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1、2022年考博英语-西北师范大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Nothing would( )Elizabeth to give up the cause of education.问题1选项A.induceB.deduceC.reduceD.seduce【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项induce“导致”;B选项deduce“推论”;C选项reduce“减少”;D选项seduce“诱惑”。句意:没有什么能让伊丽莎白放弃教育事业。本句表示导致某人放弃。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题The findings paint a unique picture of the sho

2、pping habits of customers, plus their motivation and( ).问题1选项A.privilegesB.possibilitiesC.possessionsD.preferences【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项privileges“特权”;B选项possibilities“可能性”;C选项possessions“财产”;D选项preferences“偏好”。句意:研究结果为顾客的购物习惯、动机和偏好描绘了一幅独特的图景。本句表示购物的偏好,因此D选项正确。3. 单选题Research shows that there is no( )re

3、lationship between how much a person earns and whether he feels good about life.问题1选项A.successiveB.subsequentC.significantD.sincere【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项successive“连续的”;B选项subsequent“随后的”;C选项significant“有意义的”;D选项sincere“真诚的”。句意:研究表明,一个人赚多少钱和他是否对生活感觉良好之间没有明显的关系。本句表示有意义的关系,因此C选项正确。4. 填空题bully democracy

4、destiny loyal renownedChurchill believed that he was(1)to lead his country. He fought as a soldier in World War I and led the country to victory in World War II. It seems ironic that a leader of such(2)as Churchill could not count on the(3)of voters in 1945. However, in a(4)country, electors cannot

5、be(5), and he had to tolerate political defeat after military victory, and once more to his country retreat, Chartwell.【答案】1.destined2.renown3.loyalty4.democratic5.bullied【解析】1.句意:丘吉尔相信他注定要领导他的国家。此处应用被动语态,因此填destined。2.句意:像丘吉尔这样声名显赫的领导人。此处应用名词形式,因此填renown。3.句意:像丘吉尔这样声名显赫的领导人却不能指望选民的忠诚。此处应用名词形式,因此填lo

6、yalty。4.句意:在一个民主国家。此处应用形容词形式,因此填democratic。5.句意:选举人是不能被欺负的。此处应用被动语态,因此填bullied。5. 单选题( )every field of our modern life, there is nothing it cannot do to push our civilization to a higher stage.问题1选项A.Computer entersB.With computer enteringC.With computer entersD.Computer entered【答案】B【解析】考查伴随状语。句意:随着

7、计算机进入我们现代生活的各个领域,没有什么不能把我们的文明推向更高的阶段。with作伴随状语,说明造成某一局面的原因,with+名词+现在分词这种结构表示动作的主动和进行态,因此B选项正确。6. 单选题Although many experts agree that more children are overweight, there is debate over the best ways to( )the problem.问题1选项A.relateB.tackleC.fileD.attach【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项relate“关联”;B选项tackle“处理”;C选项fi

8、le“提出”;D选项attach“附加”。句意:尽管许多专家一致认为有更多的儿童超重,但是对于解决这个问题的最佳方法还存在争议。本句表示解决儿童超重问题的方法,因此B选项正确。7. 单选题After working all day, he was so tired that he was in no( )to go to the party with us.问题1选项A.tasteB.moodC.senseD.emotion【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项taste“味道”;B选项mood“心情”;C选项sense“感觉”;D选项emotion“情感”。句意:工作了一整天后,他太累了,没

9、有心情和我们一起去参加聚会。本句表示没有参加聚会的心情,因此B选项正确。8. 单选题In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid( ).问题1选项A.from being beatenB.being beatenC.beatingD.to be beaten【答案】B【解析】考查动词搭配辨析。句意:在国际比赛中,声望是如此重要,唯一重要的就是避免被击败。avoid后面接动名词,avoid doing,避免做某事,排除A,D;被击败应该是被动语态,be

10、ating是动名词的主动式,排除C。因此B选项正确。9. 单选题India is a country whose population( )that of China.问题1选项A.is first exceptB.has second place toC.is second only toD.come second following【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:印度是人口仅次于中国的国家。be second only to是固定搭配,意思是“仅次于”,没有A,B,D的搭配用法。因此C选项正确。10. 单选题As you all know, the United States is

11、a country on wheels. Nearly eight million new cars are made each year; four households out of five own at least one car, and more than a quarter have two each. Yet youll be surprised to learn that some of the car-owners even suffer from malnutrition.In 1968, a nation-wide survey of malnutrition was

12、made for the first time. It found that 10 million people are suffering in health through inadequate feeding; the causes of their plight were varied. Unemployment over a long period should be considered as the main factor. And unemployment, strange to say, nine times out of ten results from automatio

13、n, both in industrial and agricultural areas. For example, in the rural South when a cotton plantation suddenly cuts its force from 100 people to three, the problem to help the displaced arises. So is the case with industrial automation. In fact, probably 2 million jobs are made unnecessary each yea

14、r in the whole country as a result of the automation process, thus making unemployment a chief social concern. According to government statistics, the number of people unemployed was over 5 percent for the period from 1958 to 1963. In July 1981, it rose to 7.8 percent. As a matter of fact, it has lo

15、ng been known that even during the most prosperous periods there have been people without enough to eat. So I think thats why President Kennedy said in his inauguration speech in 1961, if the government did not help the poor, it could not save the rich.In 1966, the Social Security Administration calculated that a family of four needed an income of $3,355 a year to be above the line of poverty. And in 1977, the a



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