 6. Yes, Im away _


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