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1、7A M1U1 知识点复习词汇:1. invite v.邀请 n. invitation adj. inviting 吸引人的eg. aninvitation to a party.一个晚会的邀请eg: The food on the table looksinviting.桌上的食物看上去令人垂涎。句型 :invite sb. to do sth 邀请某人做某事invite sb to one s邀p请ar某ty人参加聚会2.expensive adj.昂贵的 n. expense 花费反义词: cheap, inexpensive3.talk v.交谈 adj. talkative 健谈的

2、talk to sb. 和某人说 .talk about sth 谈论关于某事talk with sb: 和某人说话4. agent n. 代理人,代理商 agencyn. 代理处5. soonprep. 很快,不久一般 soon所在的句型时态用一般将来时eg. I will come back soon. 我很快就会回来词组: as soon as一 .就 .eg. I will write to you as soon as I get there.我一到那儿就写信给你how soon多久以后He will cme back in five minutes.划( 线提问) How soon

3、 will he come back?6. end v/n 结束 ending n. 结局endless adj. 无尽的eg. His life ended. 他的生命结束了 (此处 end为动词 )eg. At the end of August. 在八月底。(此处 end为名词)eg. I like films with happy endings best. 我最喜欢圆满结局的电影Travelling give me endless pleasure旅游给了我无尽的快乐词组: at the end of 在 的尽头At the end of August 八月末She waited f

4、or me at the end of the street她在街角处等我7.raise vt. 及物动词:使升起词组: raise one s ha举n手d辨析: rise vi.不及物动词 升起 rise upThe balloon rose up slowly into the air 气球在空中缓缓升起。8.nationaladj. 国家的,民族的 National Day 国庆节词性转换:n. nation 国家,民族 President Clinton speaks to whole nation克. 林顿总统对全国发表演讲。n. nationality 国籍 Whats your

5、 nationality? 你的国籍是什么?9. history n. 历史 a long history 一段悠久的历史词性转换:historic adj. 具有历史意义的eg. Thehistoricbattle changed the fate of two nations这. 一历史战役改变了两个民族的命运。historical adj. 历史上的 ; 有关历史的eg. We went to see ahistoricalplay.我们去看了出历史剧。10. interest n. 兴趣eg. Do you have any interest in travelling?你对旅游有兴趣

6、吗?v. 使 感兴趣 eg. The book interests me.这本书使我感兴趣词性转换: adj. interesting 令人感兴趣的,形容物较多 This film is interesting.adj. interested 感兴趣的 I am interestedin this film 我对这部电影感兴趣 句型: have interest in doing sth= show interest in doing sth =be interested in doing sth11. holiday (n) 假日 summer holiday 暑假12. wonderful

7、 adj. 奇迹般的,美妙的eg. Honk Kong is a wonderful city词性转换: wonderfully adj. 奇迹般地,出色地eg. He play the piano wonderfully. 他钢琴弹得很棒。Wondern. 奇迹 eg. The Great Wall is a wonder长城是一个奇迹Wonder v. 感到疑惑,想知道 (want to know)eg. I wonder how he can run so fast.我想知道他怎么跑那么快13. another(prep另) 一个词组: one another一个 .另一个 两者加起来不

8、等于全部eg. You should help one another.你们应该互相帮助。辨析:one .the other一个 .另一个 两者加起来等于全部eg. Can you help me find the other shoe?鞋子只有两只,所以用 the other some. others.一. 些.其余的 .eg. Boys are on the playground,some are playing basketball,the others are playing football.男孩们都在操场上,一些正在打篮球,其余的正在踢足球 .14. relative n. 亲戚e

9、g. Bill is a relative of mine 比尔是我的亲戚词性转换:relative adj.有关系的 be relative to 与 .有关relation n. 关系,亲戚relationship n. 关系,人际关系eg. Shehas a good relationship withher students她和她的学生建立了良好的人际关系15.方位词 in/on/to 应用:Shanghai liesin the east ofChina 在中国境内Shanghai liesto the south ofBeijing=Shanghai lies south ofBe

10、ijing 不接壤Fengxian district lies on the south ofNanhui district. 接壤16.how 问句:How+adj 构成的疑问副词 :How long is this bridge?(询问长度) It is 500 centimeters long.How long does it take to get to London from here?(询问时间) About one hour.How many students are there in your class?询( 问可数名词的数量)There are 45 students in

11、 my class.How muchmilk is there in the fridge?(询问不可数名词的数量)There is only a little milk in the fridge.How muchis your coat? (询问价格) $500.How often do you go to the cinema?问(频率) Once a week.How soonwill you be back (问时间) 你多久后会回来? In 3 days.How far is it from your home to your school?(问距离) About 25 minut

12、es walk.语法:一、形容词比较级:构成: 1) 规则变化1.单音节词和少数双音节词,加词尾 -er 来构成比较级。tall taller great-greater少数以 -er,-ow 结尾的双音节词 ,末尾加 er: clever- cleverer; narrow- narrower2.以不发音的 e结尾的单音词和少数以 - le 结尾的双音节词只加 -r : nice-nicer able- abler3.以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母 ,再加 -er :big-bigger hot- hotter4.以辅音字母 +y结尾的双音节词,改y 为 i,再加 e

13、r: easy-easier ;5.其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加 more: important-more important; easily=more easily2) 不规则变化:good/well-better bad/ill-worse old-older/elder many/more-muchlittle-less far-farther/further 用法:1.同级比较:用 “as形+ 容词原级 +as 的结构 ”例如: Tom is as tall as his brother. My hair is as long as mine.2、在比较级 + than 的结构前可

14、以加上某些副词类的词 ,以对其进行修饰,如: far(远),even(甚至), much(许多), still(更,还), a lot(许多), a little / bit(一点), rather (相当地),等等。例如:Shes a little more outgoing than me. My bike is much newer than his.3、 比较级中的两个特殊作用的结构是:a.The + 比较级 + 句子, the + 比较级 + 句子 。它表示的意义是 越(怎么样就)越(怎么样) :如:The harder you work at your study, the bet

15、ter grades you will have.学习越努力, 成绩就越好。The more we get together, the happier we 我 们聚ll 会be次. 数越多越多, 我们就越高兴。b. 比较级 + and + 比较级。它表示的意义是 越来越(怎么样) ,在这个结构中的两个 比较级 则要求词性相同。例如:Our country becomes more and more beautiful.When spring comes, the weather is warmer and warmer.4、比较对象中一方不及另一方时,用 “not as(so)形+容词原级 +as ”或“less形+ 容词原级 + than ”的结构 。He is not as careful as his sister. = He is less careful than his sister. = His sister is more carefulthan he.5、在两者之中选择“较 为 ” 的一个,比较级之前加 the.例如:Amy is the taller of the two girls.Of



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