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1、名家经典英文诗歌集锦双语版德里科.加西亚.洛尔迦(Federico GarciaLorca,1898-1936)是20世纪最伟大的西班牙诗人、“二七一代”的代表人物。这位“安达卢西亚之子”把他的诗同西班牙民间歌谣创造性地结合起来,创造出了一种全新的诗体:节奏优美哀婉,形式多样,词句形象,想象丰富,民间色彩浓郁,易于吟唱,同时又显示出超凡的诗艺。下面就是小编给大家带来的经典英文诗歌,希望能帮助到大家!名家经典英文诗歌1the hollow men 空心人 原文及翻译the hollow menmistah kurtz-he dead.a penny for the old guy库尔兹先生他死了

2、给老盖一个便士吧。we are the hollow menwe are the stuffed menleaning togetherheadpiece filled with straw. alas!our dried voices, whenwe whisper togetherare quiet and meaninglessas wind in dry grassor rats feet over broken glassin our dry cellar我们是空心人我们是填塞起来的人彼此倚靠着头颅装满了稻草。可叹啊!我们干枯的嗓音,在我们说悄悄话时寂静而无意义像干草地中的风或碎玻璃

3、堆上的老鼠脚在我们那干燥的地窖里shape without form, shade without colour,paralysed force, gesture without motion;有态而无形,有影而无色麻木了的力度,没有动作的手势;those who have crossedwith direct eyes, to death s other kingdomremember us - if at all - not as lostviolent souls, but onlyas the hollow menthe stuffed men.那些已经亲眼目睹跨进了死亡这另一个国度时

4、只要记得我们不是丢魂失魄的野人,而只是空心人填塞起来的人。eyes i dare not meet in dreamsin death s dream kingdomthese do not appear:there, the eyes aresunlight on a broken columnthere, is a tree swingingand voices arein the wind s singingmore distant and more solemnthan a fading star.我梦中不敢面对而在死亡的梦乡又不会出现的眼睛:在那里,眼睛是倾塌的柱上的阳光在那里,一棵

5、树在摇曳而人声只是在风中歌唱比一颗正在消失的星星更加遥远而庄严。let me be no nearerin death s dream kingdomlet me also wearsuch deliberate disguisesrat s coat, crowskin, crossed stavesin a fieldbehaving as the wind behavesno nearer -不要让我挨近死亡的梦乡让我穿上这些故意穿上的伪装老鼠皮,乌鸦皮,田里的交叉着的标竿和风一样行动不要更近not that final meetingin the twilight kingdom不是黄

6、昏之乡的最后相会this is the dead landthis is cactus landhere the stone imagesare raised, here they receivethe supplication of a dead man s handunder the twinkle of a fading star.这是死亡的地带这是石头的人像被竖立起,这里他们受到了一只死人的手的哀求在一颗隐退下去的星星的闪光下。名家经典英文诗歌2oread 奥利特|山岳女神whirl up, sea-whirl your pointed pines,splash your great

7、pineson our rocks,hurl your green over uscover us with your pools of fir.翻腾吧,大海翻腾起你尖尖的松针,把你巨大的松针,倾泻在我们的岩石上,把你的绿扔在我们身上,用你池水似的杉覆盖我们。名家经典英文诗歌3we have lost even 我们甚至遗失了by pablo neruda巴勃鲁聂鲁达/诗 风来满袖/译we have lost even this twilight.no one saw us this evening hand in hand.while the blue night dropped on th

8、e world.我们甚至遗失了这个黄昏。今晚无人看到我俩手挽着手,当蓝色之夜降临世间。i have seen from my windowthe fiesta of sunset in the distant mountain tops.我透过我的窗户看见远山之巅落日的祭典。sometimes a piece of sunburned like a coin between my hands.有时,一枚夕阳如同硬币在我双手间焚烧i remembered you with my soul clenchedin that sadness of mine that you know.我忆及了你,我的

9、灵魂紧攥于你所熟悉的我的哀伤中。where were you then?who else was there?saying what?why will the whole of love come on me suddenlywhen i am sad and feel you are far away?彼时,你在哪里?与谁同在?私语些什么?为何当我悲伤而感到你遥不可及,全部的爱情会突然降临?the book fell that is always turned to at twilightand my cape rolled like a hurt dog at my feet.惯于在暮色中

10、打开的书简掉在地上,我的披肩蜷缩在脚下,像只受伤的小狗。always,always you recede through the eveningstowards where the twilight goes erasing statues.向来,你向来借助夜色隐没向着暮色抹去雕像的方向。名家经典英文诗歌4snow song 雪之歌sara teasdale 莎拉.迪斯德尔fairy snow, fairy snow,blowing, blowing everywhere,would that itoo, could flylightly,lightly through the air.雪精灵

11、,雪精灵,到处翩翩起舞,是否我也能飞,轻盈地飞到天上。like a wee, crystal star,i should drift, i should blownear, more near,to my dearwhere he comes through the snow.像一颗细小晶莹的星星,我要纷飞,我要飘舞,近了,更近了,飞向我的爱人,他正乘着风雪走来。i should fly to my love,like a flake in the storm,i should die, i should die,on his lips that are warm我要飞向我的爱人,像暴风雪中的

12、一片雪花。我要消逝,我要消逝,在他温暖的唇边。名家经典英文诗歌5if recollecting were forgetting如果记住就是忘却if recollecting were forgetting,then i remember not.and if forgetting, recollecting,how near i had forgot.如果记住就是忘却我将不再回忆,如果忘却就是记住我多么接近于忘却。and if to miss, were merry,and to mourn, were gay,how very blithe the fingersthat gathered this, today!如果相思,是娱乐,而哀悼,是喜悦,那些手指何等欢快,今天,采撷到了这些。



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