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1、专题*4 螂遂理筹(记叙文)41考早钝道人物故事类的阅读理解是中考英语的常考材料之一。这类文章一般可分为人物传记和短篇故事两类。i .人物传记主要涉及某人的生平事迹、趣闻铁事、生活背景、个性特征、成长和奋斗历程等,其特点是以时间的先后或事件的发展为主线,脉络清楚,可读性较强。2 .短篇故事与人物传记不同的是,这类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手,考查考生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力。一、阅读技巧1 .要快速浏览全文,圈 出 重 要 的 连 接 词(如 a n

2、 d,b u t 等),掌握主旨和大意,特别注意文章的主题句里出作者的写作思路。2 .要尽快浏览短文后的思考题,尽量带着题目中的问题再读文章。3,完成事实细节题要先划出题干中的主谓宾,然后利用这些词去文中找到定位句。4 .要 把 有 关 于 w h o,w h a t,w h e r e,h o w,w h y 等方面内容圈出来,5 .遇到推理判断题时,要注意作者态度和命题人的意图,尤其注意关系连接词和符号变化,不要凭个人直觉胡乱猜测。二、做题技巧:1.猜词题。(1)根据生活常识猜测词义。(2)根据上下文、前后句的意思来猜测词义(3)根据转折、因果关系猜测词义。(4)通过同义词、反义词及或并列

3、词的关系猜测词义。(5 )通 过 构 词 法 猜 词(否定前缀:u n-i n-d i s-i m;-名词后缀:-m e n t,e r,o r,r e s s,i s t 等等)。(6)通过前后给出的定义句或解释句来推测词义。2.细节理解题。(1)首先浏览也把你题目看清题目要求理解什么细节,还是那句话,画题干关键词。(2)然后有选择性的在文中找出相应的段落,句子或短语。(3)认真分析比对,选出正确答案。注意同词复现、同句复现等。3.主旨题无论是在段落中还是文章中是明显还是隐蔽,主旨的提出主要有四种情况,(1)首段或首句开门见山提出核心问题。(2)文章中间段或段落中间句给出中心,(3)段落末句

4、或文章末段对全段或全文进行总结概括,得出段落主题句或文章主旨句。(4)文章或段落中不明确给出中心,考生要根据各段中心或各句的内容进行总结,自己推出的主旨。(5)文章出现频率极高的词,很有可能与主旨或标题关键词相关;选主旨句或标题时,过于绝对、过于片面、过于宽泛的不选。4.判断题(1)注意是选择错误的还是正确的选项;(2)划出选项中的主谓宾、连词等关键词,回到文中仔细比对。5.推理题(1 )判断原则:注意包含 infer,imply,conclusion,conclude,summary 等词的题目多为推理题。(2)通读全文,尤其是首尾段,迅速把握主旨;(3)通读选项,每个选项都要勾画关键词,做

5、到能理解选项的大致意思即可;(4)迅速找到选项所在的段落,重点关注段落中心句和逻辑关系,推理题的答案一般是对文章或段落中心句的同义替换;(5)命题方式:一般是正话反说,反话正说,无中生有,关键词替换,张冠李戴等。申考密点击(强”字 骞 试 题)1、(2022四川绵阳中考真题)At a snow park in Zhangjiakou,Hebei,Chinese teenage snowboarder Su Yiming won a silverin the mens snowboarding competition on February 7.It was the first time tha

6、t a Chinesesnowboarder had ever competed in this event at any Olympics.Su was introduced tosnowboarding at the age of 4 by his parents,who were both snowboarding fans.Su fell in lovewith the sport the first time they took him to a ski center.Later he kept on practicing after class.lbsave up more tim

7、e for snowboarding,he would get up at 5 am and finish his homework early.Su just saw snowboarding as a hobby in the beginning.However,on July 31,2015 when heknew that Winter Olympics 2022 would be held in Beijing,his mind turned to professional(职业的)competition.He dreamed of joining in the Winter Oly

8、mpics.And he decided to goprofessional.In 2018 Su became a member of Chinas national snowboarding team.In 2020 and 2021,hetook home gold medals(奖牌)of all national competitions.In January 2021,he became the firstChinese man snowboarder to finish the Cab 1800一the most difficult snowboarding skill.Behi

9、nd his success is Sus hard work.He has made full use of every chance to train more.Usually he arrived at the training center earlier than his teammates.In that way,he could practicemore.He even broke several snowboards in one week because of heavy training.After Su won his silver medal,his father Su

10、 Qun received an interview.He said that thiswould not be his sons last Olympics and Su would do better in the future.1.How did Su feel the first time he tried snowboarding?A.Disappointed.B.Interested.C.Worried.D.Moved.2.Why did Su decide to go professional?A.His parents were snowboarding fans.B.He c

11、ould finish the most difficult skill.C.He joined Chinas national snowboarding team.D.Winter Olympics 2022 would be held inBeijing.3.When did Su become a national team member?A.In 2022.B.In 2020.In 2018.D.In 2015.4.What is the key to Sus success?A.Taking home gold medals.B Training hard day and night

12、.C.Being the first to finish the Cab 1800.D.Getting much help from his teammates.5.Which part is the text probably taken from in a magazine?A.Sport.B.Travel.C.Health.D.Science.【答案】1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A【导语】本文是一名记叙文。介绍了苏翊鸣滑雪的经历,并且告诉我们付出努力终究会得到回报的。1.细节理解题。根据Su fell in love with the sport the first time t

13、hey took him to a ski center.可知,当他们第一次带他去滑雪中心时,苏翊鸣就爱上了这项运动。故选B。2.细节理解题。根据“However,on July 31,2015 when he knew that Winter Olympics 2022would be held in Beijing,his mind turned to professional competition.He dreamed of joining inthe Winter Olympics.And he decided to go professional.”可知,当他知道 2022 年冬奥

14、会将在北京举行时,他的想法转向了职业比赛,他梦想着参加冬奥会,于是他决定走上职业道路。故选 D。3.细节理解题。根据“In 2018 Su became a member of Chinas national snowboarding team.“可知,2018年,苏翊鸣成为中国国家单板滑雪队的一员。故选C。4.细节理解题。根据“Behind his success is Sus hard work.He has made full use of every chanceto train more.”可知,苏翊鸣成功的背后是他的努力,他充分利用每一个机会进行更多的训练。故选Bo5.推理判断题。

15、本文主要向我们介绍体育名人苏翊鸣,所以推测可能在体育版块看到这篇文章,故选A。2、(2022湖北襄阳中考真题)When Yang Fan was taking a walk around the Yuliang Island,she saw a black swan(天鹅)inthe grass.Yang Fan knew that swans could be fierce(凶猛的).But as she got close to this one,itdidnt move.She was sure that the swan needed help.So Yang covered the

16、birds head with her jacket tokeep its cool,picked it up carefully,and held it in her arms.She decided to send it to the AnimalCare Center,but the center was across the Han River,far from the park.She didnt know how tocarry the swan there.Luckily,some strangers driving by gave her and the swan a lift to a nearbybus stop.On the bus,no one seemed surprised by“the unusual passengef,.Instead they were worried.Someone helped Yang Fan call the center on the way.And Li Tao,an animal-care manager,pickedh


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