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1、六年级英语下册第十单元Where is the post office?导学案 学习重、难点:1. 识记单词并能熟练运用 2. There be结构。 学习过程: 一、自主预习 :预习,记下本课新词及你没掌握的词。 自主学习: 1.完成1a. 根据图片内容及SB,P108的词汇音标学习单词。 2.导学提要: havehas 指“人有”或“物有”,如果指“某处有某物”时,应该用“There be ”结构,即:There be +名词+介词短语 “有在”翻译为“某处有”。 1)There is a pen on the desk 译为:_ 2)There are some pens in the

2、pencil box. 译为:_ 观察:There be 结构中的be 的变化 3)There _ two pens and one pencil on the desk. 4) There _ a pen and two pens on the desk. 把1)变成一般疑问句做肯定回答_ _a pen on the desk? Yes,_ _ 把2)变成否定句 _ _ _ pens in the pencil box. 把2)变成一般疑问句做否定回答 _ _ _ pens in the pencil box? No, _ _ 5) The pen is on the desk(同义句) _

3、 _ _ pen on the desk. 6)There is a watch on the bed(提问) _on the bed? 注:“有什么”要用“what is =whats” 7)There is an apple in the bag(提问)_ _ _ _ _ in the bag ? 注:就数量提问要用“How many+ 复数+are there +其他?” 3.通过课前准备,你的不懂之处是_ 二、合作探究 任务1:预习检查,解决存在的问题。 任务2:完成1b. Listen to the tape. 任务3:完成1c. Pair work:Ask and answer i

4、n pairs according to 1b. 根据听力材料进行对话练习生生互动讨论 三、精讲释疑 1.“There be ”结构,即:There be +名词+介词短语 “有在”翻译为“某处有” 2. havehas 指“人有”或“物有”。 Period 2 Section A 学习目标: 1.Knowledge aim: Learn the important words and phrases:方位介词及介词短语 in, on, under, behind ,in front of , next to(紧挨着), near, between and, across from 2.Abi

5、lity aim: 学会用方位介词及介词短语指点方向。 3.Emotion aim: 培养学生对人热情有礼貌的好品质。 学习重、难点:1. 识记单词并能熟练运用。2. 方位介词及介词短语。 学习过程: 一、自主预习 预习,记下本课新词及你没掌握的词。 (二)要点导学: 翻译短语 二、合作探究 任务1:预习检查,解决存在的问题。 任务2:完成2a 和2b。Listen to the tape. 任务3:完成2c。小组合作,练习对话。 任务4:完成Grammar Focus。 三、精讲释疑 方位介词及介词短语 in, on, under behind ,in front of, next to(紧

6、挨着), near, between and, across from 四、自我检测 用适当的介词填空。 1. The bank is across _ the school. 2. The library is _ the restaurant and the post office. 3. The hotel is _ to the bank. 4. Mr. Green lives _ Chang an Street. 5. Take a walk _ the park on Center Street. 6. There is a good hotel _ the neighborhoo

7、d. 7. Go _ Bridge Street, and you can find the hotel _ your left. 8. The supermarket is in front _ the school. 9. The post office is _ Fifth Avenue. Period 3 Section A 学习目标: 1.Knowledge aim: Learn the important words and phrases:neighborhood,just, straight, turn, left, down,right . 2.Ability aim: 综合

8、运用Section A 的语言知识。 3.Emotion aim: 培养学生对人热情有礼貌的好品质。 学习重、难点:1.识记单词并能熟练运用。2.询问并会指点方向。 学习过程: 一、自主预习 预习,记下本课新词及你没掌握的词。_ (二)要点导学 根据汉语意思的提示完成句子。 1. We stayed in a_. 2. The park is_ the bank. 3. The library is_the restaurant and the supermarket. 4. A: Wheres the_ (邮局) ? B: Its on the centre street. 5.The ho

9、tel is _ (在前面) the library. 通过课前准备,你的不懂之处是_ 二、合作探究 任务1:预习检查,解决存在的问题。 任务2: 完成3a. 根据Section A 3a 的内容,回答下列问题。 1. Wheres the hotel? 2. Is the hotel down Bridge Street? 3. Is the hotel next to the park? 任务3: 完成3b. 1.Look at the picture and fill in the blanks for this tour guide. 2.Write a tour guide . Is

10、 there ? Where is ? 任务4:Pairwork:SB,P9. Talk to your partner. 三、精讲释疑 询问并指点方向句型结构: 1.Is there ? Is there a theatre near here? 2.Where is ? Excuse me.Wheres the theatre? 3.Which is the way to ? Which is the way to the theatre? 4.How can I get to ? How can I get to the theatre? 5.Can you tell me the wa

11、y to ? Can you tell me the way to the theatre? 6.Can you help me find the theatre? Period 4 Section B 学习目标: 1.Knowledge aim: Learn the important words and phrases:turn left,turn right,clean,new,quite,big,dirty,small,busy,old. 2.Ability aim: 会综合运用句子: Is there a ? Yes ,there is. No, there isnt. Wheres

12、 the ? Its. 3.Emotion aim: 培养学生对人热情有礼貌的好品质。 学习重、难点:1.识记单词并能熟练运用。2.掌握形容词及其运用。 学习过程: 一、自主预习 预习,根据音标,记下本课新词及你没掌握的词。_ _ (二)要点导学 翻译下列短语 1. 一个清洁的公园 2.一个新旅馆 3.一条安静的街道 4.一个大超市 通过课前准备,你的不懂之处是_ 二、合作探究 任务1:预习检查,解决存在的问题。 任务2:Match the words with the pictures and finish 1a. 任务3:Pairwork:运用There be 结构,完成1b. 任务4:L

13、isten and finish 2a. 简单提问和判断正误 What is Michael doing ? There is an old hotel on the corner .(YES ON) There is a big supermarket on the street.( YES ON) Michals house is across from the supermarket . (YES ON) 任务5:Listen again and finish 2b. 任务6:Work in groups 2c. 三、精讲释疑形容词及运用 clean - a clean park qui

14、et -a quiet streeet new - a new hotel dirty - a dirty park busy - a busy street old -an old hotel 四、自我检测根据句意,写出划线单词的反义词 1.This room isnt .Its very big. 2.Look at your hands!They arent .Theyre very dirty. 3.Dont turn .Turn right.Then you can find the post office on your right? 4.Give me that coat,please.That old one,not the


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