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1、Unit 6 life in the arctic (1)指 导个性化备 课内容Part 1该问题是一个开放性的问题,学生可以随意答,单词、句子均可。可单人表演,也可双人合作一问一答,鼓励加入动作、表情等,以增强趣味性教学目标知识与技能:A. 知识目标:1. Ss can listen, read and say the new words and phrases: polar bear, hare, whats over there? catch a hare, swim across the lake, walk through the snow, run up the hill, com

2、e to the top, come to a stop.2. Ss can say the chant “the polar bear”.B. 能力目标:1. Ss can say the chant very well. 2. 2. Listen for details in a chant.过程与方法:以小组合作及情景教学为主,同时运用简笔画帮助学生理解与运用所学知识。情感态度价值观:培养学生热爱自然、热爱动物的情感。教学重点1. 1. Listen and say the new words and new sentences. 2. Say the chant.教学难点1. 1. N

3、ew words: polar bear, hare 2. Phrases: whats over there? catch a hare, swim across a lake, walk through the snow, run up the hill, come to the top, come to the stop 3. Review the singular form of the third person.教学准备地球仪,tape, cassette recorder, word cards, pictures.教学过程教学过程Step 1. Warm upGreetings.

4、Step 2. Presentation1. 教师展示一个地球仪,指着北极说:Today, I want to show you a place. Look, where is it? 指名答(Arctic)板书:Arctic 北极2. Ss learn to say the word “Arctic”3. 出示课题: Today, our topic is “Life in the Arctic”. 并板书标题。4. Read the topic for several times.5. Try to answer the questions:Do you know the Arctic?I

5、s it cold there?Can you say something about the Arctic? 6. 出示几张北极的风光图片,引导学生观察,引出单词:snow,hill,water,lake. 同时老师在黑板上用简笔画画出来。(见板书设计)7. T:Is there have any animals? What animals? 引出单词: polar bear, arctic hare以及句子: Polar bear often catch the arctic hare.Step 3. New sentences 1. 将polar bear 和arctic hare图片分

6、别贴在简笔画的两边。2. 教师站在远处指着polar bear 问:Whats over there?指名答:A polar bear.3. T: Whats it doing over there?生可以说中文,老师引出英语句子:It wants to catch the hare. 练读该句。4. T:But between them, there is a lake, snow and a hill. How does the polar bear catch the arctic hare?5. 放chant录音,学生边听边在书中找出句子,并划出来。教师巡视。6. 指名读出划线句子。教

7、师反馈。 jumps in the water. He swims across the lake. walks through the snow. runs up the hill.7. 将句子与书上图片连线。8. 区别: across (在平面上)横过 through (在立体空间中)穿过9. 思考:为什么主语用he不用it?(拟人手法,表达喜爱之情) 为什么动词后加了“s”?(主语三单的动词变化形式)Step 4. Learn to say the chant.1. Ss learn to say the chant follow the tape sentence by sentence.2. Ss learn to say the chant with the tape.3. Ss say the chant together.Step 5. ConsolidationHave a chant show. 作业设计1. 自由寻找合作伙伴,背诵并表演chant,下节课展示。2. 找出chant中押韵的单词, 并在书上勾出来。板书设计Unit 6 Life in the Arctictoppolar bear arctic harehillsnowwater lake教学反思


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