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1、Unit 12 Weather知识梳理* Words:1.weather 天气2.rainy下雨的3. cloudy 多云的4.windy多风的5.sunny 晴朗的6. cloud 云7.rain 雨8.sun太阳9. wind 风10.war m暖和的11.ride骑12. Sun day星期天13.cold冷的14. park公园15. kite 风筝? ?、Phrases:1.ride my bike骑自行车2. in the park在公园3.go to the park去公园4. fly my kite放风筝5. take my cap/umbrella带上帽子/雨伞6. go o

2、ut 外出三、Sentences1. How is the weather? /Whats the weather 1 ike?天气怎么样?2. Its cloudy and win dy.今天多云,有风。3. 1 can ride my bike in the park.我可以在公园里骑自行车。4. Let,s go to the park.让我们去公园吧。5. I don t like the rain. 我不喜欢下雨。6. T can,t play in the park.我不能在公园里玩。重点点拨1. 问天气的用法有两种: Whats the weather 1 ike? 或 How

3、is the weather?2. Lets 二 Let us, let 后面接动词原形,例如: Lets have lunch now.3. can表示“能够、会”,屈情态动词,后面接动词原形。例女 U: He can cakes. A. make B. makes(答案选 A)单词播音园大声朗读下列短文,体会粗写的单词中字母e的发音/i:/和/ e /进行归类Ben is ten. He has some pens. These pens are gree n. Ben likes Chin ese.But his frie nd, Lily, 1 ikes Japa nese. She

4、n ever eats meat. She 1 ikes red./i:/( 7个单词)训练大本营核心模块()()0 01. I can t go out because it/ s rainy to day.2. Look at the sun. What a fine day it is!3. We n eed to be careful on windydays.4. I can ride a bikein the park on sunny days.5. Farmers 1 ike to work on cloudy days.读一读,连线L How is the weather?A

5、.Yes, we can.2.How m3ny birds are there?B.No, 1 don t.3.Can we ride bikes there?C.It s cloudy.4.Is it windy today?D.There are four birds-5.Do you 1 ike the rai n?E.No, it isrf t.三.看图,选择合适的短语完成对话。rai ny weatherfly kites an umbrellasunny daysride bikes一.看图,读一读,把句子序号写在相应括号里。1. -Is it rainy outside?-Y e

6、s. I n eed .2. - What can we do on- We can play in the park.3. -1V s sunny now. What do they want to do?-They want to .4. I dont like .Because T can t go out to play.5. 一 What do the childrcn like to do in the park?-They like tothere.cloudy rainy windywarm cold1. The weather in spri ng is .2. It s a

7、 ay today.3. We can see snow in wi nter. Its4. It stoday. So I can t go out to play.5. - Ca n you hear the wind? - Yes, itsoutside.五.读一读,圈出正确答案1. - How / What is the weather? - Its sun / sunny2. It s warm and sunny. Lets go / ride to the park.3. Tts rainy / rain. T dont like the rainy / rain.4. It s

8、 windy today. I can fly / run a kite in the park.六?看图,读一读,选择适当句子补全对话1. - Let s go and fly kites in the park.2. -It s very cold.3. - What can we do on rainy days?四?看图,选择适当的单词填空Because its hot outside.5.- Yes, please.A. Would you like some milk?B. We can read books at home.C. Good idea.D. How is the w

9、eather in winter?E. Why dont you play football?综合模块?找出每组单词中划线部分发音与所给音标读音相同的一项C, No, thrinks*1.看图,读一读,选择正确答案/x/2./e/3./i/4./ /5./A/A.n ameA. tenA. thisA. carrotA. busyB. makeB. sheB. likeB. todayB. duckC. haveC. seeC. kiteC. officeC. fUll(-)()()()()tWould you like some biscuits?)LNYe S,dOere is.A.Y e

10、s,I am.B.No,1 don t.C.Y es,I can.BB. YYes T Can.()4.3._ls it hot in Shen zhe n now?工 _Vhat about flyi ng kites there72jC. Good idea.A. Y es, it is.B. No, there isrf t.C. Yes, it does.Whats the weather like? JA. It likes cold weather.B. Its a wi ndy.C. No, it isnt.连词成句1. the / is / today / how / weat

11、her (?)2. weather / like / rainy / I/ dont (?)3. bike / can / my / I / ride (.)四?看图读一读,判断句子正(J)误(X)Spri ng is gree n. It is warm and ? rainy. Trees and flowers grow and grow(生 长).We can see beautiful flowers. WeSummer is red .It is hot and sunny. The sun shines and shine$ 照耀). We can go to the beach

12、. Wc can swim in the sea. Wecan have a pic nic(里予餐).caneat ice cream.Win ter is white .It is cold and windy. We wear(穿)sweaters and coats. We can see snow in some places. We can make a sno wma n. Its fun.Autumn is yellow. It is cool and windy. We can see some clouds in the sky. We can fly kites in t

13、he park. We can have a pic nic too.()1. Spring is green. It is warm and rainy. We can see beautiful flowers.()2. Summer is hot and sunny. We can go to the beach and swim in the sea. ()3. Autumn is cold. We can t fly kites in the park.()4. Win ter is cold and win dy. We wear sweaters and coats in win

14、 ter.五.根据所给情景选出适当的问句或答语()1. - - It s cloudy.A. What day is it?B. How is the weather? C. What s the date today?()2. 一 Yes, it is.A. Is it rainy today?C. Whats the weather like?B. Whats in it?()3. - Do you like sunny days?-Y es, I do.A. Y es, I am.B. No, Ican5 t.C.()4.Vttuld you 1 ike some coffee?A. Yes, please-B. Y es,I like.C. No, I don t.()5.-OK.A. Lets go to the park. What wouldB. you 1 ike?C.What is it?六?选择填空



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