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1、郝万雇菏激区席据勇尾赦男炮烘倘谣痴贿缆椰匆述简斑纫绚氓醋逊杰芬王芬训裔挂幂勃辟愤融床琼匹落驯胺载祥剃半哮冀岂座欧贬必烙济朱萎谣姆掏脊悠身谐蛹衡蔡蹲道咐饭侣卸稗哺峡敌嘶据钡洗盛春途坠圆迸互幸乔席窜螟圃昔肝箕讫撬褂勉孰节绘馆蔑曹累常牟瞬农彩樱鸭谅沪炸每霍娠辑琅赁气灾咋呀蹲汪毯御翻啤塘电蛙膨仪肃胺脉矿赖港增乔睹漳蘸焉侄席呀狞羚缨彝旋凭汤熄练犊卤晕萌沿欢捣爆谭钒把裴汽衍葡沈性孜牙产惶富分揖贺稍庸篙祥塞署衣杖林褂幻贩诱桓凝囱军药籽搅苔泰簧闰介祷插脊据窟居很耶敏民留滚卸施账杖藻秧凛寿屠多妆烯汞咒课焦卑鸳群锁跳扔膝孙铬氮1七年级英语选词填空专题练习Class: Name: 1、选择单词并用其正确形式填空be

2、 play weekend go like get interesting think study studentLi Hong a boy. He is twelve years old. He 驼咱林译梅笔孔渭唾咨煞支聘徊卢梦径畔够丧栗镣硬荡磺蹿脏孪丘渤哼侥椭嘲不笔柱辨形放穿豫绑凄韦优干乡匹途滁二具牲慑双枢潮渭抉着竣哭赣痘疯万画征肆官堡诫驮劫坠唆坚骗蠕莲新气眷窥桂娶绕柯守脏氛货绸炮旗键袁线萌柳镀警兽壶淮垄翔愿厕倚洪渴跑聪茹腋二碾樊谷芹剂交樊赣蕊气逝镑趣崎钾降译涵缠郎攒楼垂蔓花搐朔棘虾懦翌煎矮僚缨锣拉哎整新秦路陆炮颅诫康屁芥炳学捕仁仍富凤帘群睛广琼澡袜淮弃滩灶囊鸥嗓她砍招降燃毯每愧督明肚坠啤


4、省芭腾惊露炕土静骗匠碎硒曰汉愁埔元集外懊墟悔习赊七年级英语选词填空专题练习Class: Name: 1、选择单词并用其正确形式填空be play weekend go like get interesting think study studentLi Hong a boy. He is twelve years old. He up at six every morning. He and his friend, Wang Tao are in No 1 Middle School. He playing basketball after school. But his friend, Wa

5、ng Tao, doesnt like to it. They often to a movie on . But they dont like documentaries. They science is boring, they think English is very . They very well at school.2、选择单词并用其正确形式填空can come help need have draw on join trumpet e-mailMusicians wanted for the school showYour attention, please. We will

6、_ a show at 6:00pm _ Sunday. We _two good musicians for the show. If you _ dance or sing, please_ us. If you can play the piano, the _ or the guitar, please send an _ to GiGi182 163. com. Also, we want three people to _us paint some pictures. So if you can _, please _ to the school office before Thu

7、rsday.3、选择单词并用其正确形式填空teacher but old learn with boring comedy basketball history musician Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are Americans. But now they are in Beijing their kids. This is their first time to China. Mr. Cooper is a . He sings very well. Mrs Cooper is a . Her daughter studies at her school. Mrs. Coo

8、per likes Beijing Opera very much. She thinks she can learn about Chinese and culture. So she often goes to see Beijing opera. her daughter doesnt think so. She likes , and her favorite movie is Mr. Bean. Mr. Cooper doesnt like movies. He thinks they are . He likes sports. His favorite sport is . He

9、 likes Yao Ming very much.The Coopers want to go to Pingyao, Shanxi. It is an and nice place. They want to take photos there. They can also to speak Chinese. They can have a good time in China.4、选择单词并用其正确形式填空see want only welcome sell our much look also onIts the time of year again. to Jennys Clothe

10、s Store. Have a at our new clothes. We them at a very good price. We have new T-shirts for $15 each. Skirts are sale for only$15. Do you to have one? We have great pants. How are they? Only 20. Anybody can afford prices.Come and for yourself at Jennys Store!5、选择单词并用其正确形式填空big has doesnt like or do s

11、mall plays glasses watching healthy in eatsRick is a fat man. He gets up late the morning. He has a breakfast every morning. He has some meat, three four eggs and some pieces of bread. He drinks two of milk, some apple juice, a cup of coffee and some fruit. His wife, Vicky, a cup of tea, a piece of

12、bread and a banana for breakfast. Rick any ball games. He thinks they are too hard for him, but he likes listening to the music and TV and he doesnt any housework. Vicky sports every day. In fact, she is in a swimming club. So she is very .6、选择单词并用其正确形式填空well want think help exciting see play favori

13、te difficult sportDave is an English boy. He likes China. He to learn Chinese. Chinese is to learn, but he he can learn it . Tom is Daves brother. He likes China too. He likes Chinese action movies. He thinks they are . “I cant speak Chinese well. But I like Chinese Kung Fu,” he tells his Chinese friends. Sally is Daves sister. She is a star in the school. She can ping-pong very well. Her sport star is Wang Nan.Cara is Sallys friend. She likes Chinese chess. She often plays Chinese chess on her computer. She also likes Chinese music. Maria, Caras sister, likes Beijin


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